Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1427: Perfect

"You have the nerve to ask me? Who gave you the courage to break off the engagement in public? Who gave you the courage to make the family secrets public?

You even told me about attacking the Divine Court. Do you think our Berwick family died too slowly? "

Denniston became angrier as he spoke, and struck Olivier on the head with a club, causing blood to flow out immediately.

"Sister, I have no idea what you are talking about. When did I break off the engagement, and when did I tell all the family secrets? I have never done anything like that..."

Olivier covered his broken head, looking at a loss.

"I obviously saw you with my own eyes, but I still want to deny it..."

Denniston swung the stick again.

Olivier was so angry at being beaten that he snatched the rubber stick away.

"Sister, what are you talking about? I've obviously never done anything."

"Olivier, what's the use of denying it now? The whole family has been ruined by you..."

When Denniston said this, the grievances in his heart welled up in his heart, and he squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

"Sister, what on earth is going on? What on earth happened?"

Olivier looked confused again. This was the first time in so many years that he saw his sister like this.

In the past, Denniston, no matter who provoked the Berwick family, would take stern revenge and never cried.

"You really don't know?"

Denniston seemed to sense something was wrong and looked up at Olivier.

"I really don't know."

Olivier calmed down a bit, suddenly thought of something, and said eagerly: "Sister, I forgot to tell you that I met Ye Bufan in the bathroom.

He knocked me out, and I didn’t know anything after that. When I woke up, it was just now. Did something happen again? "

Dennis jumped up suddenly: "What did you say? You were knocked unconscious. Are you sure you didn't lie?"

"No, I told the truth, even though I was going to be mad at that bitch Alicia at the time.

But for the sake of the overall interests of the family, I did not have a seizure, but went into the bathroom. As a result, Ye Bufan came next and knocked me unconscious. "

"Damn Ye Bufan, I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

At this moment, Denniston fully realized that he had been tricked by Ye Bufan. No wonder

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The younger brother suddenly dared to hit him. No wonder the family secrets were made public during the meeting. It turned out that all this was caused by the other party.

Olivier asked eagerly: "Sister, what happened?"

After getting angry, Denniston let out a long sigh, told the story from beginning to end, and finally said with great disappointment: "After such a commotion, our Berwick family is completely finished.

Now he has been isolated by all the aristocratic families in the federal capital, and even his survival will be a problem in the future. "

"What, how could this happen?"

Olivier was shocked and stunned. He came back to his senses and shouted loudly, "Sister, it must be Ye Bufan pretending to be me. He did all this. Didn't you expose him at that time?"


Denniston slowly calmed down and regained his ability to think.

"I still clearly remember the scene at that time. Ye Bufan was sitting between Helena and Aliska. This must be true.

Moreover, the person speaking on stage must be you. Whether it is the tone of voice or the posture and expression of the speech, it is exactly the same as yours. Even if others can admit their mistake, I will never mistake my own brother. "

Olivier said in shock: "But I really don't know. I was knocked unconscious at the time. How could I do these things?"

"Ye Bufan must have done it." Denniston said, "Ye Bufan was originally a master of magic and martial arts. Now it seems that he must have controlled your sanity through some special magic, even though you did all this. , but completely under his control."

No matter how smart she was, she would never have imagined that Ye Bufan possessed the magical disguise technique inherited from the ancient medical school, let alone that a person like Ye Erlang existed.

Behind the Berwick family was the Dark Wizards Alliance, and they were no strangers to spells, so it was easy for her to think of magic spells that could control people's sanity.

"Sister, what should we do?"

Olivier is not a fool, although he is aware of the serious consequences of this matter.

Denniston said lonely: "What else can I do? It has been returned, and I can't get it back if I want to.

In Shenting, we have completely come to oppose them, and have listed us as enemies in public. It is a great mercy that they did not take action against us today. "

"But this matter was not done by me at all. We can go to Shenting to make it clear, and we can

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The truth comes out. "

Denniston smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Ye Bufan did this very cleverly, leaving no evidence, and he was at the scene at the time, and everyone saw that he was innocent.

Even if we tell it, I'm afraid no one will believe it, not even Shen Ting, nor anyone else, because there is no flaw in these things, they are all done by us.

To put it bluntly, the upper class cares most about interests. Now that our Berwick family is over, even if they believe it in their hearts, they will not admit it on the surface. Instead, they will be the first to stand up and call us shameless. "

"Damn Ye Bufan!" Olivier yelled through gritted teeth, "Are we just going to endure it like this?"

"Of course not. I swear I won't be a human unless I cut Ye Bufan into pieces..."

At this moment, Denniston's heart was filled with hatred, and his handsome face became twisted and hideous.

At this moment, the phone in her bag rang. She picked it up and took a look. She didn't want to answer it at first, but when she saw the number, she was filled with ecstasy and immediately pressed the answer button.

Two minutes later, she hung up the phone and shouted affectionately and crazily: "The alliance leader is out of seclusion and will arrive at the federal capital soon. Ye Bufan, just wait to die!"

Lorraine family, Ye Bufan threw Olivier in Denniston's car, quietly returned to the banquet hall, and then called Ye Erlang to a place where no one was around, and regained his identity.

Everything he just did was done flawlessly, without any flaws. The most important thing is that these things are all facts, he just said them through his own mouth.

Ramos beamed with joy. He completely eliminated the Berwick family at the cocktail party today. This was simply an unexpected surprise and made him feel as if he was more than ten years younger.

"Everyone, our reception today is to welcome Mr. Ye. Don't let the Berwick family affect our mood. Let's continue."

The subsequent cocktail party continued, and the atmosphere became increasingly lively.

Ye Bufan really had a headache. The two women, Helena and Alicia, had been following him, tit for tat, refusing to give in to each other, but they couldn't find a good solution.

After finally staying up until the reception started, he was about to leave, but Alicia grabbed him: "My dear, I'll go with you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Helena shouted: "I'll go with you too."

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