Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2546: Sit back and wait.


Baili Xingkong was both angry and embarrassed. As the saying goes, you don't slap people in the face when you hit them, and you don't expose their shortcomings when you scold them.

Ye Bufan mentioned in public that the royal prince was kidnapped three times in succession, which was like a slap in the face.

But everyone in the entire Holy Dragon Empire knew about this matter. They couldn't hide it even if they wanted to, and they couldn't defend it even if they wanted to.

Gritting his teeth, he said bravely: "That was the gangster's attempt to extort money from my royal family. What does it have to do with committing evil crimes..."

"Okay, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense."

Before he could finish his words, Yuan Mutong waved his hand impatiently, "That's it for today. The matter was definitely not caused by Ye Yixian.

As for who is setting the blame, you should investigate such a small matter yourself. If you find out, you can solve it yourself. If you can't find out, it is because you are incompetent. "


His words were the final word. Nangong Shangyuan and others looked at each other, and in the end they could only nod helplessly.

"In this case, we will resign."

Everyone bowed to Yuan Mutong and said goodbye, and then exited Xuantianmen's residence.

"I'm furious!"

After going out, Nangong Shangyuan looked angrily, "I'm sure it was Ye Bufan who attacked us, but I don't know what means he used to bribe the chief executive to speak for him."

Feng Manlou nodded: "Yes, it is absolutely impossible to frame him. Who can prepare the poison that can poison us at the peak of Mahayana, except him, a medical fairy?"

Baili Xingkong sighed: "We all know that all this was done by the boy named Ye, but everyone has seen the current situation. Xuantianmen is determined to protect him, so what can we do."

"Don't be anxious, everyone." A cunning smile appeared on Lin Miaozhen's face, "Actually, this is not necessarily a bad thing."

"Why isn't it a bad thing?"

Hua Sijin said angrily, "Now it is clear that Ye Bufan did it, but the chief manager asked us to find the imposter. Where can we find him?"

"We can't find him, but we can let him come to us."

Li Miaozhen smiled and said, "Don't you see that Ye Bufan has always been extremely arrogant and bold?

He said before that if we leave the Holy Dragon Empire's imperial city today, what will be the consequences if we don't leave? "

Nangong Shangyuan's expression changed: "You mean we just need to sit back and wait for that kid to come to us?"

"That's right, and the benefits don't stop there." Li Miaozhen said, "If Xuantianmen publicly stands up to defend Ye Bufan, we really don't dare to do anything to him.

But now the general manager has said publicly that there is someone else who is our enemy.

This means that what we want to do with the person who framed him after we caught him is completely up to us, without considering the Xuantianmen's face. "

After she said this, the anger on the faces of several people around her disappeared, and they even couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, Elder Li is still very resourceful, that's true."

Baili Xingkong smiled and said, "Before, we were still worrying about how to deal with that kid under the protection of Xuantianmen, but now it seems that everything is unnecessary.

When Ye Bufan took the initiative to come to the door, we treated him as a fake and dealt with him. Even the chief manager couldn't say anything. "

Others also nodded, thinking that this was a great thing that fell from the sky.

Li Miaozhen said: "Now that bad things have turned into good things, the only thing left is that we must seize the opportunity and never let that kid run away."

"How can this be!"

Feng Manlou said with confidence, "No matter how evil that kid is, but we are five Mahayana peaks here, how can we let him escape?"

Hua Sijin nodded frequently: "Yes, we were careless and accidentally poisoned by him last time. It will never happen again this time."

Baili Xingkong said: "That's right, if we use real swords and guns, I can shoot him to death with one hand. Besides, there are five of us here."

"That's the truth, but we still have to be careful."

Li Miaozhen said cautiously, "That kid seldom wins in an honest way. He is always weird and mysterious. We must treat him carefully and not be careless."

Nangong Shangyuan glanced at him and said, "He is just good at using poison, but if we don't eat or drink, I don't believe he can poison us. Wouldn't that be outrageous?"

His words are not without purpose. If you want to poison a strong person at the peak of Mahayana, if you don't put it into the food and rely only on air, it will be extremely difficult and there is almost no possibility of success. Feng Manlou said: "Elder Li is right. No matter what, we can only succeed this time but not fail. It's better to be careful.

I suggest that from now on, the two of us should always be together and refuse all food and drink until the kid is completely surrendered. "

Li Miaozhen said: "Your Majesty, there is no need. If we go too far and mobilize troops, what if he doesn't dare to come forward?

So the four of us acted like we were afraid to go out behind closed doors, waiting for his arrival. "


The plan proposed by Li Miaozhen was approved by everyone, so Baili Xingkong returned to the palace, and the four of them returned to the inn.

We found a small yard and lived together.

At Xuantianmen, after these people left, Ye Bufan drank the last cup of tea in one gulp, then said goodbye to Yuan Mutong and went back to rest.

There was no words for a night, everything was calm.

After breakfast the next day, Ye Bufan once again helped the woman dissolve the seal on her body.

About three hours later, half of the remaining seal was dissolved, leaving only about one-third of the previous one.

"Sister, if you need to come again tomorrow, the seal on you will be completely lifted."

The woman was in a good mood and smiled sweetly: "Thank you Doctor Ye!"

Ye Bufan said goodbye and left the room. Yuan Mutong sent him outside, turned around and came back.

"Your Majesty, people from several sects came here yesterday and said that Doctor Ye had attacked them..."

Yuan Mutong briefly told what happened, and finally said, "Although I didn't see him go out, I still feel that it is inseparable from this matter. Do you want to check it in private?"

"Why, are you too idle?"

The woman glared at him, exuding the unique aura of a superior person.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not? Do we need to care about a group of ants?"

Yuan Mutong hurriedly said: "Yes, I know."

The woman waved her hand: "This kind of thing should not affect my treatment, and my Xuantianmen's reputation should not be affected. Let them do the rest."


Yuan Mutong bowed respectfully, then turned around and retreated.

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