Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 114 Ouyang Hui regrets

In the western restaurant, Gu Qingcheng raised the wine glass in his hand and said to Ye Bufan: "Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry. I misunderstood you today. Thank you for saving our Qiaoqiao family."

Gu Qiaoqiao also raised her glass: "Brother Ye, thank you too!"

Ye Bufan picked up the wine glass, clinked it with the two girls, and then took a sip.

As soon as he put down his wine glass, his cell phone rang in his pocket. He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was a strange number he had never seen before.

After pressing the answer button, a gloomy voice immediately came from the other side: "Ye Bufan, your mother is in my hands."

Ye Bufan immediately recognized that this person was Taoist Sister Xuanying, and said with a gloomy expression: "If you dare to touch my mother's hair, I will defeat your Qingyun Sect."

On the other side of the phone, Taoist Aunt Xuanying gave a sinister smile: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm in the western suburbs of Jiangnan City and will send you the location right away. If you can't make it within half an hour, there will be consequences.

You are a smart person. If you call the police, just wait to collect your mother's body. "

After saying that, she hung up the phone with a bang.

Hearing that his mother had fallen into Taoist Aunt Xuanying's hands, Ye Bufan jumped up from his seat and hurried out.

"Wait for me, I'll drive you!"

Gu Qingcheng and Gu Qiaoqiao basically heard the content of the call and ran out closely behind Ye Bufan.

Ye Bufan didn't refuse. He didn't drive. Taking a taxi at this time would definitely waste time.

The three of them got into the car, and Gu Qingcheng started the Rolls-Royce and drove towards the western suburbs of Jiangnan City like an arrow.

Shortly after getting on the bus, there was a ding on his cell phone, and Taoist Sister Xuanying sent his location.

Seeing Ye Bufan's anxious expression, Gu Qiaoqiao advised: "Brother Ye, don't be anxious. With your ability, you will definitely rescue your aunt."

Gu Qingcheng said: "Who is the other party? Do you need me to help you mobilize manpower?"

Ye Bufan took a deep breath to calm down his nervous mood. He knew that it would be useless if people went to this kind of thing too often, and it would only alert the snake.

He said: "I can handle it myself, you just need to get there as soon as possible."

"No problem, sit tight."

Gu Qingcheng's driving skills were very good, and the performance of the Rolls-Royce was also excellent. About 20 minutes later, the three of them arrived at the designated location together.

This is an extremely quiet small valley, surrounded by dense woods, with an open space of about two to three hundred square meters in the middle.

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When they arrived, Taoist Sister Xuanying was standing in the middle of the woods, with two men in black holding Ouyang Hui behind her.

Ye Bufan rushed out of the car, and Taoist Aunt Xuanying immediately shouted: "Stop, or I will kill her right away."

At this moment, he was still about 30 meters away from Ouyang Hui. Although it was beyond the scanning range of his spiritual consciousness, his eyesight was amazing. Under the moonlight, he could vaguely recognize that the person was not Ouyang Lan, but Ouyang Hui.

This made him feel relieved. Although he didn't know why the other party mistook Ouyang Hui for Ouyang Lan, it was a blessing in misfortune that his mother was fine.

Seeing him stunned there, Taoist Aunt Xuanying looked proud, thinking that her methods had shocked the other party.

She said: "Ye Bufan, aren't you very awesome? Now that your mother has fallen into my hands, let me see what else you have to fight with me."

The more this woman talked, the more proud she became, and the more she talked, the more arrogant she became. She had no idea that the hostage in her hand was a fake and had no threat at all.

Ye Bufan said: "I want to say that you arrested the wrong person. Do you believe it? This person is not my mother at all."

Taoist nun Xuanying's expression froze, and then she shouted: "Boy, are you trying to trick me? This is absolutely impossible.

I caught this woman from your restaurant, how could she not be your mother? "

A man in black next to him said: "Taoist priest, don't listen to his nonsense. I have been following this woman for several days and I am sure she is his mother. I even bought this set of clothes yesterday.

I also bought the jewelry and watches she wore with my own eyes, so there was no way she could go wrong. "

Ouyang Hui's mouth was gagged and tears flowed down her face.

At this moment, she was ready to die. Why did she come to collect debts and why did she smash the glass of the hotel? Why do you want to drive Ouyang Lan away? Why are you wearing her clothes? Why did you want to steal her jewelry?

Without these reasons, he would not have been taken hostage, and his son would not have died.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. It is useless to regret it again. I can only hope that Ye Bufan can save him.

Ye Bufan said: "She is really not my mother, just an aunt of mine. The two of them look very similar."

"Boy, if you are still pretending to be calm with me right now, let me see how long you can keep calm."

As she spoke, Taoist Aunt Xuanying raised her hand and slapped Ouyang Hui's left arm off with a snap.


Ouyang Hui's arm was broken

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, it almost hurt her to death, but unfortunately her mouth was blocked by the towel, so she could only scream.

Taoist nun Xuanying showed no mercy on her face, and said in a cold voice: "This slap was given to my junior brother Xuanji who died."

Then she reached out and grabbed Ouyang Hui's right arm and twisted it hard. There was another click, and the right arm was broken into two parts.

"This is for my junior brother Xuanhuo."

Ouyang Hui was just an ordinary person at first, but now she couldn't stand this kind of stimulation anymore, and she rolled her eyes and fainted.

Taoist nun Xuanying had no intention of stopping. She raised her leg and kicked her calf again, splitting her left leg in two. The huge pain made Ouyang Hui wake up again.

In the blink of an eye, Taoist Sister Xuanying disabled Ouyang Hui's limbs, then looked at Ye Bufan coldly and said, "Boy, are you still pretending to me? If you pretend again, I will break her neck."

Although Ye Bufan hated Ouyang Hui, after all, she was also his mother's biological sister, so he couldn't just watch her die.

It's a pity that the distance is too far and I can't reach out to rescue him.

Seeing that Taoist Sister Xuanying was sure that this was his mother, he could only reply helplessly: "Okay, I admit that she is my mother. Tell me, what are your conditions?"

"You are still playing tricks on me at such a young age, you are still far behind." Taoist Aunt Xuanying said proudly, "If you want to rescue your mother from me, you must agree to two conditions.

First, give me the little black bottle. Second, let me destroy your cultivation and avenge my two junior brothers. "

Ye Bufan frowned: "Is your request too much?"

Gu Qiaoqiao scolded: "You old Taoist nun is too vicious. You are still a monk. Why don't you have any compassion?"

Gu Qingcheng didn't know that the person in front of her was not Ye Bufan's mother, so she said nervously: "Xiaofan, don't listen to her. Once your cultivation is disabled, she will kill you directly."

Taoist nun Xuanying shouted fiercely: "Shut up, you two little girls, or I will sell you to Africa."

Ye Bufan stopped Gu Qingcheng who was about to run away and said, "You're right. If I lose my cultivation, I will no longer be meat on your chopping board. Can you let me live anymore?"

Aunt Xuanying said: "I can swear to Patriarch Sanqing that I will never kill you."

Ye Bufan sneered and said: "Is swearing useful? If the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty had a spirit, he would have struck down a villain like you with lightning."

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