Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 136: Resurrection from the Dead

Wang Jianfeng originally had a very strong aura, but after saying these words, the family members immediately calmed down a lot.

He turned to look at the middle-aged woman and said, "Xiao Qi, what on earth is going on?"

The middle-aged woman named Tang Wenqi choked and said: "I really didn't mean it. I just saw that the little girl was very cute, so I bought her a bag of jelly to eat. Who knew this would happen."

Hearing this result, Wang Jianfeng's heart quickly sank to the bottom. Regardless of whether his wife did it intentionally or not, it was ultimately because of her that the little girl died.

As the commissioner of the police department, he naturally knows how serious the death caused by negligence is. Although it will not lead to the death penalty, jail time is inevitable.

However, even if he is selfless, it is extremely difficult to send his wife to prison with his own hands.

When he was working hard outside, his wife supported the whole family by herself. When his parents were sick, he was not around, so his wife took care of them all by herself.

Finally, I returned to the place and the couple reunited, but for some unknown reason, they were unable to have children and never had a child of their own.

My wife has always liked children, but she has no children of her own, which is why she took the initiative to buy jelly for the little girl today.

But no matter what, if the little girl dies, I will always have to take responsibility.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said to the men beside him: "Handcuff her and take her back for processing!"

Seeing that he was about to arrest his wife, the policeman with glasses said: "Director, this is not okay..."

"There's nothing wrong with it. This is an order. Take action quickly..."

Wang Jianfeng's tone was firm, but when he said these words, his heart was twisting in a knife, and he did not dare to look at his wife.

Tang Wenqi looked desperate, knowing that things were inevitable, so she could only stretch out her hands with a sad look on her face.

If he really went to jail, then he would have no hope of having children anymore. Thinking that he would never be able to have a child of his own, two lines of tears flowed down like broken pearls.

Facing the little girl's family, other police officers knew they had no other choice but to take out handcuffs and cuff Tang Wenqi's wrists.

At this moment, someone nearby shouted: "Wait a minute, there's no need for this, the little girl can still be saved."

It was Ye Bufan who spoke. After clearing away the activities that blocked the respiratory tract, and after some emergency rescue, the little girl was out of danger.

The glasses policeman stopped immediately

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Come on, everyone followed the sound and saw Ye Bufan busy beside the little girl. At this moment, dozens of silver needles had been inserted into her thin body.

Seeing this scene, the little girl's father suddenly became angry and shouted: "What are you doing? My daughter is already dead, and you still let her live in peace!"

After saying that, he rushed over and tried his best, but was pushed back by Ye Bufan.

"If you don't want your daughter to die, don't act rashly!"

An old lady shouted: "Nonsense, the doctor said my granddaughter is dead and you are not allowed to hurt her body anymore..."

Before she could finish speaking, Ye Bufan had already moved like lightning, quickly retracting all the silver needles on the little girl's body, and then massaged her chest twice.

The little girl's livid face immediately turned rosy, and then she burst into tears.

"Mommy mommy……"

The little girl sat up from the ground while crying, looking around for her mother with a pair of big watery eyes.

Suddenly, everyone present was stunned. No one expected that the little girl who had been declared dead was actually saved.

"Tongtong, my Tongtong..."

The young woman and the middle-aged man cried with joy, and they both rushed towards their children.

Tang Wenqi put down her hands and couldn't help but cry loudly. The tears she shed were entirely tears of joy. She finally didn't have to go to jail.

Wang Jianfeng breathed a sigh of relief and his expression softened a lot. Finally, he no longer had to send his wife to prison with his own hands.

He strode over and took Ye Bufan's hand: "Young man, your medical skills are really good. Thank you, thank you so much!"

Tang Wenqi also ran over and said with tears of gratitude: "Thank you, little brother. Without you, my life would be over."

Ye Bufan said: "Nothing, I am a doctor, this is what I should do!"

At this time, the middle-aged man and the young woman ran over with their children in their arms and were about to kneel down and kowtow, but they were stopped by Ye Bufan with his hand.

"Little brother, I'm sorry. I was the bastard just now. I misunderstood you. I almost killed my daughter..."

The middle-aged man raised his hand and slapped his mouth several times.

Ye Bufan stopped him and said, "Okay, as long as the child is fine, go back quickly. The child is young, so you should pay more attention when taking care of him in the future."

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

The middle-aged man took out all the money in his pocket

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Lai put it into Ye Bufan's pocket, and then left with the young woman holding the little girl, and the onlookers also dispersed.

Tang Wenqi opened her bag, took out a thick stack of banknotes and handed it to Ye Bufan, saying: "Little brother, this is a little thought, please accept it!"

Ye Bufan raised his hand to push the money back and said with a smile: "I am a doctor. My family has already paid the medical fees just now. I can't save one person and charge two families."

Wang Jianfeng said: "Little brother, just accept it, this is the intention of our husband and wife.

If you hadn't helped, today's events would have been unimaginable, and my wife would have spent the rest of her life in prison. "

Ye Bufan still had a great impression of him. As the head of the Jiangnan City Police Department and the chief of police, he had not protected his wife at all, nor had he thought of using the power in his hands for personal gain. This quality was absolutely admirable.

He pushed the money back again and said, "Director Wang, I really can't take this money!"


Wang Jianfeng thought for a while, "Little brother, we should treat you to a meal as a couple to express our gratitude."

Ye Bufan said: "You can have this, I just haven't eaten yet."

At the Taotie Restaurant, he was disrupted just after ordering food. He hadn't eaten yet and was really hungry.

"Okay, I just happened to be off work."

Wang Jianfeng returned to the car and changed into a set of casual clothes, and then the three of them went directly into a Sichuan restaurant nearby.

After sitting down, he said: "Little brother, after talking for so long, I still don't know your name."

"Ye Bufan."

Wang Jianfeng said gratefully: "Xiaoye, you will be my brother from now on, and your business is my business."

Tang Wenqi said: "Xiaoye, your medical skills are really amazing!

After the accident, I called 120 emergency number. The two doctors who came said that the little girl could not be saved. I didn't expect that you brought her back to life. You are simply a miracle doctor. "

"This is nothing. The little girl was just holding her breath, but she was not really dead yet. She can still be saved with timely treatment."

Ye Bufan said, "Sister-in-law, you have to be careful in the future. If your child is too young, try not to eat jelly. Especially when running, it can easily block the trachea."

A look of loneliness flashed across Tang Wenqi's face: "I know that I made a mistake today, and it was also because I have no children and no experience."

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