Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1885: Same people but different fates


Di Rong then remembered that he had once ridiculed someone for being a low-income person, but he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he came up with a clever idea. This was really a slap in the face.

He swallowed and said awkwardly: "That...the one who achieves great things does not stick to trivial matters, one moment and another.

The top priority now is to get rid of this guy as soon as possible and get the Seven-Star Grass in hand, otherwise it may lead to long nights and nightmares. "

Di Canghai also said: "The most important thing now is to deal with the blood-devouring violent bear. Even if it cannot be killed, it is still good to lure it away."

Di Rong said: "This method is definitely feasible. It was very effective against the Poison-horned Demon Ape before."

After saying that, he shamelessly looked at Ye Bufan: "Brother Ye, do you still have the powder? Can you lend it to me?"


The most important thing at the moment was to get the Seven Star Grass, and Ye Bufan didn't bother to argue with people like him.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a bottle containing spring breeze and rain appeared in his palm, and he poured half of it directly to him.

This thing was originally refined for Li Tong, the eldest young master of the Li family. Unexpectedly, it came in handy one after another in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

Hu Yaoyao didn't hide anything and took out the breath-blocking powder.

With two bottles of medicinal powder in hand, Di Rong seemed to have seen his opportunity to make a contribution, and said excitedly: "Second uncle, everyone, leave this matter to me. You just wait to go in and get the seven-star grass."

Ye Bufan said: "Things are not that simple. The Blood-devouring Bear is still different from the previous Poison-horned Demon Ape. It is stronger and faster. Once discovered, it will be difficult for you to escape.

Therefore, I suggest that after putting the medicinal powder, don't go far away, just hide it nearby. "

This is indeed the case. The Blood-devouring Violent Bear is not fast, but that is because compared to its level, it is still much faster for the strong ones in the Void Refining Realm.

Moreover, Hu Yaoyao's powder only blocks the breath and cannot make him invisible. Once the other party sees him, it will be troublesome.

"I see."

Di Rong nodded, sprinkled the breath-blocking powder on his body, then jumped up and ran towards the cave.

At the same time, everyone also jumped onto the nearby trees and hid themselves to prevent them from becoming the target of the blood-devouring violent bear later.

Hu Yaoyao and Ye Bufan hid together and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you think this method is still effective?"

Ye Bufan was really unsure. Although he had succeeded once, last time it was a sixth-level monster, the Poison-horned Demon Ape, and this time it was a seventh-level monster, a blood-devouring violent bear.

Physically speaking, monsters have a strong affinity for drugs.

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Strong resistance, and the higher the level, the stronger the resistance.

Ye Bufan said: "I don't know either, let's wait and see the effect."

He was telling the truth. There was also a line of small words on the back of the Hundred Beasts Pill. The general meaning was that this powder had not been used on monsters above level seven, and the effect was unknown.

It's normal when you think about it. Anyone who can develop the prescription for hundreds of beasts must be an expert. It's impossible to take this kind of aphrodisiac powder for animals and go around to find monsters for experiments.

Moreover, monsters above the seventh level are not common, and they are so powerful that they might even risk your own life.

The key is that the results of the experiment are of little value, and no one will do such a thankless thing.

Hu Yaoyao nodded. Everything is unknown now. We have no better way and can only wait for the result.

Di Rong was full of excitement and slowly approached the cave with the spring breeze turning into rain.

He also knew that this matter was extremely dangerous, so he was cautious and did it quietly.

Moreover, he had already observed the terrain in advance and selected a small stone nest not far away. Once he succeeded, he would hide there.

On this matter, he very much agreed with Ye Bufan's view. Last time, he was chased by the poisonous horned demon ape and had no way to go to the sky or the ground.

Therefore, we must hide as soon as possible this time, otherwise once the blood-devouring violent bear sees him, the consequences will be unimaginable.

When I came to the entrance of the cave, I secretly observed it and saw no movement.

He scattered the spring breeze and rain at the door, then blew a fan with his palm and sent the medicinal powder into the cave.

After doing all this and confirming that it was correct, he immediately rose into the sky and hid in the small stone nest as quickly as possible.

This is just a groove on the top of the mountain. The space is not large. It can barely hide one person in it. It is enough for temporary hiding.

As long as the other party doesn't deliberately look this way, he will definitely not be able to find his presence.

Not long after he hid, there was a roar of a blood-devouring bear in the cave, followed by a tremor of the mountain, and the big guy rushed out from inside.

Much like the previous Poison-horned Demon Ape, the blood-devouring violent bear's eyes were bloodshot and his breathing was rapid. Two huge bear paws kept slapping the ground, causing the surrounding rocks to shake.

After it came out, it circled around and finally stopped under Di Rong's position. The distance between one person and one animal was no more than thirty meters.

Although the distance is closer, he will not be discovered if he hides well.

But the successive injuries he suffered before made him full of fear of the big guy in front of him. Now he could really feel the power of the other party, and his heart became more and more tense.

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I don't know whether it was due to excessive fear or some other reason, but at this moment he farted uncontrollably.

Originally this was a small sound, but now it sounded like an explosion in his ears.

The perception of the seventh-level monster is so sharp. The reason why he can hide safely now is entirely because of the powder that he uses to conceal his aura.

But once the fart came out, he could no longer hide the sound or the smell.

Sure enough, the blood-red eyes of the blood-devouring violent bear immediately looked over. When he saw Di Rong on the mountain wall, he immediately let out an earth-shattering roar.

"Ho ho ho..."

Then its two huge bear paws grabbed it directly.

At this moment, Di Rong was so frightened that he almost lost his soul. With his feet on the mountain wall, he jumped up and ran straight towards the foot of the mountain.

Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to make a great contribution, to make his second uncle think highly of him, to make Nalan Yujia and Hu Yaoyao think highly of him, and to regain the face he had lost before.

But he never expected that things would develop completely differently from what he expected, and now he would end up being chased by a monster again.

He ran wildly in front, and the blood-devouring violent bear chased behind.

But unlike the previous poison-horned demon ape, as a seventh-level monster, the blood-devouring violent bear is obviously much faster, and the distance between them is shortening rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feeling that the big guy behind him was getting closer and closer, and could even hear his rapid breathing, Di Rong was almost scared to death.

He didn't know why, Ye Bufan could always steal the show and everything went smoothly, but when it came to him, the results were completely different.

He poked the chrysanthemum of the Sky Leopard, and not only achieved great success, but also won the favor of Hu Yaoyao.

He followed suit, but was almost beaten to death by a blood-devouring violent bear, and even got a big slap in the mouth by his second uncle.

The same is true now. People used this medicinal powder to successfully lure away the Poison-horned Demon Ape and easily obtained the treasure. But why did the plot change when I came here?

Previously, the poisonous horned demon ape in heat was being chased all over the mountain, and now it was the blood-devouring violent bear's turn.

He just saw the special part of this big guy, which was almost thicker than his own thigh.

If you are really caught by it, it will no longer be described as an explosion, it will be simply destroyed.

Thinking of this, he became more and more nervous, but the more nervous he became, the slower his speed dropped. In the blink of an eye, the blood-devouring violent bear had arrived behind his butt and stretched out its big claws to grab it.

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