Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2197: Not good enough

Jiang Fangzhou was now considered a veteran in hitting people. The punch was just right, and Li Yanei suddenly felt a hot stream spurting out from his nose and mouth.

"You bastard, how dare you hit me!"

Li Yanei was caught off guard by this towering cannon. He was extremely angry and wanted to curse, but when he opened his mouth, he was punched in the mouth again, and all his teeth suddenly fell out.

Since the boss prescribed the medicine, he had to take good care of it. Jiang Fangzhou punched Li Yanei to the point where he cried for his father and mother.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

It was only at this moment that the rogues nearby came to their senses and swarmed up, wanting to beat Jiang Fangzhou.

It's a pity that these people are too weak, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

Jiang Fangzhou kicked Li Yanei away, and then the scoundrels followed and flew out one by one.

These people all fell together, piled one after another.

Xiao Qing glanced at her mouth, her young face full of disdain: "The level is obviously not good, no one can stack it up evenly."

"Get down, get the fuck down right now!"

Li Yanei was at the bottom of the crowd, his eyes almost bulging from the pressure, and he kept howling.

Those people jumped down quickly and helped him up from the ground.

"You bastard, you dare to hit me. I really think you can be lawless if you have some cultivation. If I can't cure you today, I won't call you Li Yanei!"

As he spoke, he turned to look at a little gangster next to him, "Niu Er, you go to the six gates and ask my father to come. Just say that I was beaten and ask him to come and arrest me.

This guy's biggest reliance was his father, who was the chief catcher. Because of this, even though Jiang Fangzhou acted tough enough, he didn't take it to heart.

I have seen many people like this before, how dare they dare to confront the government? As long as they are put in jail, they will immediately be honest.

The little gangster agreed and ran towards the six doors.

Although he had already gone to move reinforcements, Li Yanei still felt uneasy. After all, he was beaten so badly this time.

"Someone, seal his medical clinic for me!"

After he said this, the gangsters around him trembled in fear. After all, they had just been beaten violently by Jiang Fangzhou. How could they have the courage to seal off a medical clinic?

A gangster named Niu Er next to him said: "Brother, this doesn't seem to work, that guy is too fierce, how about we wait a little longer?"

"What are you waiting for? There are so many people watching. We just stand here stupidly. Will I lose face in the future?"

Li Yanei lowered his voice when he said this, "We can't afford to offend the people inside, so we can directly

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He was sealed outside and no one was allowed to see a doctor.

I don’t believe that anyone in the imperial city of Dashun dares not to give Li Yanei face! "

"That's right, no one dares not to give face to eldest brother!"

I heard that they were just bullying the people outside, not the ruthless people inside, so these ruffians immediately became energetic again.

These people left the ancient medical clinic some distance away and blocked the road directly. No one was allowed to get close.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Fangzhou stepped forward and said, "Brother Ye, do you want me to go and clean them up again?"

"No need, just a bunch of insignificant little characters, let them have their own troubles."

Ye Bufan didn't take it to heart at all. The people who could be blocked by these ruffians were definitely not his patients.

Li Yanei asked his men to guard the road while he found some water to clean the wounds and dirt on his face.

Those land hooligans were guarding the roadside, and some people who originally wanted to watch the excitement were so frightened that they stayed away, and no one dared to come close.

At this moment, seven or eight people came over, led by a young man wearing Chinese clothes.

Niu Er was originally standing in the road showing off his power, but when he saw that person, he felt something was wrong.

Although I don't know this young man, judging from his clothing, he must have an unusual background. At least he must be a young master from a wealthy family.

The servants following him had a strong aura all over their bodies, and they looked like Lian Jiazi at first glance.

Not sure whether he could provoke such a person, Niu Er quickly ran to Li Yanei: "Brother, someone is coming, can we stop him?"

"Of course I'm coming, otherwise what would I ask you to do?"

Li Yanei was cleaning the wound on his face, grimacing in pain and not looking up at all.

Niu Er said hesitantly: "But... the person I see seems to be unusual, why don't you take a look, brother?"

"I'll stop you no matter what. If you don't obey, I'll beat you to death. If anything happens, I'll take the responsibility."

Li Yanei roared, completely confident.

In the Imperial City of Dashun, there were indeed many people he couldn't afford to offend, but these people all had their own doctors. Even if they went out to see a doctor, they would always go to those doctors. How could they come to a newly opened small medical clinic?

Because of this, he felt that anyone who came to see a doctor at the Ancient Medical Clinic was definitely someone he could provoke.

Since the boss said so categorically, Niu Er and others immediately gained confidence, and immediately swarmed up and blocked the way of the young man in gorgeous clothes.

"Everyone, stop here, this road is blocked!"

There was a hint of surprise in the young man's eyes

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, obviously did not expect that a little local ruffian would dare to block his way.

He maintained his identity and was too lazy to talk to such a person. He just waved his hand, and a tall servant immediately walked up.

"You're blind, you dare to block our young master's way, get out of here!"

"Boy, who are you talking to? Do you know who our eldest brother is?"

Niu Er also felt that something was not right and was about to give Li Yanei's name.

But the servant didn't bother to listen at all, and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying out.

"If you fucking dare to take action, beat me hard!"

Niu Er was full of anger. He had just been beaten by a master in the ancient medical clinic, and now he was beaten again. He was full of anger.

The same is true for those local ruffians. These people swarmed up and wanted to win by relying on their numbers.

It's a pity that they found the wrong person again this time. The young servant was so powerful. All of his cultivation levels were above the stage of transformation into gods. How could they resist? In the blink of an eye, he was beaten to the point of crying. Call me mother.

Feeling that something was not right, Li Yanei turned around and looked over: "Who is it? Whoever dares to touch my people wants to go to jail..."

He was just halfway through shouting arrogantly when his expression suddenly froze and he shouted in horror: "Wang...Wang...Young Master Wang!"

It turns out that the young man in gorgeous clothes in front of him is one of the top young men in Dashun Imperial City, Wang Xian, the son of the Minister of Civil Affairs.

"You are so brave, you even dare to block my young master's way!"

Wang Xian's expression was gloomy. As a top-notch young master, he usually associates with princes and nobles. A low-level boy like Li Yanei doesn't look at him at all.

This guy usually shows off his power with ordinary people, but he dares to provoke him.

"Young Master Wang, misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!"

Li Yanei's back was wet with cold sweat. Although his father was the chief catcher of the Six Doors, he was nothing in front of the Minister of Civil Affairs.

With just a few clicks of his finger, his father can get out of here right away.

"Young Master, I didn't know it was you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to block your way even if you gave me ten thousand courages."

Li Yanei said with a flattering look, "Young Master, why are you here?"

He was indeed curious. There was only an ancient medical clinic behind him, and there were no other shops.

What is this young master Wang doing? You wouldn't come to a small place like this to see a doctor, would you?

But thinking about it, it's impossible. With the identity of the other party, how could he come to such a small medical clinic.

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