Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1513 News about Situ Dianmo

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "Lucia, your speculation makes no sense. If you have the energy, you might as well seize the time to help me find someone."

"Are you looking for someone? No need." Lucia smiled charmingly, "Because I have already found him."

"What, you have already found the whereabouts of Situ Dianmo?"

Ye Bufan was surprised and happy. He had been waiting for this news for so many days in Angel City.

"Yeah, I wonder if what you promised before is still valid?"

"Of course it works. As long as you can help me find Situ Dianmo, I will help your Bouchard family create five vampire grand dukes."

Ye Bufan said, "Tell me quickly, where is she and how is she now?"

Situ Dianmo has been missing for so many days, and every second there is more danger, so he is extremely anxious.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly. I just have news now. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to save people."

Lucia said, "My family's intelligence network has collected comprehensive information on the day Situ Dianmo disappeared. There was a person who visited the hotel where she last lived. To be precise, he was a vampire, that is, from the Lomons family. Grand Duke Stephen.”

"The Blood Tribe, you mean to say that it was that person who captured Situ Dianmo? Is the news accurate? Is there any evidence?"

Ye Bufan felt confused. Xuanyuan Pavilion was a special department of China, but it had no connection with the dark world of the West, and he had never had any contact with the vampires before.

There is no grudge between the two parties. Even if they encounter a vampire, the other party should have no reason to take action. "

"Little handsome boy, you are too impatient. You should be patient and listen to what I have to say."

Lucia smiled, “We weren’t sure it was Stephen who did it before, but then we got another piece of news.

Someone saw him in a gas station just outside the border of country M, holding a woman in his arms. She was the Situ Dianmo you were looking for.

The two pieces of news are superimposed together, and we can be sure that it was Stephen's hand. "

A cold light flashed in Ye Bufan's eyes: "What's the reason? Why did he do this?"

"The reason is not known yet, but I can make a wild guess."

"you say."

Now Ye Bufan has a new understanding of this woman's wisdom. The guess he made just now was basically 90% correct, which shows that his thinking and sense of smell are sharp.

Lucia said: "The many homes of vampires

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Among the families, the Lomons family ranks fifth and is much stronger than our family.

The prince of their family is named Olajuwon, and his birthday will be in three days.

Normally, we vampires have lived for thousands of years and don’t care much about birthdays.

But Olajuwon is an exception. This person likes to celebrate birthdays very much. Every time, he has to make a big fuss, and the family members have to prepare some gifts to please him.

For a family, money is no different than waste paper, and it is difficult for him to be tempted by other treasures. "

For a vampire prince, the best gift for him is blood food, so every time at this time, the people of the Lomons family will go around looking for blood food. "

"You mean, Situ Dianmo was taken away as blood food?"

After receiving this news, Ye Bufan's whole body burst with powerful murderous intent.

Lucia continued: "I guess it should be like this. For vampires, the best blood food is your Chinese cultivators. Because of the sufficient energy and blood, it tastes particularly delicious.

In this case, Stephen bumped into Situ Dianmo and naturally wanted to take her away. "

"Let's see who dares. If she loses one hair, I will crush the Vampire Clan directly."

Ye Bufan was really angry at this moment, and the voice and smile of Situ Dianmo from before kept appearing in front of his eyes.

If this girl really had something wrong with her, he would definitely let the vampire be buried with her at all costs.

Touching his eyes, even Lucia trembled with fear.

"Little handsome boy, you don't need to be so anxious. There are still three days until Olajuwon's birthday. That girl should be safe now."

Hearing her say this, Ye Bufan restrained his murderous intent: "Is it possible that Situ Dianmo has been poisoned by Stephen?"

Lucia said: "This is probably almost impossible. If Stephen wants to take action, he can do it directly in Angel City. There is no need to bring her back to the family."

Ye Bufan thought about this and felt much relieved.

"Tell me where the Lomons are?

Lucia said: "According to my speculation, Situ Dianmo is still in Stephen's hands, and the gift will not be delivered until the day of the birthday celebration.

So you should not go to the Lomons family now, you should go to Stephen. "

Ye Bufan asked: "Then tell me, where is Stephen now?"

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where? "

Lucia did not answer directly, but asked: "Little handsome boy, do you mean you want to go directly to the door to rob someone?"

"That's right."

Ye Bufan didn't hide it. With his current strength, neither the vampire prince nor the grand duke took it seriously.

"I don't think it's appropriate for you to go over and save people like this."

Lucia said, "I know your strength is no problem, but once you force your way in and Stephen receives the news indirectly, he may turn Situ Dianmo into a blood descendant in desperation, and it will be too late to regret it. "


Ye Bufan thought about it calmly and realized that this was indeed a possibility. This was obviously not the result he wanted.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

"Of course, I can even help you rescue people." Lucia said with a smile, "But according to our previous agreement, I am only providing you with information, and saving people is beyond the scope."

Ye Bufan glanced at her: "As long as you help me rescue people, I owe you a favor."

"make a deal."

Lucia is a very smart woman, so she naturally knows that this man's favor is much more precious than a few pills.

"Tell me, how can we save people?"

"You just need to do this and follow my method..."

Lucia explained her method and finally said, "From now on, you will lower your cultivation level to the earth level."

Ye Bufan was a little confused: "Why? If necessary, I can completely suppress it so that others don't feel that I am a warrior at all."

"That won't work." Lucia said, "For the vampires, the most perfect blood corpse is rich in blood, but at the same time, its strength cannot be too strong and must be within the scope of one's control.

For our plan this time, your cultivation is too low to be attractive, and too high for the other party to dare to take action.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to control the level of the earth class, which is equivalent to the level of a marquis of the blood clan. "

"I understand."

This was not difficult for Ye Bufan. He immediately adjusted the true energy in his body and instantly converged his aura to the earth level.

After everything was ready, he called Alicia and Lu Banxia over, explained the situation, and left them in Angel City.

Then he took Ye Tian and Lucia and set off to Austria in Europe.

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