Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1573 The sudden engagement

"Wha...what engagement?"

Situ Changkong asked confused.

"Brother Situ, have you forgotten such an important thing?" Huo Dongping said with some dissatisfaction, "It's just Dian Mo and our little sword. We made an engagement for them ten years ago.

It's just that our Aoki Sword Technique is half a child's skill, and it cannot be broken before reaching the holy level.

So I haven't mentioned it again for so many years, but the engagement is still there.

Now that Xiaojian has successfully broken through the threshold of the Saint level, he is now a veritable warrior at the Martial Saint level. Naturally, he will no longer be restricted and can already get married. "


Situ Changkong swallowed hard and said in a dry voice, "Brother, wasn't that a joke back then? Why did you take it seriously?"

At this moment, he had remembered what Huo Dongping said about the engagement. In fact, it was just a joke. Huo Dongping was drunk at the time and saw Situ Dianmo's delicate and handsome appearance, so he said that he would be betrothed to his grandson Huo Jian.

But there is a prerequisite. As mentioned just now, Huo Jian must achieve success in the Qingmu Sword Art and step into the threshold of the Martial Saint.

Situ Changkong also drank some wine at that time, and did not take what the other party said to heart at all. After all, in his opinion, whether he could step into the Martial Sainthood was completely illusory, and many people would not be able to step into this threshold throughout their lives.

Could it be that Huo Jian has been unable to advance to the level of Martial Saint, and his granddaughter has to wait forever? Wouldn't it be impossible to be a widow?

This incident later passed away. Huo Dongping didn't mention it again, and Situ Changkong also completely forgot about it. Only when the other party mentioned it today did he vaguely remember it.

Huo Dongping said seriously: "How could it be a joke? I am serious."

"No, brother, I thought you were just talking, and you haven't mentioned it again after so many years..."

Situ Changkong was just mid-sentence when he was interrupted by Huo Dongping with a wave of his hand, "It doesn't matter whether you forget or not, I've already inquired about it, your Dianmo family doesn't have any marriage partners yet.

The two of them are a perfect match, even if they didn't have a previous engagement, they are a perfect match now. "

In fact, Huo Dongping didn't mention this marriage randomly. He actually said it as a joke back then.

But he didn't expect that his grandson's cultivation had been making rapid progress recently, and he had reached the level of a martial saint in his twenties. This made him suddenly think of his previous engagement.

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However, he didn't act rashly. He first asked people to go out and inquire about Situ Dianmo's situation, and even secretly got the photos back.

After confirming that the other party was slim and unrivaled in beauty, Huo Jian was extremely satisfied, and then he brought up the past.

If Situ Dianmo was fat, ugly, and vulgar, then the previous engagement was just a joke and would never be mentioned again.

Situ Changkong naturally didn't know this, so he glanced at An Daoquan in embarrassment.

The previous conflict with Yunxia Mountain was because Feng Xiaokuang had a crush on Situ Dianmo. As a result, it had not completely subsided. He originally came to Tiangong to ask for help, but an engagement contract popped up, which made him extremely embarrassed for a while. .

If Ye Bufan hadn't been there, he would have agreed without hesitation, but now that his granddaughter was already committed, he couldn't agree to the engagement at all.

An Daoquan shook his head slightly, indicating that he couldn't help with this kind of thing.

Situ Changkong had no choice but to hold on by himself, swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "Brother, this is really not good..."

"Situ Changkong, what do you mean? Do you still think that my grandson is not worthy of your granddaughter?"

Huo Dongping's face turned completely cold, "Our Huo family is from the Qingmu Sword Sect and is the head of the Sword Sect.

My grandson Xiaojian is a young martial arts saint. He is a talented young man who is rare to see in a century. Could it be that this marriage contract has wronged your family? "

"This... brother, that's not what I meant. Xiao Jian is really excellent, but I haven't told Dian Mo about this. That girl already has a boyfriend..."

"Isn't it just that I have a boyfriend? It's not getting married. I don't think it's a big deal!"

Huo Dongping waved his hand indifferently, "Little girls are not mature mentally and can easily be deceived by people's sweet words. This is normal.

But when she sees the excellence of our Xiaojian, she will naturally not take that man seriously anymore. You don't have to worry about this matter and let Xiaojian handle it on his own. "

"Yes, Grandpa Situ, as long as you agree, I will definitely be able to make Sister Dianmo like me."

Huo Jian patted his chest, looking confident.

In his opinion, he was born in a famous family and was a strong warrior at the level of a martial saint. He had to have good looks and abilities, so how could he be compared to a man in the world.

As long as Situ Dianmo sees him, he will naturally throw that man away. This is already a certainty, there is no

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Any suspense.


Situ Changkong originally wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Huo Dongping with a wave of his hand.

"Okay, brother Situ, this matter is settled. As long as you don't have any objections, let the child handle it by himself."

Huo Dongping is also full of confidence. His grandson is the youngest martial saint in the entire Tiangong. As long as Situ Dianmo is not blind, he will naturally like Huo Jian.

To put it ten thousand steps back, even if the other party is stubborn and kills the kid directly with one sword, a secular person will die as soon as he dies, which is no different from killing an ant.

In this world, as long as you have absolute power in your own hands, there is nothing that cannot be solved.

Then he asked: "By the way, do you two come to Tiangong for something?"

Situ Changkong sighed. It seemed that regarding the engagement, we could only figure out a way later and resolve the immediate crisis first.

"That's right, brother, we have something to report this time..."

Situ Changkong told the story of Yunxia Mountain's entry into the world from beginning to end, including how the other party came to Xuanyuan Pavilion to propose marriage, how he robbed Situ Dianmo, and how his legs were broken by Ye Bufan.

Finally, he said: "Yunxia Mountain was originally a hidden sect, but it broke the rules and joined the world to collude with foreign enemies. It was arrogant and domineering and did whatever it wanted. We came here this time just to ask the Lord of the Palace to come out and uphold justice."

"Yunxia Mountain? You are so brave, you dare to violate the rules set by my Tiangong."

After hearing the news, Huo Dongping's expression instantly darkened.

Seeing his attitude, An Daoquan and the others suddenly felt happy: "It is indeed true. Please ask the Palace Master to come out and punish Yunxia Mountain."

"This doesn't seem to work." Huo Dongping shook his head, "The palace master is in retreat to make a breakthrough. It has reached a critical period. We cannot disturb him at this time."

Situ Changkong suddenly said anxiously: "Palace Master Huo, what should we do?

If Yunxia Mountain cannot stop its misbehavior, other hidden sects may follow suit, and won't the whole of China be in chaos? "

So he even changed his title from elder brother to palace master, reminding the other party that this was no longer a private matter, but a major event related to the entire Chinese martial arts world.

Huo Dongping pondered for a moment and did not answer his question. Instead, he asked: "By the way, who did you just say injured the young sect leader of Yunxia Mountain?"

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