Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 203: Heaven is jealous of beauty

Hearing this, Ye Bufan asked: "You said that there happened to be a medical clinic for sale, wouldn't it be Xinglin Garden?"

Qin Chuchu said: "Yes, Xinglin Garden is for sale. I think it's just right for you to take over."

Ye Bufan asked: "What's the selling price?"

"The price is 50 million."

"The price is a bit high."

Ye Bufan said.

Although he is not short of 50 million now, he still feels that the price is high enough. You must know that 50 million is enough to buy the most luxurious villa in Jiangnan City.

"It's not too high, it's still too low."

Qin Chuchu said: "Xinglin Garden was handed down from the ancestors of the Lu family and has a history of more than 300 years. Among the three great masters in Jiangnan, the price of goods has the longest history.

Similarly, Xinglin Garden is much larger than Huichun Pavilion and Baicaotang, and its location is very good, right in the center of the city.

Not to mention anything else, the land where you stand is worth more than 100 million Chinese coins, so 50 million is not expensive, but very cheap. "

"Oh!" Ye Bufan said, "Since it is so cheap, it should be snapped up. Is it too late for us to go now?"

"Listen to me, it's not that easy to buy Xinglin Garden."

Qin Chuchu said, "Lu Qingzhi has been seeking medical treatment in China for so many years, but he has not been able to cure his daughter. He recently heard that there is a mental rehabilitation center in country M that is very good at treating mental illnesses. The estimated cost is about 50 million.

In order to treat her daughter's illness, she had no choice but to sell Xinglin Garden.

However, he sold Xinglin Garden with conditions. First, whoever purchased Xinglin Garden must continue to open a traditional Chinese medicine clinic and was not allowed to engage in other industries.

Second, Xinglin Garden was not allowed to change its name after taking over.

Third, the recipient must accept his test. If the medical skills are not up to standard, the recipient will not be sold. "

Ye Bufan sighed: "These conditions are harsh enough."

Qin Chuchu said: "Yes, Lu Qingzhi is very conflicted. He wants to sell a sum of money for his daughter to go abroad for medical treatment, but at the same time he doesn't want his ancestor's foundation to be cut off in his own hands, so he came up with such a compromise sale condition.

But he had one more thing to add. No matter who it was, as long as it could cure Lu Banxia, ​​Xinglinyuan would immediately give it to him without taking any money. "

Ye Bufan said, "You know the situation of the Lu family very well."

"Lu Huaian and his grandfather used to

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They are good friends, and the two families have close ties.

It's just that Lu Huaian passed away in these years, so he moved relatively far away, but the relationship is still good, and I know their family's situation very well. "

Qin Chuchu said, "I think with your medical skills, even if you can't cure Lu Banxia, ​​you can at least pass Lu Qingzhi's test and be just right to take over Xinglin Garden."

"That's a good idea." Ye Bufan nodded and said, "Since you are so familiar with the Lu family, what is Lu Banxia's situation? How did he get madness? Is it hereditary or is it a huge mental shock?"

Qin Chuchu said: "Of course it's not hereditary. The Lu family has been practicing medicine for generations, and every generation has been extremely healthy. There has never been a person with a crazy heart.

As for the mental shock, there is no such thing. Lu Banxia has been beautiful since she was a child. She is a proud daughter of heaven. She is known as a talented Chinese medicine woman in the Jiangnan traditional Chinese medicine community and is highly appreciated by Mr. Lu Huaian.

She is extremely talented in Chinese medicine. When she was 5 years old, she could recite soup songs by heart. When she was 10 years old, she could identify all Chinese medicinal materials. At the age of 16, she obtained the qualification to practice Chinese medicine and was able to treat people independently.

Not to mention, Lu Banxia had great ambitions since childhood and wanted to develop Xinglin Garden.

When he was 17 years old, he went to Harvard University in country M to study abroad and studied business administration. He wanted to use the modern economic management model to develop Xinglin Garden.

She studied at Harvard University for three consecutive years and ranked first in her professional courses every year. Even before she graduated, many large multinational companies came to recruit her with high salary.

But Lu Banxia was determined to develop traditional Chinese medicine and rejected all of them.

Over the years, no matter at home or abroad, countless men have pursued her, but she has rejected them all, and no one has taken her fancy.

For people like her, it would be nice not to attack others. There is no place for herself to be attacked. "

Ye Bufan said: "It's really hard to be hit by someone who is so good."

Qin Chuchu sighed and said: "It's a pity that God is jealous of beauty. When old man Lu Huaian passed away, Lu Banxia came back from country M to organize his funeral.

However, a few days after returning, she suddenly suffered from mental illness. Now she has become a human being and a ghost, and she has long lost the appearance of the genius girl she once was. "

Ye Bufan frowned and asked, "Why is she crazy?"

Qin Chuchu said: "I heard that he was fine the night before. After sleeping all night, he became a complete madman the next morning. He beat anyone he saw and even

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Lu Huaian didn’t even know him. "

Ye Bufan said: "Let's go and have a look. Maybe I can cure this disease."

He felt that there was something evil in Lu Banxia's body, maybe it was not an ordinary disease.

It's just that Chinese medicine is in decline now, and there are even fewer Chinese medicine doctors who can treat strange diseases. No one is better at this than him, a master of magic.

Under Qin Chuchu's guidance, the two drove to the former Xinglin Garden.

As mentioned before, Xinglin Garden is located in the downtown area of ​​Jiangnan City and covers a large area, at least 1,000 square meters.

This old house adopts the traditional building method and is divided into three courtyards. The first courtyard is the lobby and pharmacy, the second courtyard is for six wards, which is used for hospital observation of critically ill patients, and the third courtyard is also for six rooms. , is a private residence.

But to this day, Xinglin Garden looks very dilapidated. Not only are the walls mottled and cracked, but the ground is also pitted, giving it a desolate look.

With such a large courtyard and such a scene, no timid person would dare to live here. If you were filming a ghost movie, there would be no need for a set.

After parking the car in front of the door, they saw that the courtyard door was ajar. After knocking a few times but there was no sound, the two of them pushed the door open and walked in.

Qin Chuchu shouted: "Is Uncle Lu at home?"

The two courtyards in front were silent, surrounded by weeds, and occasionally a few mice ran across. It looked extremely desolate.

Qin Chuchu couldn't help but sigh: "I often came to Xinglin Garden when I was a child. At that time, this place was bustling with people, and people lined up to see the doctor. I didn't expect that one day it would be like this."

After walking two yards into the courtyard, they suddenly heard a fierce quarrel. The two people quickened their pace and came to the back hall, where they saw a middle-aged man arguing with a fat man.

The middle-aged man was wearing a shabby robe, with a beard on his face and grass-like hair. He looked extremely decadent and downtrodden. He was the owner of this place, Lu Qingzhi.

Opposite him stood a fat man with a fat head and a fat head. He was wearing a brand-name suit with a big gold chain around his neck and a big gold watch on his hand. He looked like a nouveau riche. It was Zhao Dafu who once supported Huang Xiaoli.

He shouted: "Is this old man like you mentally ill? If you sell it for 50 million, I will give you 100 million. What else can you not sell?"

If you still think the price is low, I will give you another 20 million. How about 120 million? "

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