Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,290 I have special powers

Nowitzki and the other 10 team members stood nearby. After seeing this woman's grace, they were stunned.

Although Feili is beautiful, she is their employer, so they dare not think anything wrong.

But the woman in front of him was different. A woman in trouble was saved by him, which easily made people think about her.

Especially Nowitzki, who has been alone all these years, his heart suddenly became hot after seeing this charming beauty.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me."

The woman smiled at everyone present and looked more and more beautiful.

"It's okay, this is what we should do." Nowitzki said first: "Beautiful lady, what is going on? What happened? How did you appear here? How did you faint? "

The woman's expression darkened when she heard his question, and she said faintly: "I am a member of the scientific expedition team, and our team is called the Wise Men Scientific Expedition Team.

I have long heard that the Grand Canyon of Death is particularly mysterious. Under the leadership of the group leader, we came here half a month ago to uncover the secrets here.

But after we came in, we got lost before we could find anything. The positioning system failed, the compass didn't work either, and we couldn't get out after walking for a long time.

Later, we ate all the food we prepared and encountered wild beasts. All my companions died, and I was the only one left to escape here.

The woman became more and more sad at the end, shrugged her shoulders, choked with sobs and started to cry.

Nowitzki quickly comforted her: "The beautiful lady is fine. Now that she has met us, the rest is history."

The woman nodded: "Thank you, my name is Sophia. I will thank you very much when I get back."

As a woman, Feili became more and more sympathetic to Sophia's experience.

"How many people are here in your scientific expedition team? Are all the others killed?"

"Yes, there are ten of us in total, the others have been eaten by wild beasts, only myself is left.

It was the group leader and others who tried their best to protect me and escaped. "

Sophia said angrily, "This damn place is so weird. What are you here for? Are you also doing scientific research?

If this is the case, I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Nothing can be found in this place, and it will become more dangerous as time goes by.

If you run out of food and can't get out, everything will be completely over. "

Philly said:

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"Miss Sophia, we have a special mission here, and we will not leave until we complete the mission.

Come with us if you want, but if not we can give you enough food to get out of here on your own. "

"No, please don't leave me alone."

As if she thought of something terrible, Sophia turned pale with fear and threw herself into Nowitzki's arms.

"I want to be with you. I don't want to be alone. It's really scary here."

Nowitzki patted his solid chest and vowed: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Ye Bufan had been watching the woman quietly from the side without speaking.

Only then did Feili remember that she shouldn't make the decision on this matter, and she quickly said, "Dr. Ye, I think Sophia is really pitiful. Can I take her with me?"

"Okay, let's keep going."

After Ye Bufan finished speaking, he turned around and got into the car. As a woman, Sophia got into a car with them and sat in the back seat with Feili and Future.

The team continued to set off, and Sophia seemed to be slowly recovering from her previous fear. She was very talkative and kept chatting with several people, her eyes passing over Ye Bufan from time to time.

They were traveling very slowly in the forest. After this incident, it was already evening. The sun was slowly setting in the sky, and it was almost dark.

The light inside the forest is darker than outside, giving people a more gloomy feeling.

"Okay, we will get lost even after dark, so hurry up and find a place to camp."

Ye Bufan led everyone forward, mainly relying on the sun to identify the direction. Once the sun sets, he can only stop and rest.

Everyone walked forward for another twenty or thirty minutes, and happened to arrive at an open area.

It is about one to two hundred square meters, there are not many trees, the grass is green, and the terrain is flat, making it perfect for camping.

After everyone stopped, Nowitzki first led 10 of his men to level a piece of land in the middle of the field, then arranged four cars in a circle and lit a bonfire in the middle.

"Okay, everyone can have a happy picnic."

After speaking, he took out the prepared food from the car, including roast chicken, ham, bread sandwiches, and some beer.

Everyone was chatting while eating and drinking. With Sophia joining in, Nowitzki and the other 10 Guards members seemed very happy.

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Future sat next to Ye Bufan, holding a piece of bread in her hand and eating quietly. She had not spoken much since joining the team.

Although a settlement has been reached with the Lawrence family, the shadow in his heart cannot be eliminated in a short while.

Sophia had a very lively personality and would clink glasses with others from time to time. Finally, he came to Ye Bufan and sat down with a can of beer.

"Little handsome boy, are you Chinese?"

Ye Bufan nodded: "Yes, I am from China."

"Then what are you doing here? Are you also taking scientific examinations?"

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "No, I am not a scientific expedition team member. I am a Chinese medicine doctor. I am here for tourism."

"Really? Then all I can say is that you are an interesting person."

Sophia smiled sweetly at him, becoming even more charming under the reflection of the bonfire.

Seeing this scene, Nowitzki and others were extremely dissatisfied. They had been so courteous just now, but they didn't expect this woman to go to the Chinese.

Sophia looked at him with interest and said: "Little handsome boy, I just heard them say that you are the one who will guide the direction in this Grand Canyon of Death.

You must know that we are a very experienced scientific expedition team. We tried our best before but couldn't identify the direction, so we got lost here. I'm really curious how you did it? Can you tell me? "

Facing a strange woman, Ye Bufan would certainly not reveal his secret.

He smiled slightly: "If I said that I have special powers, I can easily tell the difference between east, west and north. Would you believe it?"

"I believe."

Originally, he just wanted to cover up the topic as a joke, but he didn't expect that Sophia nodded firmly and completely believed it.

This surprised Ye Bufan: "Do you believe in the existence of special powers? Don't you think I'm lying to you?"

"Why do I think you are lying to me? Apart from this, is there any better answer?"

Sophia said, “Our previous scientific research team has always been engaged in research on the development of the human brain.

Only 3% to 9% of a normal person's brain is developed and used, and more than 90% of the remaining brain is in a dormant state.

We used to think that if all other brain areas were developed, people would become smarter. However, after research, we found that this perception was wrong. The functions of other brain areas are not reflected in IQ. "

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