Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,294 Vine Attack

Early the next morning, everyone set off again after having breakfast.

Compared with yesterday, Nowitzki and others have become much more cautious today, always alert to their surroundings for fear of another accident.

But everyone walked from morning to noon, but everything was calm and nothing happened.

However, the further we went, the denser the woods became, and in the end, the off-road vehicle could no longer move forward.

Nowitzki said: "Dr. Ye, what should we do?"

Unknowingly, he also regarded Ye Bufan as the leader of the team.

"It's okay. We are heading in the right direction. Although we can't locate it now, based on the distance, we should be not far from our destination. There is no problem in walking there."

So everyone got out of the car and divided the supplies carried in the car into 10 large backpacks. Nowitzki and the other 9 guards carried them, while Ye Bufan and others packed lightly, and everyone started to set off on foot.

The vegetation here has grown for hundreds of years, and the rotten leaves on the ground are almost a foot thick. They will sink deeply every time you step on them, which makes the journey much more difficult.

Ye Bufan didn't care at all about this. Nowitzki and others managed to deal with it, but they suffered for the other three women.

In the future, he is a cultivator and is very powerful, but his physical fitness is not much different from that of ordinary people, and it is quite difficult to walk.

But the little girl was stubborn and bit her lip without saying a word.

Feili and Sophia were the most miserable. They had just walked for less than an hour and were already sweating like rain.

"Little handsome boy, please rest for a while, I really can't walk anymore."

Sophia said and wiped the sweat from her forehead, then sat down under a big tree.

"Okay, everyone, let's rest."

At Ye Bufan's greeting, everyone stopped to rest.

Feili leaned against a big tree, raised her head and said, "The vegetation here is so beautiful."

Sophia followed: "Yes, it's like a fairy tale world here."

No wonder the two people lamented that the vegetation here is dense, each tree is tens of meters high, and the color is very conspicuous, as beautiful as jade carving.

It is covered with all kinds of vines, hanging high from the trunk, looking more and more beautiful.

In contrast, Nowitzki and the other nine guards were not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and they all took the time to recover their strength.

Just when everyone was relaxed, a sudden change occurred, and the vines on the trees seemed to be alive, attacking everyone overwhelmingly.

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A guard who was resting under a tree was caught off guard and wrapped tightly by several vines, and was quickly lifted into the air.

Some people reacted faster and dodged the first wave of attacks.

It's a pity that these vines are too dense, completely overwhelming, making it impossible to hide. Soon, several other guards were also entangled in the vines and hung up in the air.

Nowitzki is a heaven-level warrior, so naturally he will not be bound by these ordinary vines. The energy in his body shook and turned the approaching vines into powder.

But these vines seemed to be endless, coming one after another. He had just shattered a batch, and immediately they were attacked overwhelmingly.

"court death!"

Nowitzki roared and then punched out.

The powerful energy collided with those vines, and once again turned into debris flying in the sky.

But even so, he couldn't gain any advantage. Countless vines immediately attacked, making it impossible for him to escape to protect Feili and others, and he had no energy to save his men.

Faced with the sudden attack, with a thought in the future, a huge fireball appeared in the palm of his hand, ready to turn these vines into ashes.

"You can't use fire." Sophia hid behind Ye Bufan and shouted nervously, "If we light the trees here, we will be completely finished."

Only in the future did he realize that the current environment was different from last night. Last night it was an open terrain, and even if it caught fire, it was still under control.

But today is different. The surrounding trees are extremely dense. Once they burn, the consequences will be very serious.

Thinking of this, she made a thought and directly dispersed the fireball technique.

Feili shouted nervously: "Then what should we do? Save them quickly."

"It doesn't matter, I'll do it."

Ye Bufan stretched out his right hand and saw a cyclone the size of a palm appearing in his palm.

"Break it for me!"

After a loud shout, the cyclone flew out, and immediately turned into pieces of wind blades after leaving Ye Bufan's palm, like invisible sharp blades slashing at the surrounding vines.

Others didn't think anything of it, but Mirai was dumbfounded. How much mental power does it take to be able to use the Wind Blade Technique to this extent?

It was too late but it was too fast. Countless wind blades were slashed out with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and their power was no less powerful than real swords.

Under this fierce offensive, the vines were chopped to pieces in an instant, turning into wood chips all over the sky and falling to the ground.

At the same time, all the vines on the guards were lifted and fell from the air.

These people are also

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With strong hands, he immediately recovered his cultivation after releasing the shackles of the vines. There was no damage when it fell to the ground.

"Dr. Ye, here we go again."

As Feili yelled, countless vines came overwhelmingly from all around. It was obvious that the other party did not give up.

"Break it for me."

The future has already been prepared. At this moment, he activated the magic formula, and countless wind blades flew out to meet those vines.

It's just that her cultivation level is much weaker than Ye Bufan's. The wind blade only chopped some vines, but failed to stop their offensive.

"Aren't you still giving up?"

Ye Bufan shouted coldly, and then a larger cyclone appeared in the air, turning into wind blades and sweeping out.

This time the wind blade technique was even more powerful, destroying the surrounding vines almost in the blink of an eye. Even the surrounding big trees were not spared, turning into wood chips all over the sky in the violent wind blade.

After the storm passed, there was no longer a tree within a 50-meter radius from them.

Everyone around was shocked. No one expected that the power of Ye Bufan's magic could reach this level.

At the same time, I was secretly glad that I had such a strong person accompanying me, otherwise I would have been in big trouble again today.

It is said that this Death Valley is really weird. Even the trees are turning into spirits and attacking people.

Feili looked around and found that everything was calm and there were no more vines coming, so she breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, she realized that she was hugging Ye Bufan tightly, with her high chest pressed against his arm. Her cheeks instantly turned red and she quickly let go of her hands.

"Dr. Ye, what is going on? Have these vines become spirits? Why are they attacking us?"

Ye Bufan smiled slightly and said calmly: "Maybe."

Nowitzki said with a confused look: "It's really strange. I have only heard that man-eating vines can attack people, but these vines and trees are obviously not man-eating vines."

Sophia said: "This is the Grand Canyon of Death. There are too many weird things that cannot be speculated using common sense."

Feili said with lingering fear, "No wonder so many people came in before and couldn't get out alive. This place is really weird. Fortunately, we have Dr. Ye here this time, otherwise everyone would have died here..."

Others greatly agreed with her words, and looked at Ye Bufan with eyes filled with gratitude and admiration.

At this moment, Sophia let out a scream, pointed at the woods ahead and shouted: "Look, what is that?"

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