Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,260 It’s not witchcraft, it’s Chinese medicine

Pan Guangfa looked at Ye Bufan, who was talking and laughing freely on the stage, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

In his original impression, what this young man was good at was hype, and he relied on money and background.

But the reality is completely different from what he imagined. The ability he is showing now is far beyond his imagination.

In front of the computer screen, Yang Zhengdao nodded with satisfaction. This young man had never let him down. He reached for the cell phone next to him and dialed his secretary's number...

After a burst of warm applause, calm returned to the meeting site.

The reporters at the scene obviously did not want to give up. Their purpose was to promote traditional Chinese medicine, while the other party's purpose was to capture news topics from traditional Chinese medicine and create benefits for themselves.

At this time, a black reporter stood up. This guy was tall and looked very strong. If he didn't have a press card hanging on his chest, he would have thought he was a boxer.

This guy originally relied on his strong body to occupy the first row position. After he stood up, he was extremely abrupt and immediately became the focus of the scene.

"Mr. Ye, I think what you just said is empty and simply made up out of thin air.

Just like traditional Chinese medicine, it is all imaginary and has no scientific basis. The strange meridians, acupuncture points, and qi are all fake.

I think this is a trick to deceive people. How can there be such miraculous medical skills in this world. "

This guy's words were as hot as his figure. This was no longer a reporter's question, but Chi Guoguo's verbal attack.

However, this aroused the interest of everyone present. Everyone looked at the young man on the stage with interest, wanting to see how he would deal with this storm.

Ye Bufan originally kept a faint smile, but after the black reporter finished speaking, his smile disappeared and his expression became gloomy.

"Sir, I think you made a big mistake as a reporter. This is no longer a question, but an attack and slander against Chinese medicine. I think you should formally apologize to Chinese medicine now."

"Apologise? How is this possible?"

The man laughed loudly, "I want to tell you, being a reporter is not just about asking questions, sometimes you also want to let everyone see the truth of things."

Ye Bufan smiled coldly: "Do you think what you just said is the truth? Do you understand Chinese medicine? Have you done any research? Why do you directly draw such a conclusion?"

"There is no need to understand this. I don't have that much time and energy to understand what every scammer does."

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. "

The black reporter did not hold back at all. On the contrary, he was proud of the effect he had created.

"In fact, everyone can see it. What you are talking about is just a figment of imagination. The acupuncture points you call cannot be seen in anatomy. How can people believe it?"

"You don't believe in the existence of acupuncture points?"

"Of course, I don't believe it at all. I know my body very well, how could there be something like that?"

Ye Bufan walked directly down from the podium. The distance between him and the black reporter was not far, and he arrived in front of him in three or two steps.

Now everyone was surprised, not knowing what this young man from China was going to do.

At the same time, the cameras in the hands of other reporters and the live broadcast lenses were all aimed at, looking forward to seeing wonderful scenes.

Only those members of the World Medical Association who have been to China have excitement in their eyes. They know the methods of this medical fairy. I am afraid this ignorant guy will feel better.

Ye Bufan looked at the black reporter with burning eyes, "Are you very strong?"

"Of course, my hobby is being a boxer."

The black reporter looked proud, and at the same time he shook his fist as big as a casserole.

"You can't convince me and want to fight with me, right?"

"You can't fight. I'm a doctor. I just want to show you what acupuncture points are."

After speaking, Ye Bufan raised his finger and tapped the black reporter's chest. This seemed to be an understatement, even lighter than a touch.

After he made this point, the black reporter's body instantly froze there, unable to move, and he could not even lower his two raised fists.

"You...you...what did you do to me?"

The pride on the black reporter's face disappeared, replaced by incomparable horror.

For some reason, he suddenly lost control of his body and couldn't even move a finger except to speak. This was something he had never done since he was a child.

"Don't you want to feel the existence of the acupuncture points? This is our Chinese acupuncture point. Have you experienced it now?"

"No, no, no...you are doing witchcraft..."

The black reporter was extremely frightened. What happened was completely beyond his knowledge.

The onlookers were full of curiosity and excitement. The reporters raised their guns and cannons one after another and kept snapping pictures.

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The more things they know, the more news material they want.

"I already told you, this is not witchcraft, but medical skill."

Ye Bufan said to the reporters and everyone in the audience, "According to our theory of traditional Chinese medicine, qi and blood are the source of power for a person, just like the gasoline in a car. Once the circulation of qi and blood stops, the person will immediately lose Mobility.

Acupuncture points really exist in the human body, just like the hubs that manage Qi and blood.

I have now sealed the Tanzhong point on his chest. He is now a car that has run out of gasoline and cannot run normally at all. "

After he finished speaking, everyone in the audience was in an uproar.

Before this, many people held the same concept as black reporters, thinking that acupuncture points were illusory and did not exist at all, but the facts before them overturned their previous thoughts.

The most nervous one is the black reporter. He has been in panic ever since his acupuncture points were sealed.

"Mr. Ye, can I return to what I was before? Can I still walk and box?"

Ye Bufan said: "Of course you can, but you must apologize to the Chinese medicine doctor, otherwise you will always be like this."

"I apologize, and I apologize now."

Firstly, the black reporter was frightened, and secondly, he realized the error of his previous thinking, and loudly said at the scene: "I formally apologize to the Chinese medicine practitioner for the wrong statement I just made.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a very miraculous medicine. It is miraculous beyond our imagination. The previous misunderstanding was completely due to my ignorance. I will be a loyal fan of traditional Chinese medicine in the future. "

After he said this, there was an uproar at first, and then warm applause.

Over in China, people in front of the TV screen were excited.

"Well done, the medical fairy is really good..."

"Oh my god, the medical fairy actually knows how to tap acupuncture points. This is the legendary acupuncture point..."

"This is a real effort to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine and promote our country's prestige..."

Seeing that the effect he wanted had appeared, Ye Bufan reached out and poked the black reporter's chest gently, and he immediately regained his ability to move.

"I can move, I can move again."

The black reporter shook his fist first, then jumped on the spot and felt his body, which was no different from before.

Then he bowed deeply and said sincerely: "Traditional Chinese medicine is really amazing. I am completely convinced."

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