Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2475: Kidnapping the Prince

"How about calling this little guy cunning!"

Before Ye Bufan could speak, Xuanyuan Zhantian said first, "Normally speaking, his kind of medicinal powder is difficult to have an effect on strong people in the Mahayana stage, and even if it can, it can't be done in a short while.

That's why he arranged a maze and illusion array in advance. He didn't expect this array to trap the opponent, just to attract them to attack.

When those old guys attacked with all their strength, there was no body-protecting Qi at all, and the movement of Qi accelerated the absorption of the medicinal powder, so the final effect was achieved. "

After he said this, the others suddenly realized that Ye Bufan's strategy was all linked together. No wonder it could poison the strong men in the Mahayana stage.

Ye Bufan glanced at Xuanyuan Zhantian, and there was nothing wrong with what the old man said.

He used Spring Breeze Transforming Rain Powder before, but it was difficult to use this thing alone to have an effect on the Mahayana stage, so he made two formations in advance.

The trapping formation is to allow the opponent to attack with all their strength, and the confusing formation is to use the powder as a cover.

Lu Xueman and others didn't notice all this, but Xuanyuan Zhantian saw it all.

"Old man, I didn't realize it. Your eyes are quite deep even though they are not big."

Xuanyuan Zhantian held the chicken drumstick in his hand with a look of pride on his face.

"Of course! Who am I, old man? I have eaten more salt than you have walked on."

"Since it's so powerful, guess what I'm going to do next?"

Xuanyuan Zhantian curled his lips: "What else can you do? Those old guys are knocking on your door. If I want to take revenge too."

"You are such a cunning old man, you can guess everything!"

Ye Bufan chuckled, then turned and walked out the door.

Lu Xueman said worriedly: "Xiaofan, is this possible? That is a palace with many experts. How about I go with you?"

"Don't worry, I can do it alone. It's inconvenient if there are too many people. You guys wait here and don't go out until I come back."

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, the figure had disappeared into the night sky.

In the palace of King Shenwu, a black shadow fell from the sky and landed in the courtyard.

Normally, Ye Bufan would have to be more careful when he came here, but it was completely different now.

Baili Xingkong and those few powerful men in the Mahayana stage were all hit by his spring breeze and turned into rain, and they would definitely be in chaos for a while. Now was the time when the defense in the palace was the most relaxed.

With his current level of cultivation, the guards in the Mahayana stage pose no threat at all.

The facts were just as he had guessed. Baili Xingkong brought the four people back to the palace in a state of embarrassment. Several doctors had seen the poison poisoned by the four elders, but none of them could do anything.


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In the end, there was no other way but to use the most primitive way to detoxify.

Fortunately, there are many maids in the palace, so it doesn't have to be too much trouble. However, the four elders are all working hard in their rooms at this time and have no time to pay attention to him.

Although Baili Xingkong relied on his tyrannical cultivation to temporarily suppress the spring breeze and rain, the toxins in his body were not completely eliminated.

After finishing these things, I went back to my room and started to use Qigong to eliminate toxins.

Without the presence of these five people, Ye Bufan would be completely on the same level when he got here.

It didn't take long for him to enter the palace, and he quickly found the room where Baili Hongjun was.

Normally, the prince should return to the palace to live at night, but he stayed here to wait for the news of Ye Bufan's execution and did not return to the palace.

After learning that Baili Xingkong and others failed in their action and did not kill Ye Bufan, Baili Hongjun became furious and vented his anger wantonly in the room, smashing all the decorations and interiors to pieces.

"You bastard named Ye, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to cut you into pieces..."

He was cursing vigorously when suddenly his vision went dark and he fainted.

Ye Bufan knocked him out with a finger, then went directly into the Dragon King Palace and disappeared into the room in an instant.

In this way, he quietly arrived outside the palace. No one knew that His Highness the Crown Prince was missing.

In addition, Baili Hongjun lost his temper before, and no servant dared to approach him.

The royal family of the Holy Dragon Empire attacked me, so I couldn't afford to suffer this loss, and I had to make the other party draw some blood no matter what.

Ye Bufan found a deserted corner and returned to the Dragon King Palace in a flash.

The reason why he kidnapped Baili Hongjun was to give the Holy Dragon Empire's royal family a hard blow.

But kidnapping is also a technical job. It is easy to kidnap people, but it is difficult to collect the money and escape intact, especially when facing such a powerful empire.

You must know that the strength of the Holy Dragon Empire is comparable to that of the Jiuxing Sect. Once Baili Hongjun is handed over, he will inevitably be hunted down by a large number of powerful people.

Ye Bufan has a draft in his mind, and now he needs to plan it in detail.

With a thought, he used One Qi to Transform Three Purities, and soon two clones appeared next to him. They were the same as before, one upper body and one lower body.

"Can you two work together well?"

Ye Bufan put the two clones together to form a complete person.

"Okay, let's move forward together."

He gave an order, and as a result, the two clones moved forward and backward, not on the same path at all.

"This won't work!"

Ye Bufan frowned. The reason why he wanted to use

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The clone went to kidnap money, firstly for safety, and secondly because he didn't want to expose too many secrets.

It's okay if you use Ye Erlang, but that way it's very likely that the master will find out that you have another small world.

Normally, it is most appropriate to use these two clones. They are both Tao bodies. If you encounter danger, you don't have to worry about falling. You can just condense them next time.

But the problem now is that both of them are half, which makes people look too weird and can easily reveal their flaws.

He trained the two clones one after another, but he was busy for an hour and still had no effect at all. The two guys worked independently and could not cooperate closely at all.

"Forget it!"

In the end, Ye Bufan gave up his previous idea and decided to use only his upper body.

He took out a long black robe and put it on the clone, covering his head and face, making him look like a dark monk.

Then the true energy circulated, and a black demonic energy suddenly evolved.

"The effect is not bad!"

Ye Bufan nodded with satisfaction. Although there was no lower body, fortunately the robe was long enough and no one could see it floating in the air.

Since he wanted to kidnap someone, he had to learn how to shirk the blame. He decided to let his clone pretend to be a member of the Demon Sect, which would make it easier to deceive the powerful men of the Holy Dragon Empire.

When everything was ready, the clone grabbed Baili Hongjun who was unconscious next to him, and then left the Dragon King Palace.

Ye Bufan returned to the inn openly and openly. He knew very well that he would be the first suspect after this incident, and the royal family of the Holy Dragon Empire would immediately launch an investigation into him.

At this time, he wanted more guards to see him and create evidence of his alibi.

In the early morning, the entire Holy Dragon Empire Imperial City was still sleeping, and everything was quiet.

However, Prince Shenwu's palace was already in chaos. At this time, the servants had discovered the news of the prince's disappearance and immediately reported it to the prince.

Baili Xingkong was shocked and immediately ordered people to search the entire palace, but nothing was found, not to mention Baili Hongjun.

At this time, the four elders had completely detoxified and joined the search team, but still found nothing.

"Damn it, who did this!"

Baili Xingkong was so angry that someone dared to kidnap the prince under his nose.

At this moment, a loud voice spread throughout the imperial city: "People of the Holy Dragon Empire, listen, your prince is in my hands. If you want him, bring fifty top-quality spiritual stones!"

This time, the originally sleeping city exploded in an instant, and everyone's face was filled with confusion. Who is this? are you crazy? How dare you kidnap His Highness the Crown Prince here!

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