Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,448 Pretending to be 13 and being struck by lightning

Olivier and the three heaven-level warriors were all confused. As Westerners, they had never seen teleportation, let alone the concept of teleportation.

He couldn't imagine why the other party suddenly disappeared, let alone why he would appear behind him again.

And when Ye Bufan appeared again, the dragon's teeth in his hand flashed like lightning, and then three large heads rose into the air, and a stream of hot blood spurted out.

Olivier stood nearby and before he could figure out what was going on, his face was sprayed with the blood of an elder. For a moment, his face was full of shock and he was at a loss.

Before he could recover, Ye Bufan's dragon teeth were already pressing on his shoulders.

This time, everyone in the room was shocked, especially Denniston. She never expected that her carefully planned hostage-taking would be cracked so easily. She couldn't understand how the other party could cross such a long distance.

They were even more amazed at the opponent's strength. The three heaven-level elders of the Berwick family were so vulnerable to the opponent that they lost their lives in an instant.

Ye Bufan ignored everyone's emotions and looked at Olivier with a joking face: "How is it? Isn't it a surprise?

What did you say just now? You want to tear me into pieces and steal my property and women, right? "


As a dandy young master, Olivier was most afraid of death. At this moment, his face was full of blood, and he looked at the dazzling cold light of the dragon's teeth and the overwhelming murderous intent in front of him.

His courage was completely frightened, and he fell to his knees with a plop.

"Mr. Ye, I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Please let me go."

Seeing his brother's cowardly appearance, Denniston's brows suddenly furrowed, obviously extremely disappointed.

"People like you really don't deserve to live in this world. Let's send you on your way as soon as possible."

Ye Bufan flicked his wrist, and Olivier's head flew into the air, and his body fell to the ground with a plop.

He turned back to look at Denniston and found that the woman's expression did not change much, as if she had not seen Olivier's death at all.

"You don't seem to care about your brother?"

"He's just a worthless waste. Living is just a waste of food. Even if he's dead, I can run the Berwick family well."

Denniston's voice was calm, as if she was not talking about her biological brother, but an unrelated person.

"The most poisonous woman's heart, it seems that is the case."

Ye Bufan shook his head and turned back to tear off all the ropes on Cao Xinghua and the other three.

"Yes, I am cruel

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, Anyone who offends me will die. "Denniston shouted nervously again, "Ye, do you think you can win like this? Far from it, this is just an appetizer. "

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "Really? If you have any other skills, feel free to use them. I'm in a hurry."

"Just wait for me. I won't trick you into coming here if you're not completely sure."

Denniston turned around and shouted to the darkness of the valley with a respectful expression: "Please, Lord Alliance Leader."

As soon as she finished speaking, countless figures flashed out of the surrounding darkness, surrounding the small valley.

At the same time, a tall man in black robes appeared in the center of the valley.

This man was wrapped tightly from head to toe, and his face was covered in a wide black robe, making it impossible to see his appearance at all. He was like the god of death returning from hell, and his whole body exuded a cold aura.

This person is none other than the leader of the Black Wizards Alliance, the holy-level cultivator Chilavit.

There were nine dark wizards following him, all of them had powerful auras and were clearly powerful at the wizard saint level.

In particular, there were two people on the left and right, one wearing a black robe and the other wearing a red robe. They were Gulit, the leader of the Black Witch Cult, and Salas, the leader of the Blood Witch Cult.

Originally, the Black Wizard Alliance was composed of three parts, namely the Black Witch Sect, the Blood Witch Sect and the Ghost Witch Sect. But now it has been completely destroyed by Ye Bufan, leaving only these two sects.

In addition to these 10 warrior saint-level experts, there were hundreds of people from the Black Wizard Alliance, all of whom exuded an eerie and powerful aura.

As soon as many powerful men from the Dark Wizard Alliance appeared, a powerful aura instantly enveloped the entire valley, and the situation suddenly changed.

"Ye Bufan, you didn't expect that, did you? No matter what you chose just now, the final result is only one death."

Denniston laughed as he spoke, his laughter full of triumph and arrogance.

Ye Bufan's expression remained calm, as if he hadn't seen these people at all.

"Everyone knows that the Berwick family relies on the Dark Wizards Alliance. Do you think I couldn't guess what your trump card is before I come here?

The reason why I dare to come is because I don't take these shady guys seriously at all. "

His tone was very calm, but it exuded a strong sense of confidence.

"Boy, you still don't kneel down and surrender after seeing our leader." Salas, the leader of the Blood Witch Cult in red robes, stood up and said, "Ye Bufan, although you have some abilities, you are not enough to follow me as a dark wizard. Alliance counterbalance.

Today, except for the alliance leader, we

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There are also nine powerful wizard saints and hundreds of wizard kings. What can you do to compete with us? Just the few people in front of you?

It is no exaggeration to say that with just a few clicks of our fingers, we can smash all of you to pieces. "

"Pretend, keep pretending!"

Ye Bufan glanced at Salas teasingly, "There is a saying in China that one is struck by lightning at the age of 13. This sentence is just right for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of thunder suddenly echoed through the air, followed by a bolt of lightning as thick as an adult's arm struck from the air and hit Salas hard.

All this happened too quickly, too suddenly, and beyond everyone's expectations.

However, as a powerful wizard-sage-level person, Salas still has a magic weapon to save his life.

Facing the huge pressure of lightning, a bloody skull on his chest exploded with a bang, and then a thick blood mist exploded to protect him.

But the thunder and lightning was too powerful. The moment it fell, it turned the blood mist into nothingness, and then struck Salas heavily on the body.

Salas was slashed and flew back seven or eight meters. His whole body was scorched black, and even the wizard's robe was held up high by his raised hair. He looked extremely funny.

However, the bloody skull still played a vital role. Although it was chopped into a mess, it still managed to save a life.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

As the leader of the Blood Witch Cult, Salas had never suffered such a loss before, and he was almost going crazy.

He looked up and saw a bearded young man appearing in mid-air. It was Thunder Protector Xie Changsi.

At the same time, one figure after another appeared in the Fourth Middle School, a total of 39 people, creating a counter-encirclement for everyone from the Dark Wizard Alliance in the valley.

Although the number was small, only about thirty, everyone in the Dark Wizards Alliance was horrified.

Although Chilavit couldn't see his expression, it could be seen from the shaking black robe that he was quite shocked inside.

I only knew that Ye Bufan was a master before, but I didn't expect that his men were so powerful. All 39 of them were warriors at the martial saint level.

You must know that when the two sides compete, what ultimately depends on the strength of the strong one.

The wizards and wizards under him, as long as they have not reached the level of wizard saint, are basically a mob and cannot play a big role.

There are only ten wizard-sage-level experts on his side, but there are more than thirty on the other side. You can tell who is stronger and who is weaker at a glance.

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