Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1833 What a poor guy

"What a poor man."

Ye Bufan curled his lips with disdain on his face, then transferred the Fire Spirit Coin to Jiang Fangzhou's card, and stuffed the remaining gold coins into his storage ring.

He now has countless gold coins and more than a thousand fire spirit coins, so these things are really not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Li Fuman and the other three were completely heartbroken. With so much money and so many fire spirit coins, they are considered very rich in the entire outer courtyard, okay? How come you turned into a pauper when it came to your mouth?

The most important thing is that he took everything away because he thought it was too little, leaving not a single point for himself.

"Ye, do you know who I am? Please return all the things to me as soon as possible, otherwise..."

Li Fuman originally wanted to threaten him with a few words, but before he could finish his words, Ye Bufan slapped him in the face with a few more big mouths.

Then he directly sealed the acupuncture points, turned to Jiang Fangzhou and said, "How these guys hit you just now, hit them all back now."

"I know, Brother Ye!"

Jiang Fangzhou also suppressed his anger. After speaking, he walked over and punched and kicked the three guys, venting all the humiliation he had suffered before.

These three guys had their cultivation level sealed and had no ability to resist at all. They were beaten until they cried for their fathers and mothers, howling like ghosts and wolves.

After the fight was almost over, Jiang Fangzhou clapped his hands and retreated to Ye Bufan.

"Brother Ye, I'm enjoying myself!"

"Little bastard, you two wait for me. Do you know who my eldest brother is?"

Li Fu's face was covered with blood. At this moment, his fat face was beaten into a pig's head, and his eyes were filled with hatred.

"Let me tell you, my eldest brother is Li Fuhai from the Intermediate Court, a monk at the Nascent Soul Dzogchen level. If you wait, he will not let you go."

"Oh! Do you have such an awesome elder brother?"

Ye Bufan raised his eyebrows and stepped forward to untie his acupuncture points.

From Li Fuhai's point of view, this guy was obviously scared and immediately became arrogant.

"Boy, are you afraid now? Kneel down and hand over those pills. I might let you go when I'm happy, otherwise..."

As soon as this guy was halfway through speaking, he was knocked to the ground by another big mouth.

Ye Bufan glanced at him disdainfully: "Call your big brother over."

Li Fuhai was completely stunned and didn't understand what this meant.

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Think about it, if you call your eldest brother over, wouldn’t that mean the other party is finished?

"Stop talking nonsense and call your big brother over quickly."

Ye Bufan said again impatiently.

He is about to go to the inner courtyard now. Before leaving, he must solve all the troubles and cannot leave them to Jiang Fangzhou.

Because of this, he asked the other party to call someone.

"Just wait for me."

After making sure that the other party was not joking, Li Fuhai took out a jade communication charm from his pocket and sent a message.

After he was done, he shouted with a ferocious face: "Boy, you are finished now. When my elder brother comes over, I will cut you into pieces."

Knowing that reinforcements would arrive soon, Ma Fang and Zhang Qi also gained confidence.

"Boy, you dare to offend anyone. This time you offend our boss, and you will have to walk around Blue Wind Academy without food..."

"That's right, just wait for death. It's not too late to kneel down and apologize now, otherwise you won't have the chance to wait..."

Hearing the threats from several people, Ye Bufan didn't feel anything bad, but Jiang Fangzhou became nervous. He didn't want his friends to be implicated because of him.

"Brother Ye, why don't you leave first and I'll stay to deal with it."

"You handle it? How can you handle it?" Ye Bufan chuckled, "They're just a few little ants. What's there to be afraid of? Let them shut up now."

"Oh! I understand, Brother Ye."

Jiang Fangzhou also risked his life. No matter what Brother Ye said, it was the worst that the two of them would die together.

Thinking of this, he no longer had any scruples. When he came to Ma Fang and Zhang Qi, he slapped them with a few more big mouths, hitting the two people with their teeth spitting out on the floor.

Now several people were honest. Although their eyes were filled with hatred, they did not dare to say anything. However, in their opinion, this new student was already dead.

Li Fuman's eldest brother Li Fuhai is the top student of the Intermediate Academy and a strong man at the peak of Nascent Soul. As long as he comes over, this guy in front of him will definitely die.

As for whether Li Fuhai would be the opponent of the guy in front of them, they would never even think about it. Even if he was powerful, at most he was just a new student who had just entered the school. How could he be the opponent of the strong person in the Intermediate Academy?

Thinking of this, several people here are full of expectations, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements, thinking about pressing the two guys in front of them to the ground and ruthlessly ravaging them for revenge.

It was not long before seven or eight figures appeared at the entrance of the Fire Spirit Tower Corridor.

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There, holding hands behind his back, was a tall young man, exuding a powerful aura.

After seeing this person, Li Fuman and the others were extremely excited. This person turned out to be his eldest brother Li Fuhai.

"Brother, come on, I'm here."

Li Fuman finally saw the savior and shouted anxiously.

Li Fuhai and the people behind him were all powerful men in the divine transformation stage, and they came to them as soon as their figures moved.

Seeing his own brother being beaten like this, he suddenly became extremely angry.

"Tell me who hit you, and I will avenge you!"

Li Fuhai's words were full of confidence. In Blue Wind Academy, no one dared to touch his younger brother as long as they were below the intermediate level.

As for those powerful inner academy students, how could they take action against an outer academy student? This was impossible.

Because of this, he felt that no matter who the other party was, he could solve it himself.

Not only him, but also the little followers who came over, all started shouting.

"Yes, who dares to touch our eldest brother's younger brother without opening his eyes? Doesn't he want to live?"

"Tell me who that person is. He dares to be arrogant in Blue Wind Academy. I have to break his limbs..."

"Brother Fuman, don't worry, as long as we brothers are here, you won't suffer any injustice..."

Seeing so many people supporting him, Li Fuman suddenly felt confident and raised his hand and pointed at Ye Bufan: "Brother, that's that kid!

A new student is very arrogant, you must show him some color! "

Ye Bufan and the other two just stood quietly beside him. Due to the dim light in the corridor, they didn't pay much attention before.

Seeing so many powerful people in the transformation stage looking at him, even though Fangzhou was ready to risk his life, his legs still trembled uncontrollably and kept swaying.

After all, the momentum of these people in front of him was too powerful, far beyond what he, a golden elixir early stage, could contend with.

Then Li Fuhai and others also saw Ye Bufan's appearance clearly. These people suddenly felt as if they were struck by lightning, and they no longer had the arrogance they had just now.

They stood there like wood carvings and clay sculptures, with a look of fear in their eyes, and their bodies were trembling involuntarily like Jiang Fangzhou.

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