Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2519 The tree that can walk

"Let's go!"

Ye Bufan waved the dragon's tooth in his hand, chopped all the flying vines into pieces, and then led everyone to escape in an open direction.

There were not many attacks here just now, and they were all blocked by Leng Qingqiu alone.

On the other side, Hua Feixue of the Huajian sect once again used the previous method. The petals in his hands kept flying out, forming a spherical seal, blocking out all the vines and other vegetation.

At the same time, the three of them stood on a rock without having to worry about attacks from the grass below.

But now those man-eating trees rushed over like crazy, and Ye Bufan and others had already escaped. They didn't dare to stay any longer, and they followed closely behind and fled.

There was an open space about a few hundred meters away, and there weren't many plants. Everyone fled here directly.

I thought I would be safe here, but when I looked back, everyone's eyes widened instantly.

Behind them, vegetation walked toward them, including huge man-eating trees and small grasses.

Jiang Fangzhou exclaimed: "Let me strangle it. What kind of monster is this? It's such a big tree. This is the first time I've seen a tree that can walk."

In the forest before, the short-distance movement of those man-eating trees did not attract his attention. Only now did he really feel the terror of these things.

"Look over there!"

At this time, Hu Yaoyao next to her also let out an exclamation. Everyone looked in the direction of her finger and saw countless giant trees coming over from the other side.

Not only that, the scenes in the other two directions are also exactly the same, with countless vegetation closing in towards this side.

In other words, they were completely surrounded.

Jiang Fangzhou's eyes widened: "We were actually surrounded by a group of trees!"

Hua Ruyu pinched the orchid finger and said coquettishly: "What kind of monster is this? Could it be that the trees have become spirits?"

"It doesn't matter what the reason is, what matters is that we are surrounded now."

Ye Bufan said, "Everyone has just seen the power of these plants. Now there are two options, either fight them, or teleport yourself out."

"They won't leave."

Hua Ruyu looked charming, but her tone was extremely firm.

"I am a person with pursuits. Since I have to reach at least the eighth floor to get in, I can't go out now."

At this point, he winked at Ye Bufan again: "Brother, let's fight side by side. If we are really in danger soon, remember to protect others."


Ye Bufan's stomach was churning, and he wanted to kick this guy into the mouth of the food tree.

But just as they were talking, people from big and small trees had already gathered around them.

These plants are densely packed and airtight all around. There are big trees, small trees, flowers and grasses, in short, there are all kinds of plants.

There is a huge man-eating tree in the middle, which looks particularly abrupt.

Because it is so big, it is as thick as ten people hugging each other. It towers into the clouds and has a huge mouth at the trunk of the tree, which looks intimidating.

Although there are many flowers and plants next to it, they keep a certain distance from it. It is obvious that this guy is the king of these plants.

Looking at this big guy, everyone's hearts lifted up involuntarily, but suddenly this huge man-eating tree stopped.

At the same time, the other plants stood there and did not move forward.

Jiang Fangzhou asked in surprise: "What are they doing? Do they know that we are powerful and give up the attack?"

Ye Bufan shook his head, feeling that this was simply impossible. Until now, these plants had the absolute advantage.

"I guess they're getting ready."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dense trees around him changed, and a group of low shrubs rushed out.

These trees are generally not high, about one to two meters, and are covered with dense spikes, about one foot long.

The root is as thick as a child's arm, but the tip is like an arrow, looking extremely sharp.

They lined up in a row as if they were well-trained soldiers, striding towards this side.

About thirty meters away from the crowd, these shrubs began to sway.

As they swayed, the spikes on them fired thousands of arrows at a speed that was no worse than that of bows and arrows, with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

“I’m going to choke you, you’re still playing like this!”

Facing the intensive attacks, everyone kept waving their weapons. Fortunately, no one here was weak, so it was not a problem to block these spikes.

Leng Qingqiu shouted loudly, and directly launched an active attack. He swung out the long sword in his hand, and suddenly the overwhelming sword light slashed over, and the bushes were chopped into powder with one sword.

Everyone just breathed a sigh of relief, but hundreds of small trees came out from the other side. Instead of spikes, these tree trunks were hung with nuts as big as basketballs.

As they walked, they kept throwing out the nuts. This thing was extremely fast, powerful and heavy, with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Jiang Fangzhou went forward with his sword and struck a nut. Then there was a "ding" sound and his whole body was shaken backwards.

Although the nut was blocked, it fell to the ground unscathed, which shows how hard it is.

Everyone was busy again, dodging or dodging or launching attacks, barely able to hold off the attacks of these nuts.

The one who took action this time was Yiluoxiang. She didn't know when she took out another lyre, and under the sharp sound of the lyre, all the trees burst into powder.

"These things are really monsters!"

Jiang Fangzhou looked at the dense vegetation around him and couldn't help feeling palpitated. If he was alone here, he would probably have to crush the teleportation jade token and escape.

Even if there are so many strong men around, resisting these two rounds of attacks will take a lot of energy.

The most important thing is that under the command of the tall man-eating tree, the surrounding trees did not give them any chance to breathe.

As soon as the previous trees were killed, hundreds more began to attack.

These trees are about two to three meters tall and look thick and strong. There are not many leaves on them and they are bare.

Jiang Fangzhou breathed a long sigh of relief: "These trees have nothing, they should be easier to deal with..."

But before he could finish his words, a big tree in the front spurted out a stream of green sap.

He was startled and subconsciously swung the long sword in his hand to strike out.

But this green sap was completely different from the previous attack. It was soft and had no effect at all when slashed with a sword, and then the green sap poured all over him.

"This thing is so sticky, I can't move it!"

Jiang Fangzhou exclaimed. He was doused from head to toe, and then his whole body was fixed there.

The green sap looks like super glue, and you can't even move a finger.

At the same time, the remaining trees also spurted out streams of sap, and then they all shrank in size.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Bufan was speechless. Isn't this the Plants vs. Zombies game he played before?

It's just that now the plants act as zombies, and they are fighting against themselves.

The sap was so overwhelming that even the sky turned green.

It was impossible to block this kind of attack. Ye Bufan waved his hand and a huge ice wall blocked him.

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