Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,406 The scheming woman

"That's the problem, because you don't care about false reputations. You are not an ordinary woman, that's why people are scared."

Ye Bufan looked at her and said, "It doesn't matter how beautiful a woman like you is, you are more ambitious than a man and will do anything for your own benefit.

If I really want to sleep with you, I may not be able to get up the next morning, or I may be sent directly to the palace to serve the emperor. "

Ever since they met, this woman had always greeted her with a smile, but the more she looked like this, the more she felt afraid.

Today, I slapped the Berwick family in the face in public, and snatched a store worth 200 million US dollars, but the other party didn't show any anger at all, which shows that their scheming has reached a terrifying level.

"Giggle, you really understand people." Denniston giggled, "You are right, the biggest thing in my eyes is interests. The reason why we married the Perrin family is also for the interests of both parties. .

As long as you can bring me endless benefits, I will naturally dissolve the marriage of the Peilan family, and at the same time, I will follow you honestly.

I believe that you will be able to do this with your ability. As long as you are strong enough, you don't have to worry about my betrayal.

As long as you agree, I can give myself to you now. "

After speaking, she puffed out her chest, revealing a graceful curve, and her blurred eyes exuded endless charm.

Ye Bufan shook his head: "I disagree."

"Why?" Denniston looked at him with burning eyes and said, "Is Mr. Ye not confident? Do you think you can't always be strong?"

“There are two reasons. First, I don’t like it.

If a woman is too scheming and ambitious, I won't like her no matter how beautiful she is.

Second, you are not worthy of me doing this.

Although you are very beautiful, you are nothing more than that. There are many beautiful women, such as my girlfriends, such as Alicia, no one is worse than you. Why should I find a time bomb next to me? "

Denniston said: "But Alicia is also a very ambitious woman, why can you accept her?"

Ye Bufan waved his hand: "She is different from you. Alicia has ambitions, but it is limited to controlling the Perrin family and getting something she wants.

But you are different, you want everything,

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Ambition is not limited to the Berwick family, or even to the federal imperial capital. "

Denniston looked disappointed: "That's such a pity. You are the first man I feel I can rely on in so many years. Shouldn't you stop thinking about it?"

"It's not necessary."

Ye Bufan answered simply and without any hesitation.

"Well, in this case I can't agree to Mr. Ye's conditions. After all, this is related to the interests of our entire family."

At this point Denniston laughed again, "Even if we can't be friends, I don't want to become enemies with Mr. Ye."

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "I don't want to see the day when I have to fight with the eldest lady."

"Here's to not being enemies."

Denniston said, raising his glass and clinking it with Ye Bufan again.

An hour later, Ye Bufan left the western restaurant and returned to the hotel. Not long after he entered the door, he received a call from Alicia.

"Honey, where are you? Do you miss me?"

Pressing the answer button, as soon as the call was connected, a woman's tender voice came from the other side.

Ye Bufan said: "I have arrived at the federal capital."

"It's true, dear Ye, it's really great. It's a pity that grandpa won't let me go out at all, otherwise I would want to hug you right now..."

After getting over her excitement, Alicia said with a somewhat gloomy expression, "My dear, when can you pick me up? I want to be with you."

"Don't worry, it won't take long. We can meet after I deal with the Berwick family."

Alicia said worriedly: "My dear, you must not underestimate the Berwick family. They are very powerful and have the Dark Wizards Alliance behind them.

Moreover, Denis's woman is so insidious that Olivier can't even raise his head in front of her, so you must be careful. "

"I know, I've already fought her once today..."

Ye Bufan recounted today's events from beginning to end, and finally said, "Just like you said, that woman is very scheming, very ambitious, and can control her own emotions. She is indeed a very powerful opponent. "

Alicia said: "My dear, what are you going to do? Are you going to take action against the Berwick family?"

"It's not the time yet." Ye Bufan said,

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“With the character of that woman in Dennis, she would never be able to swallow her anger all the time.

The reason why she has been forbearing today must be because there is something on their side that they are not ready for, at least they do not have the strength to deal with me, or they are not 100% sure that they can deal with me. "

Alicia said puzzledly: "Isn't now a good opportunity? You can attack their family directly. Once they are ready, they will be in trouble."

"This is different. Have you ever thought about it? The Dark Wizards Alliance is behind her, and what she is waiting for should also be reinforcements from the Dark Wizards Alliance.

Once we directly destroy the Berwick family before this happens, the anger of the Dark Wizards Alliance is likely to be vented on your Perrin family, and the situation may get out of control by then. "

Ye Bufan said, "Since you are my woman now, I cannot let you get hurt at all, and I will also help you realize your wish, completely control the Peilan family, and get back the dignity that belongs to you and your mother."

Hearing these words, Alicia's heart was filled with emotion. She paused for a moment and then choked up and said: "Dear, thank you, but you will face great danger in this way.

Ye Bufan said: "Don't worry, it's all the same. Since the Ghost Witch Cult has been destroyed, sooner or later I will have a battle with the Dark Wizard Alliance.

Now that the Berwick family is in front, it is equivalent to putting the enemy in the open, which makes it easier to deal with everything.

Otherwise, a dark wizard alliance is always ready to plot against me, which would be really troublesome. "

"Anyway, I want to thank you."

Alicia naturally knew that everything Ye Bufan faced was because of herself, and her heart was filled with emotion.

"You are my woman, you never need to say thank you to me." Ye Bufan added, "By the way, the Berwick family is backed by the Dark Wizards Alliance and is powerful, there is no doubt about it.

How does your family rank among the three major families with his? In addition, there is the Lorraine family you mentioned before, which is said to be the most powerful among the three major families. What do they rely on? "

Alicia said: "This is a bit complicated to say. The Lorraine family is the most powerful because they have the support of the Divine Court behind them.

One of the twelve red archbishops in the Divine Court is from the Lorraine family. It is precisely because of this that the Berwick family and the Lorraine family are in a state of hostility, and there is never any hope of reconciliation. "

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