Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 242 I am the one who gave false testimony

In the interrogation room of the police station, Ye Bufan was placed on an iron stool with his hands clasped tightly. Opposite him sat Guan Yong and Xia Hailin.

In order to win the mediation case quickly, the two men joined forces to conduct a surprise interrogation of him.

Guan Yong asked: "What's your name?"

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "Don't you think this is nonsense? You are here just for me. How could you not know my name? Could it be that you have found the wrong person?"

Guan Yong's expression froze, and then he said angrily: "Ye Bufan, please be more honest with me. Do you know where this place is?"

"Look, you don't know my name clearly." Ye Bufan smiled slightly, "I know how to be honest."

After saying that, he closed his eyes, sat there with his eyes closed and meditated, and never said a word again.

Xia Hailin said: "Ye Bufan, tell me honestly where did you get the money to open the medical clinic, and where did your fake documents come from?"

Guan Yong said: "You have been practicing medicine illegally these days. How many patients have you treated in total? How much money have you defrauded?"

No matter what the two people said, Ye Bufan stopped talking.

The thing is obvious here. The two people even tore up their IDs. They are just looking for trouble. No matter what they say, it is useless.

Guan Yong slapped the table: "Boy, don't think that just because you don't say anything, it means there's nothing you can do. I can send you to jail."

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "Didn't you ask me to be honest? I don't want to say anything honest, so why can't I do it?"

"You... with your attitude, don't expect a lighter punishment..."

Xia Hailin said: "Ye Bufan, even if you don't tell your accomplices, they will definitely tell you. Then you won't even have the chance to confess."

At this time, the door opened and a subordinate said: "Guansuo, can you come out for a moment?"

Guan Yong and Xia Hailin walked out of the interrogation room and asked at the door: "How is the investigation going? Who are those migrant workers? Do they have any criminal records?"

The subordinate said: "It has been found out that the sweeper is named He Pengfei, the grandson of He Changqing of the He family, and the brick mover is named Tang Kui, the grandson of Tang Tianyi of the Tang family.

The man who smashed the wall was named Liu Mao, and he was the son of Liu Mao, a big leader in Nancheng District.

The cook's name is Xu Lei, the son of Xu Yang, the leader in Xicheng District.

The man who dug the septic tank is called Li Fengshan, and he is the son of Li Li Dongyang, the great leader in Beicheng District..."

"What? Say it again?"

Guan Yong couldn't believe his ears. It was obviously just a fight between several people.

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How could a migrant worker have such a profound background?

The subordinate repeated it again, and then said, "I have confirmed that these people do have a good background."

"Holy shit!"

Guan Yong's expression was extremely ugly, and he couldn't understand why these young men, who usually lived in fine clothes and went to various high-end places, could go to Xinglin Garden to work as migrant workers?

Now things have become a bit troublesome. Although Tieguai Li and others are in the underground world and cannot be seen in the light, it is not something that he can do with his status.

The two young masters of the Tang family and the He family are even more troublesome. It can be said that these two families have powerful eyes and hands in Jiangnan City, and their status is even more terrifying.

At this time, another subordinate hurried in from outside and said anxiously: "Customs Office, there are many lawyers and reporters outside the door. Let us give an explanation about the Xinglin Garden matter."

After hearing the news, Guan Yong's expression became even more gloomy, and today's affairs became increasingly difficult to end.

Relatively speaking, Xia Hailin was calmer. He said: "Laoguan, there is nothing to be afraid of. We all act in accordance with the law, and it doesn't matter who comes.

The most important thing now is to get evidence. With evidence, we will have confidence. "

Guan Yong glanced at him, "What do you think we should do?"

Xia Hailin said: "It is obvious now that we cannot afford to offend those young masters, so we can only use Ye Bufan as a breakthrough.

He was just 21 years old and had not graduated from college. He could not have a medical qualification certificate. That certificate must be fake.

As long as we grasp this point and characterize him as practicing medicine illegally, the solution will be easy. "

Guan Yong nodded and said: "You are right, we hurry up, the longer it takes, the harder it will be."

After saying that, the two of them returned to the interrogation room. He slammed the table and shouted sternly: "Your accomplices have already confessed, I will give you another chance to confess.

Tell me quickly, where did your medical qualification certificate come from? Who gave you the fake ID? "

Ye Bufan said: "Is it a fake ID? I don't know, it was given to me by a friend."

Xia Hailin was overjoyed. The friend gave it to him, so it was obviously false evidence.

If that person can be arrested together, then both the person and the stolen goods will be recovered, and there will be no problem with this case.

He asked: "Where is your friend? Can you bring him back to prove it to you?"

As if he didn't see what they were thinking, Ye Bufan said casually: "Okay, he can come over just make a phone call."

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Guan Yong took Ye Bufan's mobile phone and said, "Then you call him now. As long as you explain clearly about the fake documents, we can deal with you lightly."


A playful smile appeared on Ye Bufan's lips, and then he dialed Zhou Yongliang's number.

When the call was connected, the person on the other side said politely: "Dr. Ye, why did you remember to call me?"

Ye Bufan said: "Brother Zhou, I'm at the Dongcheng District Public Security Station now. Xia Ke from the Health Bureau said that my medical qualification certificate is fake and has been torn off. Can you come over and give me a certificate?"

"Asshole, I'm going over now!"

After Zhou Yongliang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The torture room was very quiet, and Guan Yong and Xia Hailin stood nearby. They could clearly hear the content of the call.

Seeing that the other party agreed to come over, Guan Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he can catch the person who gave false evidence and confirm Ye Bufan's identity as an illegal medical practitioner, today's matter will be much easier to handle. Even if there are big shots interfering, he won't be afraid.

Xia Hailin glanced at the phone number on Ye Bufan's phone. It felt familiar, but he didn't think much about it.

After a while, a subordinate ran in from outside and said to Guan Yong: "Guan Suo, a man named Zhou is here and wants to see you."

Guan Yong looked happy, "You really have thrown yourself into a trap. Bring him in quickly."

The subordinate ran out, and soon the door opened and Zhou Yongliang came in from the outside.

Guan Yong shouted to his subordinates: "Handcuff this person who gave false evidence!"

The moment Xia Hailin saw Zhou Yongliang, he was so frightened that he trembled and shouted quickly: "Wait a minute, this is a misunderstanding!"

After stopping Guan Yong, he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Zhou Ju, why are you here?"

Guan Yong was also stunned when he heard the identity of the other party. He did not expect that the top leader of the Medical Bureau would appear here at this time.

Zhou Yongliang said solemnly: "I want to ask you, why are you here?"

Xia Hailin said: "Director Zhou, I was about to report to you that I just cooperated with Director Guan and took down a black clinic that was illegally practicing medicine."

Zhou Yongliang said: "How do you confirm that the other party is from a black clinic?"

Although he didn't understand why the director's attitude was so cold, Xia Hailin quickly explained: "We have brought the suspect. His medical qualification certificate is fake. Wait a moment and the fake certificate will come."

Zhou Yongliang said coldly: "No need to wait, I am the one who gave false testimony."

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