Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,493 Sign up and enter

The call was quickly connected, and Zhao Dongsheng said politely: "Assistant sir, when will my sister and I come over?"

Robert has an important business event today, and they can just go over and sign it. Everything has been agreed upon in advance, and he doesn't think there will be any surprises.

Unexpectedly, the assistant said on the other side of the phone: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhao, things have changed. Robert has important things to do today. He even postponed the business event and can't sign autographs for you. Let's talk about this later."

Zhao Dongsheng was quite surprised: "How could this happen? Didn't we agree?"

"Things have changed."

After all, the assistant took him 10,000 US dollars, but he was still very patient. He lowered his voice and said: "Yesterday, Robert suddenly received an instruction from the company. Today, he is going to sign an autograph for the sister of a big shot. This matter is more important than anything else. It must be We have to get it done first and then talk about it.”

Zhao Dongsheng was surprised, what kind of big shot is this? Robert was actually able to turn down that important business performance and take the initiative to come to someone's door to sign autographs.

You must know that this is the most handsome actor in Hollywood, and he is always aloof.

I spent a total of 10,000 US dollars to request an autograph, but I still haven't achieved it yet, but others have to take the initiative to deliver autographs to my door. In comparison, the gap is really too big.

"Assistant sir, when is the best time for us to go there? Tomorrow?"

"It's hard to say this. You have to know that tomorrow is the award ceremony for the statuette, and there will be many commercial activities after that. I'm afraid it won't be convenient then."

"What should I do? Please make some arrangements."

Zhao Dongsheng gave away all the 10,000 US dollars. He neither wanted the money to go to waste, nor wanted to disappoint Zhao Dongna.

"Well, Mr. Robert and I will set off immediately to rush to the Violet Hotel, so you can go there together.

When we get there, wait and see. If there is a suitable opportunity, I will discuss it with Robert and say that you are my friends and ask him to sign his name for you. "

The assistant really had no choice. After all, he took other people's money and finally came up with such a way.

"Okay, let's go there now."

After Zhao Dongsheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhao Dongna listened half-comprehensively, and after seeing him hang up the phone, she asked: "What's wrong, brother, has something happened?"

"Something happened..."

Zhao Dongsheng recounted what his assistant had said and finally said: "It's really

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I don’t know who that big shot is, but he was able to get Robert to come and sign his sister’s autograph. This is really terrifying. "

"Oh my God, there are still people like this."

Zhao Dongna was also shocked. You must know that with Robert's status, even if he can give you face, it would be good to sign your name. This is the first time that he has come to sign for you.

She secretly thought to herself that she really didn't know who that woman was, but it was so enviable to have such an awesome brother.

The two of them said no more, simply packed up and went out, rushing to the Violet Hotel together.

When they arrived outside the hotel, they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them. They saw that the place was already crowded with people, and the entrance was completely guarded by hotel security.

It turns out that the hotel manager has received an order from the Fulin family. Today, everything is based on serving the important people. Guests who previously stayed in the hotel can enter and exit with their room cards, while outsiders will not be admitted.

At this moment, more than a dozen security guards guarded the door completely, and all outsiders who wanted to enter had to ask one question: "Do you know Miss Ouyang Jing?"

If the other party does not know Ouyang Jing, they will not be allowed to enter. Only if the other party replies that they know Ouyang Jing and is related to Ouyang Jing, will they be allowed to enter.

"Brother, come on, look at the big stars."

The two of them had just stabilized their mood, and then they saw a scene that they couldn't believe.

I saw those big stars who can only be seen on TV on weekdays, lining up in front of the door one after another, and then entering one by one.

A trace of doubt arose in both of their minds at the same time: "What on earth is going on? Why do so many celebrities come to the hotel? Are they all signing autographs for the big shot's sister?"

If that's true, that big shot is really awesome, right? "

Zhao Dongsheng took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement: "Okay, let's go in and take a look."

Zhao Dongna said: "Brother, do you think we can wait a moment and see that big shot?"

At this moment, she was already full of curiosity and admiration for that person, and she even had a little fantasy in her heart. If the big shot was not married, would he fall in love with her?

Although her appearance is just average, every woman has a Cinderella dream in her heart. Maybe the prince likes her.

"I also want to meet him, but it's not easy to meet such a big shot. It depends on our luck."

Zhao Dongsheng said that the two of them came to the front of the hotel together and lined up to wait to enter.

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They saw the people in front of them going over to be questioned one after another. Some were released after questioning, and some were kicked out of the hotel directly.

However, the management rules here are very strict. There is a long distance between the people who come forward to be questioned and the people waiting in line behind them, and they can't hear what the other person is saying at all.

After a while, it was finally their turn. They walked to the hotel door and the security guard asked, "Do you know Miss Ouyang Jing?"


Zhao Dongna never expected that the security guard would ask such a question. She said in surprise: "I have a classmate from China named Ouyang Jing. I don't know if I am talking about the same person. Does this have anything to do with entering the hotel? ?”

"Okay, sir and madam, you can go in."

When they heard that it was Ouyang Jing's classmate, the two security guards let him go without any obstruction.

Although they entered the door, the Zhao brothers and sisters still looked surprised and didn't understand what entering the hotel had to do with Ouyang Jing.

The two people did not go in directly, but looked back at the people behind.

Everyone who enters will be asked the same question, that is, do you know Ouyang Jing? Those who answered that they knew him were allowed in, while those who answered that they did not know him were kicked out of the hotel.

"Oh my God, what kind of rule is this?"

Zhao Dongna said in confusion: "Brother, the person Robert came to sign autographs for is not Ouyang Jing, right?"

At this point, before Zhao Dongsheng could answer, she shook her head.

"This is absolutely impossible! Their brother and sister are just a pair of poor people. They can't survive in China. How can they have such a high status in Angel City."

From the bottom of her heart, she was unwilling to accept that Ouyang Jing would be stronger than her, and she never thought that one day, she would have to rely on her relationship with him to gain entry.

Zhao Dongsheng thought so. He had met Ye Bufan yesterday. He was obviously a poor man. His outfit was not as good as his own pocket. How could he be that big shot?

"Let's go, we'll find out when we get up there."

The two people followed the assistant's request and went directly to the top floor of the Violet Hotel.

As soon as the two people stepped out of the elevator door, they were shocked by the sight in front of them. There was a long queue in the corridor of the hotel, and all of the people in the queue were famous Hollywood stars.

With so many people gathered together, it’s no exaggeration to call it a star-studded event. If I hadn’t known something in advance, I would have thought that the Golden Man Award Ceremony had been moved here.

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