Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1498: Expelled in public

Seeing the people around Carter in an uproar, you must know that this is the person in charge of today's award ceremony. Something must have happened to him suddenly coming here.

Yang Zixiong and Yang Lili were overjoyed after seeing him, and they had already guessed what was going to happen next.

Shang Tiantian was confused and didn't know what was going on, but a bad premonition arose in her heart that something big was going to happen.

Carter walked up to her, smiled politely, and then said: "Miss Shang, I'm sorry, I have something to inform you.

Because the previous staff made a mistake, your brothers entertainment company and you are not qualified to participate in this award ceremony, so you are asked to withdraw now. "

As soon as he said these words, the crowd around him immediately exploded.

"What's going on? I've already prepared everything, but now I'm told that I'm not qualified to participate. Isn't it too funny?"

"What do you mean the staff made a mistake? Isn't this a lame excuse?"

"I have attended so many Oscar-winning ceremony and kicked people out on the spot. This is the first time..."

Everyone present whispered, and everyone could see that all this was aimed at Brother Entertainment and the woman in front of him.

But these people just say it, it has nothing to do with themselves, this is the CEO of the entire award ceremony, they can't afford to offend, and no one will stand up and speak out.

Shang Tiantian was stunned for a moment, and then her face turned extremely ugly.

"Our company has officially received an invitation from Hollywood. Why should I leave?"

Carter smiled again, unfazed.

"Ms. Shang, didn't I explain it to you? This was our staff's mistake. The invitation letter was sent by mistake. Your brothers originally didn't invest in the company.

Now that we have discovered a mistake, we will correct it. Please leave now. "

He said this without any attitude of acknowledging his mistake and apologizing. On the contrary, his words were full of teasing and ridicule.

Yang Lili was immediately as excited as if she had been given a shot of blood.

"Did you hear that? I asked you to leave. What are you still doing here? Do you have to call security?"


Shang Tiantian is going crazy. What is the staff's mistake? No one would believe this.

Even if there is such a low-level mistake, why not correct it in advance? It happened that when I came to the red carpet, I informed myself that I had been kicked off.

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This was obviously intentional and meant to embarrass oneself.

Thinking of what Yang Zixiong said before, she already understood that all this was done by Xiongba Entertainment Company, and it was completely targeting Brother Entertainment and herself.

Sun Yanhong's hot temper suddenly became angry, she pointed at Carter's nose and shouted: "Why? What kind of bastard rule are you talking about?

Even if your staff made a mistake, the responsibility should be borne by you. How can you drive people away at this time? Aren't you bullying people? "

"Little girl, didn't anyone tell you that it's rude to point at others?"

Carter's face suddenly turned cold, and the false smile before disappeared.

"You don't even look at the strength of our brother company. What qualifications does a newly established company have to participate in our statuette award ceremony? Why do you, a female artist from a small company, come to our place to walk on the red carpet?

Leave now and don't affect our normal activities, otherwise I will call the security to chase them away. "

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a dozen tall and strong security guards immediately ran over behind him, ready to chase people away if they disagreed.

At the same time, a large number of reporters came over, their cameras snapping incessantly, focusing all their attention on Shang Tiantian's extremely ugly face.

The people around kept shaking their heads and sighing. Everyone understood what was going on. This was because the Brothers Investment Company had offended someone, otherwise this situation would never have happened.

Carter said: "I'll give you one last chance, and leave quickly."

Yang Lili looked arrogant: "Did you hear that? I want you to get out of here."

Yang Zixiong looked proud: "Shang Tiantian, now that I know the strength of your brothers' entertainment, you can't compare with our Xiongba Entertainment. You are still far behind."

After speaking, he turned to look at Carter: "Mr. Carter, I think it is enough to remove this kind of person. After all, it is not easy for him, and he has traveled thousands of miles to come here.

Although they can't walk on the red carpet, it can open their eyes to let them see how our artists walk on the red carpet. "

"In this case, I won't chase people away and let you stay here to watch." Carter said to the surroundings, "Now the red carpet ceremony has officially begun. The following is the first person to step on the red carpet today. Please invite us. Miss Yang Lili, she comes from China’s Xiongba Entertainment Company.”

The crowd was in an uproar, and Yang Lili was extremely proud.

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He looked at Shang Tiantian and said, "Shang, look out, I'm the first person to walk on the red carpet today."

After saying this, the woman stepped onto the red carpet with an extremely proud look on her face, like a high and mighty queen.

Shang Tiantian was so angry that her face was livid, but she was helpless.

She is very aware of the seriousness of today's incident. It is not just a matter of not being able to walk on the red carpet. Once the news is reported back to China, Brother Entertainment will be disgraced in the future and will no longer have any prestige at all.

Some of the onlookers shook their heads and sighed, some sympathized, some gloated, and some watched the show. In their view, this result was inevitable. Who made Brother Entertainment offend the CEO.

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Everyone looked over together, and it was Ye Bufan who spoke.

Carter looked at him with a sneer: "Young man, who are you? Are you questioning me?"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Bufan. I am the boss of Brother Entertainment."

Carter said jokingly: "Even if you are the boss, you can't change the decision I made."

Are you kidding me? This is the Golden Man Award Ceremony. There are hundreds to hundreds of bosses here. How could he care about a small company from China?

Ye Bufan said: "It seems you are unreasonable?"

Carter laughed: "Does it make sense? What I said makes sense."

Yang Zixiong then said: "Yes, if you are named Ye, just give up. Mr. Carter's words here are the truth and the rules. No one can change it."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll show you what's unreasonable."

After speaking, Ye Bufan shouted to the entire venue: "Charlton, Santos, James, you three, get over here!"

He did not use a microphone, but with the infusion of Qi, his voice clearly reached the ears of everyone in the venue.

"What's going on? Is this young man crazy? He's shouting here?"

"Who is he calling? Why do the names of these three people sound familiar?"

"Oh my God, this is a lunatic. He dares to shout the names of the three masters in public and tell them to get over here. Doesn't he want to live?"

Everyone present was talking a lot. Some knew about the three major families, while some had never heard of them due to their lack of status.

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