Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,424 The fun begins

Others are extremely envious, but Ye Bufan knows his own pain. It is a good thing to be liked by a beautiful woman, and it is even better for people to be together, but under the gaze of so many people, it is not fun to be snatched back and forth by two people.

But he didn't know how to deal with two red-faced women who were fighting over each other.

"Um, sorry, I have to go to the bathroom..."

In desperation, he could only use his special escape technique of peeing and hurriedly ran towards the bathroom in the hall.

As the bathroom of the Lorraine family banquet hall, the area here is large enough, almost a hundred square meters.

Since the reception had just begun, there was no one here. In a single room near the back, there were constant banging and banging sounds, where Olivier desperately vented his anger.

"Damn Ye Bufan, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to chop you into pieces and throw you into the sea to feed the fish..."

"Killing you will only give you an advantage. I will lock you in a cage, cut your flesh and drink your blood every day, so that you can't live but die..."

It didn't matter that there was news of being cheated on before, but today he was humiliated in public, and now his heart was completely filled with hatred.

Just as he was frantically venting his emotions, a joking voice came from his ears: "Really? Young Master, when will it start?"

Olivier felt like he was struck by lightning. He was very familiar with the owner of the voice. He was the person he hated to the bone and feared like a tiger.

"Ye...Ye Bufan, you...what are you going to do?"

At this moment, there was no more anger in his eyes, replaced by fear.

Ye Bufan smiled jokingly: "I didn't say what I was doing, but Master, didn't you want to kill me? Aren't you going to cut me into pieces?"

"You... don't come over. Let me tell you, this is the Lorraine family's drinking party. If you dare to touch me, the consequences will be very serious..."

The reason why he dared to come to this cocktail party today was because he was sure that Ye Bufan could not do anything to him in public.

"Don't be afraid. I won't cut you into pieces or cut you into pieces. I just want to give you a small gift. You will be very surprised when the time comes."

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, he smiled slightly, a light flashed in his eyes, and he directly used the Soul Conjuration Technique.

"Tell me, was it your Berwick family that kidnapped Helena?"

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Soon he asked almost everything he wanted to ask, and then knocked Olivier unconscious with a knife.

In fact, he had already thought about how to deal with the Berwick family, but Alicia and Helena brought the process forward a little earlier, which just created a suitable opportunity.

He took off the other party's clothes, took off his watch, and put them all on himself. Then with a thought, he took Olivier, who was left with only a pair of underwear, into the Dragon King's Palace.

After changing his clothes, the bones on Ye Bufan's body made a crackling sound, and his figure became exactly like Olivier's.

Then the muscles on his face squirmed, and his appearance soon changed, and he looked like another Olivier.

According to the disguise technique passed down by the ancient medical school, changing his appearance is as simple as eating and drinking, but becoming a Westerner is a bit troublesome.

Finally, he used a little illusion to turn himself into blond hair and blue eyes.

After doing all this, he went outside and looked in the mirror. There was another Olivier inside, without any flaws.

Finally, he thought again and summoned Ye Erlang from the Dragon King's Palace.

"The show has begun."

Ye Bufan smiled at himself in the mirror, and then used a ray of consciousness to control Ye Erlang to walk towards the bathroom first.

"Brother Ye, sit here with me."

"Ye is my boyfriend and wants to sit here with me."

Ye Erlang was originally a copy of Ye Bufan's genes, and his clothes were exactly the same. No one could see any flaws.

After he came out, Helena and Alicia entered fighting mode again, pulling him to sit next to them.

"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise, there are so many people watching."

Under the control of Ye Bufan's consciousness, Ye Erlang's expression and voice were exactly the same when he spoke, and he pulled the two girls back to their previous positions.

Alicia and Helena said nothing more and sat on both sides angrily.

At this time, the reception officially started. As the head of the family, Ramos walked up to the front stage and began to speak to everyone in the audience.

"Dear guests, welcome to our Lorraine family's cocktail party. There is only one theme today, and that is to welcome Mr. Ye to our federal capital..."

After saying this, there was an uproar in the audience. Generally speaking, a big family would hold a cocktail party for one person.

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Time is very short, and this is the first time in history for the Lorraine family, as the largest family.

Countless people looked at Ye Bufan, their eyes full of envy and jealousy.

The hearts of those ladies and ladies were even more intense, but seeing Helena and Alicia sitting closely on both sides, they could only put away their little tempers. With these two beauties in front of them, how could they do it? Think highly of yourself.

Ramos was very satisfied with the effect. After a brief pause, he was about to continue delivering his welcome speech. At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed to the front desk, and Zishou snatched the microphone from his hand.

Everyone present was shocked. This kind of situation had never happened before at such a high-level cocktail party.

The most surprised person was Denniston, who couldn't help but let out an exclamation because it was her brother Olivier who rushed onto the stage.

Olivier looked very ugly at this moment. He was holding the snatched microphone in his right hand and a red wine bottle in his left hand. There was not much wine left in it, and it looked like he had already drank it.

"Olivier, what are you doing? Come down here quickly!"

Denniston shouted from the audience.

"I don't want you to worry about it." Olivier said and drank the red wine in his hand, smashed the bottle to pieces, and then raised the microphone in his hand.

"Master Ramos, I have something to say to everyone."


Ramos didn't know how to respond for a while. As the head of the family, he naturally couldn't compete with the other party for the microphone. That would be too embarrassing, and it was not convenient to call security in this situation.

Olivier didn't wait for his answer and turned directly to the people in the audience.

"I, Olivier, have a big thing to announce to everyone today, that is, I will break off my engagement with the Perrin family and Alicia. We will have no relationship from now on!"

As soon as he said these words, everyone in the audience was in an uproar.

As a large family in the upper class, everyone is very aware of the significance of the marriage between the Perrin family and the Berwick family, but now it has been canceled in public.

Ramos was originally thinking of some way to stop Olivier, but when he heard his words, an involuntary smile appeared on his face, and he gave up his previous thoughts.

Since the other party wants to say it, let him say it. Anyway, it will be a great good thing for his family.

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