Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1,248 Seizure

"Where are you?"

After the call was connected, Pan Guangchen asked angrily.

"I don't even have a trolley, where else can I go? At home, of course."

Pan Hao still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and didn't even notice his tone. He was still upset about Cullinan's matter.

"Don't go anywhere, wait for me at home."

Pan Guangchen felt that this kind of thing could not be explained clearly on the phone, so he hung up the phone and hurried home.

Now he is powerless to stop the company's situation. He can only hope to find the cause as much as possible and solve the root cause of the problem.

When they got home, Chen Meiling and Chen Meiling were sitting on the sofa. Seeing him come in, Pan Hao asked with a stern face: "What's the matter with you? Didn't you agree to buy me a car? Why are you here now?" It can’t be fulfilled..."

In the past, no matter how angry he was, Pan Guangchen would always talk nicely and finally make him happy until he was happy. But this time it was different. Before he could finish his words, a big mouth came over him.

"Buy your sister!"

In extreme anger, Pan Guangchen slapped his son several times in succession. Pan Hao had no mental preparation at all and was completely stunned by the beating.

"Old Pan, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Chen Meiling, who always protects her son, immediately stepped forward, opened her arms, and protected her son behind her.

"Get out of my way."

Today, Pan Guangchen was acting like crazy. He pushed her to the ground without giving any face to anyone. He pointed at Pan Hao angrily and asked, "Tell me, who did you offend?"

It was the first time Pan Hao saw his father getting angry. He was a little frightened for a moment. He touched the slapped cheek and said, "I didn't... I didn't offend anyone."

Chen Meiling realized that today's events were a bit unusual, got up from the ground and said, "Old Pan, what's going on? What happened?"

"It's all this little beast. I don't know which master has been offended. Now the company is being suppressed from all sides and is about to go bankrupt.

All the assets in our family have been frozen, and now we can’t even touch a penny, you know? We don’t have a penny left…”

Pan Guangchen suppressed the anger in his heart and told the company's affairs. Chen Meiling and Chen Meiling were stunned.

To say what they fear most in this world is the fear of running out of money. They are used to living a life of fine clothes and fine food, but if they run out of money, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

It is precisely because of this that the two people immediately fell in love with each other.

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Realizing the seriousness of the problem, I put away my usual arrogant temper.

Chen Meiling swallowed her saliva and said, "Old Pan, does this have anything to do with my son? He is just a child. Did the company offend someone somewhere?"

"What a kid! He's already 30 years old. How can he be a child? Why don't you say he's a child when we usually drink, fight, and play with women?"

Pan Guangchen said angrily, "I've already inquired about it. People say that he is the one who provoked the big shots and has nothing to do with me."

"Old Pan, don't be angry. Let's find a solution slowly when something happens." After comforting her husband, Chen Meiling looked at Pan Hao and said, "Son, tell me quickly, who did you offend?"

"I...I didn't."

Pan Hao was confused and couldn't think of any big shot he had offended.

"Think about it again," Chen Meiling said, "Since the suppression of our company started today, it should be a recent incident. Think about it, have you offended anyone in the past three days, especially yesterday?"

Pan Hao covered his head and recalled seriously, "I went to a club with my friends yesterday, found a few girls to book a room with, and then went drinking. I really didn't offend anyone."

Pan Guangchen suppressed the anger in his heart: "If you think about it again, you must have offended someone important. You don't know yet. How many strangers did you come into contact with yesterday?"

"There really aren't many strangers we come into contact with..."

Pan Hao thought about it from beginning to end, and finally thought of the BMW accident.

"When it comes to strangers, the ones we encounter most in accidents are definitely not the old woman picking up garbage. Could she be the pretty boy who hit me?

But this is impossible. He is a poor man, not a rich man, let alone a big shot. "

Pan Guangchen's expression changed: "Retell the story of the conflict last night, from beginning to end, the more detailed the better."

"I was drunk yesterday and stepped on the brake and accelerator in reverse, and then..."

Pan Hao seriously recounted yesterday's conflict in detail from beginning to end, including how he escaped in the end.

"That's him. This happened just last night, and the company was shut down today. It must be that person who did it."

After all, Pan Guangchen is a well-informed person. He is not as shallow as Pan Hao, and he will not judge a person's identity and background from his clothes.

"But, he doesn't look like a rich man..."

"You know nothing, don't you know that some people like to play low-key?"


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Guangomi said, "Do you know who that person is? Is there any way to find him? We must be quick.

Only by obtaining people's forgiveness can the company have hope of survival, otherwise our family will be completely ruined. "

"I...I don't know, I don't know him at all, let alone who he is..."

"Trash, what else can you do besides causing trouble?"

Pan Guangchen cursed fiercely, and then, without caring about anything else, he desperately used his contacts to find Ye Bufan's whereabouts.

In normal times, it would not be difficult to find someone with his abilities, but now the situation has changed. As the saying goes, good things don't go out and bad things go thousands of miles. The news that Guang'an Group was suppressed by big shots has spread.

When they saw his call, some people refused to answer the call directly, and some people did answer the call, but they were all polite-sounding, and no one came forward when they wanted to help.

After working for a whole day, Pan Guangchen still couldn't find any clues or any information about the other party.

There is also no improvement in the company. On the contrary, the pressure from all aspects is increasing and becoming more and more fierce.

He didn't go to bed for a whole night, he just sat on the sofa alone.

Early the next morning, Chen Meiling was shocked when they walked out. Just overnight, Pan Guangchen's hair turned completely white, and his whole person seemed to have aged ten years.


It wasn't until this moment that Pan Hao truly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Old Pan, don't be too anxious. There will eventually be a way..."

Pan Guangchen had a look of despair on his face: "There's no way, our Pan family will be completely ruined."

Chen Meiling was about to say something more, when there was a rapid knock on the door. She went over and opened the door, and a group of uniformed people rushed in from the outside, including people from taxation, industry and commerce, and the police department.

"Pan Guangchen, right? Your company is suspected of tax evasion, and the amount is extremely huge. Come with us."

Without saying a word, the two security police handcuffed Pan Guangchen and took him out.

"Wait a minute, why are you arresting people..."

Chen Meiling wanted to step forward to stop him, but was pushed back.

Two staff members wearing bank uniforms stepped forward and said: "Guang'an Group is now sealed, insolvent, and defaults on bank loans. Now all your family's property has been sealed.

You should leave here immediately, and no belongings are allowed to be taken away. "

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