Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1867 Golden-winged Mosquito

After closing the distance, everyone finally saw clearly the appearance of the golden-winged flying mosquito.

This thing is larger than an ordinary mosquito. It has a pointed mouth in front and two golden wings that are constantly shaking, making a buzzing sound.

"Everyone, hurry up and use your Qi. Don't let them break through the defense. If you get bitten, you will be poisoned."

Di Rong shouted loudly and took the lead in circulating his Qi. Then countless golden-winged flying mosquitoes hit him, but they were all bounced out by the Qi shield.

Others are like this too, imitating others and using their true energy to protect themselves.

Chen Youyou waved her palm in disbelief, but her extremely powerful palm wind only drove the golden-winged flying mosquito in front of her away, and then she flapped her wings and flew up again.

Now she believed it, this thing was indeed as powerful as the legend said.

"Little brother..."

Hu Yaoyao exclaimed and was about to go over to help, but was blocked by Di Rong.

"It's useless. No one can help him. The golden-winged flying mosquito is very cunning. As long as one part of its body is exposed, it can't be saved."

Ye Bufan raised his head and smiled: "Don't worry, it's just a few little bugs. What's there to be afraid of?"

He said, grabbing the beer in front of him and drinking it down in one gulp.

Di Rong snorted coldly, his expression was extremely gloomy, and he was secretly furious in his heart. I don't see how arrogant you can be, and you will be sucked into him soon.

Sure enough, those golden-winged flying mosquitoes, seeing that they couldn't take advantage of a few people, swarmed towards Ye Bufan.

"Brother, be careful!"

"Brother, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Hu Yaoyao and Chen Youyou couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's really annoying."

Ye Bufan raised his head and glanced at the mosquitoes rushing towards him. Suddenly he raised his hand, and a red jar appeared in his palm, followed by a stream of white smoke.

Toad insecticide, which he often used when he was on Earth, had the best effect in killing mosquitoes.

When I raided the supermarket, I collected everything in one piece, no matter what it was, and now it just comes in handy.

Although I don't know if it is useful against this fourth-level monster, there is no loss in trying it. Even if it has no effect, these things cannot break through my own defense.

Everyone around him was stunned, wondering what he was doing.

This kind of golden wings

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Flying mosquitoes are not even afraid of the Gangfeng Sword Qi, so how can they be afraid of this bit of smoke.

But the next scene shocked everyone.

I saw those extremely arrogant golden-winged flying mosquitoes. After touching the white smoke, they immediately lost control of their bodies and fell to the ground. After twitching a few times, they became motionless.


What's happening here?

The eyes of Di Rong and others almost fell to the floor. They had seen the ferocity of these golden-winged mosquitoes with their own eyes. How could they be killed so easily?

A smile appeared on Ye Bufan's lips. It seemed that mosquitoes were mosquitoes. Even mosquitoes from Kunlun Continent could not stop insecticides.

"So what if he can kill them? There are so many golden-winged flying mosquitoes, I don't believe he can kill them all."

Di Rong said this with gritted teeth and full of hatred, but it also represented a certain truth.

Everyone can see that even though the white mist in Ye Bufan's hand is powerful, it has a limit after all. It will be used up sooner or later. What will happen then?

Ye Bufan sprayed a few more times, and golden-winged flying mosquitoes fell to the ground in dense numbers.

He then put away the insecticides, but he felt that spraying them around was too troublesome, and it would be uncomfortable to look at them if they fell to the ground.

Just when everyone thought he had no other choice, they saw him take out two more transparent vials, unscrew the caps, and sprinkle the green liquid inside around.

Almost instantly, a pungent smell spread out.

As soon as those golden-winged flying mosquitoes smelled this smell, they immediately retreated to the side as if they had encountered a nemesis, forming a central area of ​​almost ten meters in radius with Ye Bufan as the center, and they did not dare to take a step forward.

Ye Bufan smiled and put away the bottle in his hand. It seemed that not only the insecticide was effective on this thing, but the Fengyoujing also had the same effect.

This made it much easier to worry about, and there was no need to spray him all the time. He opened a can of beer again, and then waved to Hu Yaoyao and others.

"Come on, everyone, come over and eat meat and drink wine."

"Brother, you are great!"

Chen Youyou cheered and was the first to rush over, followed closely by Hu Yaoyao. Feng Danian hesitated for a moment and finally walked to Ye Bufan.

After all, it is not a pleasant thing to keep running your Qi. After all, it is still consumed, so why not use it when there are ready-made conveniences.

So several people entered Ye Bufan's protection together

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Di Rong was the only one left standing there awkwardly.

He also wanted to go in, but in the end he still couldn't let go of his dignity and stood there with a cold snort.

Those golden-winged mosquitoes were frustrated one after another and vented all their frustrations on him.

One by one, they flapped their wings and rushed towards him as if they were desperate. One after another, they crashed into his Qi shield, endlessly.

Seeing that his plan failed, Di Rong felt angry in his heart. He flipped his wrist and held the golden sword in his hand, turning into golden light all over the sky and slashing at the golden-winged mosquitoes.

His sword looked very powerful, but unfortunately it was not very effective against golden-winged flying mosquitoes. Only a dozen of them fell to the ground after the sword light, which was not as effective as Ye Bufan's spray of insecticide.

After swiping the sword several times in succession, he immediately realized that if he continued like this, even if his true energy was exhausted, he would not be able to defeat the golden-winged flying mosquitoes. When the true energy was exhausted, trouble would come.

In desperation, he put away the sword and sat on the big stone to circulate his energy to resist the attacks of golden-winged mosquitoes.

On Ye Bufan's side, Chen Youyou and Feng Danian, although they wanted to ask Di Rong to come in and hide, they thought of their senior brother, what they had just done was really not honorable.

In the end, I just shut up and didn't speak. There was no danger anyway, it was just a little harder.

"Brother, what was that thing you just used?"

Chen Youyou asked curiously.

"Nothing, just a little gadget." Ye Bufan said nonchalantly, "I am a doctor, and the anthelmintic medicine I usually make comes in handy."

"Brother Ye, you are really awesome. Without you, we would have had a very hard time tonight."

The little girl looked at him with admiration on her face.

“I can’t say I’m awesome, but I can’t just cultivate my skills as a person, I also have to use my brain at critical times.

If you don't have any brains at all and will only rely on your cultivation to resist when things happen, isn't that a fool? "

When Ye Bufan said this, he smiled at Di Rong outside, "I'm sorry, senior brother, I didn't say anything about you. You are a strong man in the Void Refining Realm. It's nothing to waste a little energy."

Di Rong's lungs were about to burst with anger, but what could he do at this time?

The more this happens, the less shameless it is to hide away from others, and you can only become a fool in others' words, relying on your true energy to carry on.

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