Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1070 Interviewer


Seeing this weird scene, the two Huang Xiaoqing sisters let out another cry of surprise, then pressed their high chests and gasped for air.

All this is too fantastic and completely beyond the imagination of the two people.

Ye Bufan threw the handle of the knife into the trash can: "You see, this is the effect of the protective magic weapon."

Huang Xiaomei took a deep breath to calm down her excitement. She looked down and found that one of the seven beads on the bracelet was missing.

I couldn't help but feel distressed because something that could save my life was wasted like this.

Huang Xiaoqing said with a sigh on his face: "Brother Ye, you are so amazing, you actually have such a treasure."

With the protective bracelet on, she no longer has to worry about her sister's safety.

After breakfast, Huang Xiaomei went shopping as usual, and Ye Bufan came to Haitian Pharmaceutical together.

The Haitian Pharmaceutical Group Building is 40 stories high. It is considered a relatively tall building even in a metropolitan city like Shanghai. It looks majestic when you look up.

The interview took place on the 8th floor of the building. When they arrived, a public notice board had been posted at the door.

Today, Haitian Pharmaceutical has hired a total of two employees, one salesperson and one assistant to the president.

"Only one has been recruited, and the number of places is probably too small."

Seeing the announcement, Huang Xiaoqing suddenly felt nervous.

Then I took two steps forward and saw a room on the left with an interview area for salespersons, and a room on the right with an interview area for assistants to the president.

The door was open, and she glanced inside, only to see a dozen people there studying for the exam, all of them well-dressed and distinguished.

It's no wonder that Haitian Pharmaceutical is well-known and its employees are notoriously well treated. If you recruit any employee, there will be a large number of people queuing up.

This is still not publicly publicized, otherwise it would definitely not be these dozen people.

"Brother Ye, there are so many people competing for one position, I don't think I can do it."

Huang Xiaoqing suddenly became nervous. In order to take care of her sister these years, she did not study further after graduating from undergraduate degree.

And I don’t have much work experience, so I am obviously at a disadvantage when competing with others.

"Don't worry, you go in and rest first, and you'll see me later."

"Oh well."

Huang Xiaoqing nodded. Since he was here, there was no reason to leave. If it didn't work, he would call Mr. Chen again.

In order to make money to support her family, she had no choice but to walk in.

She found an empty seat and sat down, and glanced to the left. The man was holding a resume in his hand, flipping through it, writing densely.

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There are a lot of them, and they seem to have a lot of work experience.

Glancing to the right again, the man was holding a graduate diploma from Shanghai University of Science and Technology, a double degree.

Glancing at the undergraduate diploma and empty resume in her hand, she became nervous again.

The interview time is set at 9:00 in the morning, but no one will come against the time. Although it is only 8:50, basically everyone who is supposed to come has come.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door. Huang Xiaoqing looked up and saw that it was Ye Bufan who came in.

He got an official document from somewhere and put it under his arm, walked to the front desk, and slapped it on the table.

"Hello everyone, I am today's interviewer. Those who pass the interview will stay, and those who fail will leave immediately."

Huang Xiaoqing was startled. Fortunately, he covered his mouth in time, otherwise he would have screamed.

What is Brother Ye doing? When did you become an interviewer?

Others were also a little confused. They felt that the interviewer was dressed too casually and was a little too young. It was different from what they expected.

"Are you really the interviewer?"

asked a bespectacled man sitting in front.

"Are you questioning me?"

As he spoke, Ye Bufan's aura suddenly erupted, and a powerful aura instantly occupied the entire room, making everyone feel suffocated.

Even Huang Xiaoqing's eyes widened instantly. This man was so powerful that she always felt like she couldn't see through him.

The man with glasses was startled, and he waved his hand quickly and said, "No, no, I was just asking."

This kind of powerful aura can only be possessed by a superior person who can control the destiny of others. No one has the slightest doubt.

Ye Bufan ignored him and raised his hand to point to the person in the first position: "Cao Xiaoqiang, please introduce yourself."

Hearing him call out his name accurately, the man no longer had any doubts and immediately stood up and said: "Hello interviewer, my name is Cao Xiaoqiang. I graduated from Chengdu University with a master's degree..."


Before Cao Xiaoqiang finished speaking, Ye Bufan interrupted rudely, "You are not suitable to be a salesperson, you can leave."

"Why... why?"

Cao Xiaoqiang asked unwillingly.

"How can you be a salesperson if your gastrointestinal condition is not good? Go back and recuperate your body before you come back."

Cao Xiaoqiang was stunned. He obviously didn't expect that the interviewer would immediately notice that he was sick.

"But interviewer, although I have gastrointestinal problems, it will definitely not affect my work."

Ye Bufan frowned:

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"You have bad gastrointestinal problems and your breath is too loud. I can smell your bad breath from so far away, and you also have the habit of farting from time to time.

You are applying for a sales position, not a garbage collector. The most important thing is to leave a good impression on your customers.

If you are not suitable, leave immediately. "

Cao Xiaoqiang wanted to say something else, but at this moment, he made an untimely beep from the back of his butt and let out a loud and long fart.

Several people next to him immediately frowned and quickly covered their noses.

Now he was embarrassed to stay here any longer and ran out in a panic.

Ye Bufan didn't even look at him and turned to the second interviewer, a fashionably dressed woman.

This time he didn't even ask his name and said directly: "You can leave too."

"Interviewer, I haven't introduced myself yet? Why should you let me go?"

The woman looked unconvinced.

"You have health problems. You pay too much attention to your own image, which leads to insufficient warmth, lack of kidney energy, frequent urination, and you have to run to the toilet several times every hour.

When you go to the bathroom, what if a customer comes and the company's opportunity is wasted?

So you are not suitable here, so leave quickly. "


The woman was ashamed, angry and frightened. She couldn't figure out how the interviewer knew that she had frequent urination.

But at this time, she didn't have the shame to stay here anymore, and hurried out with her file.

Ye Bufan's eyes fell on the third interviewer, a young man in his twenties.

The man's heart trembled, and he even forgot to introduce the academic qualifications he was proud of, and said directly: "I want to report to the interviewer that I am in good health, my gastrointestinal system is healthy, and I don't have frequent urination..."

"You are not qualified either, leave!"

"Why, there's really nothing wrong with me..."

"Image! As a salesperson, what is most important is, of course, image!

Looking at the pimple on your face, how can it represent the image of our Haitian Pharmaceutical? Bad review, leave! "


Although the man was not convinced, there was nothing he could do. He had been too angry recently and had big pimples on his face.

Afterwards, Ye Bufan continued to comment on the remaining interviewees.

"You have night blindness and are not suitable for doing business at night. Leave..."

"Your cervical spine is not good and you often feel dizzy and have headaches. You are not suitable for leaving..."

"You often stay up late, your blood sugar is too low...let's go"

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