Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,258 Global Live Broadcast

Pan Guangfa was extremely proud. Don't you want to develop traditional Chinese medicine? Aren’t you a so-called medical fairy of traditional Chinese medicine? Aren't you the guest lecturer today? I am just trying to tear you down, let me see what you can do.

But one thing he didn't quite understand was that the World Medical Association's publicity efforts were not just for the reporters present. Alice had also arranged for online media to broadcast the entire exchange live to the world.

In China, Yang Zhengdao attaches great importance to this World Medical Exchange Conference and calls on staff in the entire health system to watch the live broadcast.

He himself sat in front of the computer early before the exchange meeting started and watched it carefully.

After seeing Pan Guangfa's speech, Yang Zhengdao immediately became gloomy. He did not expect that the other party could do such a thing publicly.

As the director of the Surgeon General, this is true for him, not to mention the ordinary people sitting in front of the television.

"Who is this person? Is he a mad dog? As a Chinese, why would he bite a Chinese medicine practitioner?"

“Isn’t it a fucking traitor to go outside and say that our traditional Chinese medicine is not good?”

"The key point is that he is talking nonsense. Does he understand Chinese medicine? Does he know what Chinese medicine is? He has learned some Western medicine and then says that Chinese medicine is not good. This is forgetting his ancestors..."

Pan Guangfa's remarks completely angered Chinese medicine practitioners and Chinese medicine enthusiasts. Even the ordinary Chinese people were extremely dissatisfied with him. Even the Western doctors in China felt that his approach was extremely inappropriate.

But he himself didn't know this and was still sitting at the front desk feeling complacent.

At this time, a yellow reporter stood up: "Mr. Pan, as far as I know, medical costs in China are very high, and traditional Chinese medicine has just reduced the medical costs of ordinary people. Is that true?"

Pan Guangfa said: "This statement is completely wrong. In China, the original cost of Western medicine treatment is very low, and there is no need for traditional Chinese medicine to reduce costs."

His answer was beyond everyone's expectations. The reporter asked again: "Mr. Pan, is this really the case? This seems to be different from what I know."

"Believe me, I'm right. The cost of medical care in China is really low. Medical treatment is very cheap and everyone can afford it." Pan Guangfa spoke eloquently, "I'll give you an example so that everyone can believe what I say. it is true.

In China, if you go to major hospitals in the imperial capital or provincial capitals, you will see that many family members of patients who come to stay with them sleep in the corridors, on the playgrounds of surrounding schools, or even on the sidewalks of the roads.

What does this mean? This shows that in China, even basic students

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People who cannot afford to live are able to go to the provincial capital or even the imperial capital to see a doctor. Isn't the cost of medical care not low in this case? "

After he said these words, the reaction from the World Medical Association was not great, because most people did not know what the real situation was.

But Huaxia was different. People watching the live broadcast immediately became excited.

"Where did this bastard come from? Isn't this nonsense? I stayed in a hospital for a month some time ago and it cost hundreds of thousands. Is this low cost?"

"Is this guy going out without any brains? Nowadays, as long as he gets a serious illness, many people will lose their money. Is this a disease that ordinary people can treat?"

"I'm really speechless. Sleeping on the street with family members who accompany the bed can also be used as evidence that medical expenses are low?

Isn’t it because the medical expenses are too high, all the money is given to the hospital, and if you don’t have money, you can’t afford to stay in a hotel, otherwise who would sleep on the road or in the corridor? "

His view completely aroused public outrage, and many people wanted to pull him out of the screen and give him a beating to vent their anger.

Almost instantly, his speech made headlines on major websites. Looking at the comment section, there was no doubt that there was a lot of curses.


Yang Zhengdao slapped the table hard. This Pan Guangfa was so arrogant. How could he even say such mindless things? Haven't you thought about the consequences?

At the venue, there were no more reporters to ask questions, and Pan Guangfa finally ended his speech.

He glanced at Ye Bufan next to him and sneered secretly in his heart, let's see how you end up.

Arranged according to the order of the exchange meeting, the second item is a lecture by the instructor, and then accepts questions from reporters and doctors present.

Originally, Alice arranged the Chinese delegation's speech to the last one, and arranged Ye Bufan's appearance to the first one.

I thought that both of them were from China, so that they could better promote Chinese medicine, but I didn't expect to meet a brain-dead Pan Guangfa and end up in this situation.

Ye Bufan did not feel any burden and walked onto the podium with a calm expression.

“Everyone, I am Ye Bufan from China, a Chinese medicine doctor.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a very complex subject that cannot be explained clearly in a few words. I will not go into the specific theory. I will first introduce to you the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine.

First, from a medical perspective, Chinese medicine talks about holistic treatment. It does not treat headaches and headaches, but treats illnesses fundamentally and thoroughly.

Second, Chinese medicines are basically all natural Chinese herbal medicines, which do not harm the liver and kidneys and have no side effects.

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Very small, or even none.

Third, the economic cost of TCM treatment is very low, making it affordable for more families and ordinary people.

Okay, that’s all I’ve introduced about traditional Chinese medicine. I believe you have many questions to ask, so let’s get started now. "

Cao Xinghua and several old Chinese doctors in the audience nodded frequently and did not put themselves in a superior position and lecture at length. This was Ye Bufan's cleverness.

The foreigners present knew nothing about the traditional Chinese medicine system, and it was impossible for them to understand traditional Chinese medicine in a short time.

First tell your strengths and then answer your questions. This is definitely the best way to promote yourself.

Pan Guangfa had a sneer on his face. In his opinion, he had caused enough trouble. Once the other party accepted the sharp questions from the reporters at the scene, he would naturally be extremely embarrassed and lose face.

Sure enough, the job of these reporters is to capture sensitive news points and create appropriate news materials.

As soon as the question period started here, a reporter stood up.

"Mr. Ye, you praise Chinese medicine so much, and Mr. Pan just said that Chinese medicine is not as scientific as Western medicine and will inevitably be replaced by Western medicine in the future.

As a Chinese, I don’t agree with traditional Chinese medicine. What do you think about this? "

This question was so sharp that everyone's eyes were focused on this young Dongfang face, wanting to see how he would answer.

"First of all, I want to correct your statement. I am not flattering Chinese medicine, I am just seeking truth from facts."

Ye Bufan did not show the disgust that some people expected, and still looked indifferent.

"Secondly, regarding your question, I want to reiterate that there is no racial distinction in medicine, there are only differences in the medical system.

Mr. Pan Guangfa just now, although he is the leader of the Chinese delegation, he only studied Western medicine and knows nothing about traditional Chinese medicine.

In other words, there is no difference between him and you when it comes to treating traditional Chinese medicine. It is very irresponsible to make rash comments without understanding a medicine.

For example, let’s say you are speaking English now and don’t understand our Chinese language at all.

Under such circumstances, any arbitrary comment on whether Chinese language is good or bad would be complete nonsense and simply untenable. "

(As for the statement about the low cost of treatment, I quoted an expert in real society, or it was broadcast on live TV.

I was really pissed off about the dark beer at the time, and now I’m going to criticize it. )

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