Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 249 Throw it out

Arriving at the door of the office building, An Yimo turned around and said, "Can you please stop following me? This is an office space and outsiders are not allowed in."

An Baoxu shouted: "I don't care. If you want us to leave, you have to pay us. There is no discussion on this matter."

An Yimo said helplessly: "Then you wait a minute, I will discuss with the finance department to see if I can borrow some money and I will give it to you tomorrow."

Zeng Yurong shouted: "Who are you lying to? You are the general manager and your man is the chairman. Do you have to negotiate with others to get some money? You just don't want to give it to us!"

An Baoxu shouted arrogantly: "I tell you, if we don't get money today, we won't leave even if we mention smallpox."

"Stop them for me."

An Yimo had no choice but to use this method and walked towards the office building.

Just as the two people were about to follow up, the two security guards at the door said, "Sorry, this is an office space and outsiders are not allowed in."

An Baoxu shouted: "You fucking dare to stop me, do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I will lay you off directly?"

Zeng Yurong shouted arrogantly: "My daughter is the general manager and my son-in-law is the chairman. Am I still considered an outsider?

Who do you two little security guards think you are? Get out of my way! "


The two security guards at the door were indeed frightened by his momentum, and they also knew that this woman had a special status. She was indeed the mother of the general manager. As for whether she was the mother-in-law of the chairman, she didn't know.

The two people stood in front of the door, either trying to stop or not. They were at a loss for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Seeing the other party's attitude, Zeng Yurong's face became more and more proud, and she shouted again: "I'm going in today, let's see who dares to stop me!"

"I dare!"

Just as the two of them were about to walk in triumphantly, Ma Kun walked out, followed by seven or eight security guards.

He said with a stern expression: "This is the office of Longteng Pharmaceutical. No outsiders are allowed in, including you two.

Get away from me quickly, or I'll have you thrown out. "

Zeng Yurong shouted: "Boy, I don't care who you are, but my son-in-law is the chairman, you have no right to talk to me..."

An Baoxu shouted: "How dare you mess with us? Believe it or not, I'll lay you off with just a phone call?"

Before he could finish speaking, Ma Kun waved to the security guard behind him.

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: "Throw them out."

With the captain's order, the security guards directly picked up An Baoxu and Zeng Yurong and dragged them out of the gate without any hesitation.

Ma Kun said to the security guard again: "You all have to watch out for me. From now on, if these two people approach the group gate, they will hit me directly. Don't be polite at all."

Zeng Yurong and An Baoxu wanted to resist, but these security guards were tall and strong, so they were no match.

"An Yimo, if you do this to us, you will be struck by lightning..."

"An Yimo, do you still have a conscience? I am your mother..."

The two people kept shouting, but An Yimo also knew that this was the best way to deal with it and did not stop it.

Soon the two people were thrown out of the gate, and Ma Kun said to An Yimo: "Manager An, it was Master Ye who ordered me to do this.

He had long expected that these two people would come to the group to cause trouble, and he told them not to be polite to them. "

"You did the right thing, just do what he said."

After An Yimo finished speaking, he walked towards the elevator entrance, feeling a little more admiration for Ye Bufan in his heart. This man seemed to be able to think of everything ahead of him.

As soon as Ye Bufan entered Xinglin Garden, he received a call from He Shuangshuang.

After answering the phone, he asked: "How is it? Has the case been resolved?"

After what happened yesterday, he realized that someone must be targeting him behind the scenes. Otherwise, with Xinglinyuan's reputation for so many years, he wouldn't have been blackmailed by a pharmaceutical company.

Therefore, He Shuangshuang was specially told to investigate thoroughly, and it would be best to find out the person hiding behind it.

He Shuangshuang said: "Bawang Pharmaceutical is indeed a pharmaceutical company, but in recent years, it has been doing both white and black business. It has often bullied small clinics."

Ye Bufan said: "So this incident was completely accidental, and no one deliberately targeted me?"

He Shuangshuang said: "It's not clear yet. Fang Ping, the boss of Bawang Pharmaceutical, suddenly disappeared after the incident.

After my investigation, I found that Fang Ping has a very close relationship with Luo Wenbo of the Luo family, or in other words, the Luo family is behind him. "

"The Luo family?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ye Bufan's mouth. It would make sense to say that the Luo family was targeting him. After all, he slapped Luo Wenbo hard in the face last time and made a lot of money.

He Shuangshuang said: "It's just a guess now. It's not completely certain yet. Everything has to wait."

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We will talk about it after Fang Ping is brought to justice. "

Ye Bufan said: "Okay, I understand."

He put away his phone, changed his clothes, and started making house calls.

After yesterday's incident, not only did the number of patients in front of Xinglin Garden not decrease, but on the contrary, there were twice as many patients as usual, and a long queue had already formed.

At eight o'clock, Xinglin Garden began to officially receive medical treatment. Ye Bufan treated the patients very quickly. In less than two hours, he had seen dozens of patients.

At this moment, there was a commotion at the door, and a young man and woman walked in.

The man looked ordinary and not very noticeable, but the woman was so beautiful.

She has long hair shawl, delicate cheeks, long legs and a small waist. She is wearing a tight long skirt, which fully outlines her sexy figure.

The medical center was originally very noisy, but as soon as this woman appeared, it suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes were focused on her.

The woman seemed a little unaccustomed to everyone's attention. She shyly leaned into the man's arms, and the two of them came to Ye Bufan together.

The man said: "Dr. Ye, I heard that Xinglin Garden has reopened and there are no incurable diseases.

You are also a famous miracle doctor. Some people even call you a fairy doctor. You have fairy-like medical skills, so we came to see you for treatment, knowing that you will definitely be able to cure our couple. "

Ye Bufan raised his head and glanced at him. What the man said seemed to be complimentary and polite, but in reality he was hiding something secretly, pushing Xinglinyuan to the forefront of the limelight.

As the saying goes, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. If you can't cure his disease, Xinglin Garden's reputation will be ruined.

However, as an inheritor of ancient medicine, he didn't care about these dirty tricks and said, "Tell me, who of you wants to see a doctor and what kind of disease do you want to see?"

The man said: "That's it, Doctor Ye. We have been married for ten years, but we still don't have a child. Many hospitals said my wife is infertile.

Today I want to ask you to treat her. Can you help us conceive a baby? "

"Yes, Dr. Ye, I want a child so much."

As the beautiful woman spoke, she sat in front of Ye Bufan and stretched out her white wrist, waiting for him to feel his pulse.

Ye Bufan glanced at the two of them coldly, and then said: "Get out! Get out of here, both of you!"

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