Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 2047: No more than a small change

At this moment, the violent legion finally came to their senses, realized how terrifying this young man was, and immediately launched a charge here.

According to their thinking, as long as Ye Bufan is solved, all crises will be solved.

The idea is good, these barbarian soldiers are not afraid of death, but it is a pity that they are facing Gatling heavy machine guns.

If faced with other guns, their human sea tactics may be effective, but under the fire of this super-powerful heavy machine gun, there is no difference between their charge and seeking death.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Once these barbarians successfully invade, the consequences will be extremely terrible.

Because of this, Ye Bufan was not polite at all. Amidst the rapid gunfire, Gatling exerted his power to the maximum. Large areas of barbarian soldiers were once again harvested, and the blood dyed the city wall red.

The people next to me were dumbfounded, what is this? Is this massacre! Even if a master from the Cave Void Realm or the Mahayana Stage takes action, it’s nothing more than this!

As a smart person, what Ye Bufan is best at is using the right trump card at the right time.

Modern weapons like Gatling can't even break through the body-protecting Qi of monks in the Transformation Stage, but they are perfect for the low-level barbarians in front of them, and the effect achieved is beyond the imagination of others.

In just a short time, more than half of the violent legions on the entire city wall were harvested.

"Quickly retreat!"

As an angry voice sounded, the remaining barbarians no longer launched a fearless charge, but turned around and jumped towards the bottom of the city wall.

With their strong bodies, although they would suffer some injuries if they jumped, they would be able to save their lives.

Ye Bufan's Gatling continued to fire, and countless barbarian soldiers turned into corpses.

When the violent legions were defeated and fled completely, only dead bodies on the ground and the pungent smell of blood were left on the entire city wall.

The rest of the people were standing there like wood carvings and clay sculptures, looking blankly at everything in front of them. Only the one hundred soldiers were still counting the dead bodies.

Zhai Tianfang's whole body was trembling slightly. He couldn't believe what he saw.

This is the ferocious and violent legion of the barbarians. The Imperial Guards under the Qingye Barbarian King have always been synonymous with power and slaughter. No grass grows in their path, but today their lives were harvested like leeks.

He put his finger into his mouth and bit it hard. The severe pain and bloody smell told him that it was all true.

"Dr. Ye, on behalf of the hundreds of people in Tianlang City, I

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Thank you very much. "

After regaining his senses, Zhai Tianfang knelt down in front of Ye Bufan with a plop.

He knew that if it hadn't been for this young man's action, others alone would not have been able to stop the violent legion. In the end, Sirius City would still be unable to escape the fate of being massacred.

In other words, Ye Bufan saved the city by himself.

"You're welcome, this is nothing!"

Ye Bufan put Gatlin into the storage ring, then reached out to help Zhai Tianfang.

"Lord City Lord, it seems that these one hundred people are not enough. Please find more people to help me count the corpses."

Zhai Tianfang also realized that it would probably take too long to count the dead bodies on the entire city wall with just these one hundred people.

Immediately after waving, another large group of soldiers ran over and joined the counting process.

Looking at the barbarian soldiers on the ground, Fang Huayu swallowed hard. He knew that he had lost again this time, and the defeat was even worse than before.

Although Blue Wind Academy had killed many barbarian soldiers in the previous battle, they were completely unable to deal with Ye Bufan's generosity. No need to count them to know that they had lost completely.

Song Yaoji did not expect this result. She fought to the death and suffered numerous injuries. However, the result was that she could kill more people in one breath than anyone else.

She walked over and asked excitedly: "What is that?"

Ye Bufan said cheerfully, "Your Highness, this is my treasure. What it is has nothing to do with you, right?"


Song Yaoji's face turned red with anger, but now that the two sides were hostile and competitive, she couldn't say anything.

Feng Tianxiang said: "Your Highness, it's nothing special, it's just a more powerful hidden weapon."

His words seemed disdainful, but they were full of sourness.

The thing in Ye Bufan's hand just now really made him envious. It was definitely a great weapon in group battles.

Fang Huayu stood nearby without speaking, but an extremely complicated look flashed in his eyes.

No matter what, he couldn't lose again in this round, but if he wanted to defeat Lingxiao Academy in the fight against the barbarians, he had to get rid of the thing in Ye Bufan's hand.

While several people were talking, an officer hurried over.

"Lord City Lord, the casualties of the barbarians have been clearly counted."

Zhai Tianfang said: "Tell me, how much is it specifically?"

"The royal family killed one hundred and sixty-two barbarians, and Blue Wind Academy killed two hundred.

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Hearing this number, Ye Bufan couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Feng Tianxiang said angrily: "Why are you laughing?"

Ye Bufan smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just feel that this number matches your Blue Wind Academy very well."

The people at Blue Wind Academy were confused. Although they knew that Ye Bufan was full of sarcasm, they didn't understand the difference between the number two hundred and five.

Zhai Tianfang was afraid that the two sides would quarrel, so he quickly changed the subject and asked: "Also, what is Lingxiao Academy?"

"Lingxiao Academy killed a total of 3,815 barbarians."

The officer hesitated and then said, "Except for the two hundred people among them, the others died under Dr. Ye's powerful hidden weapon."

After he said this, everyone present looked shocked again.

Although I had just witnessed Gatling's power, I didn't expect it to be so powerful. In such a short time, he killed more than 3,600 barbarian soldiers, and they were also the most elite violent legion.

Ye Bufan was not surprised by this result. As an earthling, he was used to the power of thermal weapons.

He looked at the officer and said seriously: "Is your number accurate? Did you check it wrong?"

The officer was startled and said quickly: "No, Doctor Ye, we have counted it three times and there will be no mistake."

"It's impossible. You just counted it wrong. Otherwise, how could Blue Wind Academy and the royal family combined not have a fraction more than us?"


The officer was speechless for a moment, and the people around him could tell that this was not a miscalculation, it was a slap in the face of the other two families.

Fang Huayu said with a gloomy expression: "The man named Ye just killed a few more barbarians. Is it necessary to be so arrogant?"

Ye Bufan chuckled: "No, no, I just can't believe it. I didn't expect that not only can I fly fast, but I can also kill barbarians so much faster than you."


Fang Huayu was speechless. He didn't expect that what he said before would be taken back and thrown in his face so quickly.

Song Yaoji snorted coldly: "What's so great is that I just repelled an attack. If you have the ability, you can completely repel all these barbarians!"


As soon as she finished speaking, a communications soldier rushed over and knelt on one knee in front of Zhai Tianfang, with an excited look on his face.

"Lord City Lord, the barbarians have retreated!"

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