Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 212: Go and see my senior brother

Everyone, led by Ye Bufan, stepped into the lobby of Xinglin Garden. Ye Bufan was shocked after entering. Although it was not open for business yet, there was already a long queue in front of the door.

It is said that Xinglin Garden has been closed for three years. No matter how famous it was before, it is definitely very difficult to regain its popularity.

It was beyond his expectation that so many people were queuing up for treatment.

He turned to Qin Chuchu and said, "Why are so many people here?"

"That's because we did a good job in our propaganda work." Qin Chuchu said with a proud look on his face: "After I left yesterday, I printed 100,000 more leaflets and started distributing them centered on Xinglin Garden.

At the same time, we also did advertisements on radio and television stations, and the publicity effect was naturally good. "

Ye Bufan nodded and said, "Well done."

Qin Chuchu said: "This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that Mr. Cao posted an announcement in Baicaotang, saying that starting from today, he will be attending the clinic in person at Xinglin Garden.

You must know that in the past, Mr. Cao's personal visit to the doctor was definitely difficult to find. As soon as the announcement came out, many patients came here for treatment. "

Ye Bufan was secretly moved. No wonder so many people came. In order to support him, the old man Cao even poached the corners of his own house.

Entering the lobby, all preparations were in place. Four medical tables were neatly placed there with exquisite name tags on them.

The first table was for Ye Bufan. In order to learn more, Cao Rui directly placed himself at the second table. The third table was for Lu Qingzhi, and the last one was for Cao Xinghua.

The pharmacy has not yet found a suitable candidate to take medicine, so Lu Banxia is temporarily in charge.

Since it was only a partial trial opening, Xinglin Garden did not hold any ceremony, and official medical treatment began at eight o'clock in the morning.

But the next scene was embarrassing. Most of the patients who came for treatment flocked to Cao Xinghua.

Followed by Lu Qingzhi, even Cao Rui had more than a dozen people lined up. After all, he was the descendant of Baicaotang and was more or less famous.

The only one without a patient was Ye Bufan. He sat in front of the consultation table and got ready, but there was no one in front of him.

It’s no wonder. Generally speaking, when people see Chinese medicine doctors, they like to look for older people. The older the better, the more popular they will be if they have a lot of eyebrows and beards. Of course, no one can trust a young man like him who is around 20 years old.

Gao Daqiang came over and said with a smile: "Brother, this hospital is so nice.

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It seems like the two of us have the most leisure time. "

Indeed, except for him and Ye Bufan, everyone else is busy now. Qin Chuchu has gone back to work at Qin Group, Cao Xinghua and others are busy seeing doctors, and Lu Banxia is busy getting medicine for everyone.

Ye Bufan said: "I can't help it, who made me grow too young."

"These people really judge a book by its appearance. Just wait, and I'll help you persuade a few patients to come over."

Gao Daqiang admired Ye Bufan's medical skills very much. Back then, he sought medical treatment everywhere but could not cure his disease, but he was easily cured by Ye Bufan and gained such a level of cultivation.

Cao Xinghua's side had the longest queue. He walked up to the last old man and said, "Old man, you don't actually need to queue here. This doctor is also very good at medical skills."

The old man glanced at Ye Bufan in the direction of his finger and asked doubtfully: "Is he a Western medicine doctor?"

Gao Daqiang said: "Of course not, ours is a pure Chinese medicine clinic, there is no Western medicine."

The old man immediately shook his head like a rattle, "No, no. How can such a young Chinese medicine doctor know how to treat diseases? Old man, I still want to live a few more years."

Gao Daqiang took two steps forward and said to an old lady in front of him: "Auntie, why don't you go over and try?"

The old lady said: "No, I came here for Mr. Cao. I don't want to see anyone else except Mr. Cao."

Gao Daqiang then asked a middle-aged woman in front of him: "Sister, let me tell you, this Dr. Ye's medical skills are really good..."

Before he could finish speaking, the middle-aged woman shook her head and said, "Young man, don't talk anymore. If you choose a son-in-law, I can give it some thought and just see a doctor."

After hitting a wall one after another, Gao Daqiang had no choice but to return to Ye Bufan: "Xiaofan, it seems that you will need plastic surgery next time you visit the doctor."

Ye Bufan had a wry smile on his face. Did he really want to dye his hair white and put on some fake beard so that he could show off his medical skills?

At this time, there was a middle-aged man sitting in front of Cao Xinghua, who said with a face full of pain: "Dr. Cao, I have had a terrible headache these days. I went to the hospital for a CT scan, but nothing was found.

Please help me find a solution quickly, it really hurts me to death. "

Cao Xinghua felt his pulse and said after a moment: "You had an injury to your head when you were young. Although it was cured later, the root of the disease remains. Once you catch a cold, you will have a bone-piercing headache."

Middle-aged man's face full of longing

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He said: "Yes, yes... Mr. Cao, your medical skills are really amazing, please help me quickly!"

Cao Xinghua said: "I can treat your disease, but the speed is a bit slow. It takes three days to relieve the pain and the symptoms disappear in half a month, but it cannot be eradicated. It will relapse in the future."

The middle-aged man said quickly: "Mr. Cao, you are an expert in traditional Chinese medicine and a master of medicine.

It doesn't matter if you can think of another way. It doesn't matter if you can get rid of the root cause. Just help me stop the pain as soon as possible. It really hurts me to death! "

"There is a way. Go and see my senior brother." Cao Xinghua pointed in the direction of Ye Bufan, "My senior brother's medical skills are a hundred times better than mine, and he will definitely be able to heal you quickly."

"Oh! That's great, thank you Dr. Cao."

Since he is Mr. Cao's senior brother, his medical skills must be good, the middle-aged man thought, and stepped in front of Lu Qingzhi.

Today, Lu Qingzhi was wearing a robe. He had just had his hair cut and his beard cut off. He looked energetic and energetic.

Seeing the middle-aged man coming to his place, Lu Qingzhi said, "You are mistaken. I am not Mr. Cao's senior brother, that one is."

He said and pointed in the direction of Ye Bufan.

The middle-aged man looked in the direction of his finger and saw that only Ye Bufan was sitting there. He asked in surprise: "You said that is Mr. Cao's senior brother?"

Lu Qingzhi said: "Yes, that's Dr. Ye."

The middle-aged man suddenly became angry and said angrily: "Are you kidding? Did I make a mistake or did you make a mistake? Do you think I'm a fool? How can such a young doctor be Mr. Cao's senior brother?"

"Don't be angry. This is really my master. His medical skills are much better than my grandfather's." Cao Rui stood up and directly pulled the middle-aged man to Ye Bufan's clinic. "Don't worry, my master can definitely do it." Cure you."

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Bufan again, and finally shook his head and said: "Forget it, your medical clinic is too unreliable. If Mr. Cao doesn't treat me, then I won't treat him..."

But before he could finish speaking, Ye Bufan picked up the needle bag on the clinic table, and with lightning speed, he instantly inserted nine silver needles into the acupuncture points on his head.

"I said what's wrong with you? I told you that I was dead, but you still gave me acupuncture. Do you believe that I'm going to sue you?"

The middle-aged man was furious, but Ye Bufan sat back again and looked at him with a smile.

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