Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1046: The five internal organs connect to the seven orifices

"God, isn't he kidding?"

“How is it possible that a disease can be cured by touching your hands?

"Isn't Chinese traditional medicine treating diseases with acupuncture and cupping? When did it include touching hands?"

The people brought by Alice all exclaimed in amazement. If it weren't for Ye Bufan's amazing skills before, they would have thought he was teasing themselves.

Catherine did suffer from menstrual cramps, a very serious one.

As a member of the World Medical Association, she has access to the best medical resources.

It's a pity that after so many years of seeing many gynecological experts, there is still no solution. All the test results are normal, but I am miserable.

With a puzzled expression, she stretched out her right hand, hoping that the young man in front of her could bring her a miracle.

Ye Bufan also stretched out his right hand and passed it across Catherine's palm. He only paused slightly when passing the Laogong point, which was only seven or eight seconds.

At this moment, Catherine felt a warm current flowing from her palms and instantly flowing throughout her body.

The feeling was as comfortable as freezing in the ice and snow for three days and three nights, and then soaking in a hot spring.


She couldn't help but let out a low cry. It was so comfortable. She felt comfortable from head to toe. She had never felt so comfortable in her 30 years of life.

In the past, every time at this time, she would feel that her lower abdomen was always cold and painful.

But now I feel nothing at all, and my lower abdomen, which was originally so painful, is now extremely comfortable.

Just as she was enjoying herself, Ye Bufan had already retracted his hand.

His cultivation has now reached the early stage of heaven level, and his Chaos Qi is extremely strong. It is extremely easy to treat minor problems such as dysmenorrhea.

As her palms were withdrawn, the extremely comfortable feeling in Catherine's body disappeared instantly, which made her extremely disappointed.

"Dear Ye, are you going too fast? Can't you last a little longer?"

Catherine said with a look of reluctance.


There was a black line on Ye Bufan's head, and he thought to himself: What is this big horse doing? What does it mean that he is too fast, and what does it mean that he can't last longer? It makes you feel like you are not in good health.

Others also realized the strangeness in her words and couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, they realized that touching the palms of this young man could really cure illnesses, otherwise Catherine would not behave this way.

Before Catherine realized the ambiguity in her words, she said eagerly again: "Dear Ye, you just really

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It's too fast. I'm not comfortable enough yet. Why don't you touch me again? "

As she spoke, she handed over her white and tender palm.

As soon as she said these words, the people around her burst into laughter again.

Ye Bufan said with some embarrassment: "Miss Catherine, your illness has been completely cured. There is no need to come back again."

"Really? That's such a shame."

Catherine felt it slightly, and there was no discomfort in her whole body. Especially her lower abdomen felt warm, and the cold and painful feeling before was gone.

Buckley looked in disbelief. How could a person's disease be cured by just touching his hands, and it only took a few seconds?

He asked with some hesitation: "Catherine, how do you feel now? Are you really feeling better?"

"Great, I'm doing very well now. I feel like I've been favored by God."

Having said this, Catherine looked at Ye Bufan with excitement, "Dear Ye, your medical skills are so amazing!

From now on, I will be your fan, a fan of traditional Chinese medicine, and I am also a crazy fan. "

There was another burst of thunderous applause in the venue, and everyone applauded Ye Bufan's medical skills.

At this time, the bearded Max said: "Dr. Ye, what you just performed was so amazing, can you let me experience it myself?"

After speaking, he took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped his nose.

Although Catherine personally admitted that Ye Bufan cured her menstrual cramps, he still found it hard to believe.

After all, he could cure diseases by touching his hands. He had never dared to think of such a thing before.


Ye Bufan looked at him and said, "Do you have allergic rhinitis?"

"Yes, I do have rhinitis, and it's been going on for the past two days."

Max was not too surprised by this diagnosis. After all, rhinitis is a very common disease, and his current symptoms are obvious.

Ye Bufan added: "For allergic rhinitis, Western medicine has no way to cure it, and can only relieve it through desensitization drugs.

However, that kind of medicine generally has strong side effects, making people drowsy and unclear. "

"Dr. Ye, it's not that Western medicine can't cure allergic rhinitis, but that none of the existing medical methods can cure it."

Max was clearly unhappy with the suggestion that Western medicine could not cure allergic rhinitis.

"No, you are wrong. Our Chinese medicine doctors can do it."

Ye Bufan said, taking out the needle bag and taking out a silver needle, "I just need

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Just one injection for you will completely cure your rhinitis. "

Max said with some doubts: "Really? I am very willing to accept your treatment, and I want to see the magic of acupuncture."

Ye Bufan said no more. With a flick of his wrist, the silver needle in his hand pierced the Feishu point on his chest.

"Uh... Doctor Ye, what are you doing? Aren't you treating my rhinitis? Why did it get stuck here?"

Before Max could finish shouting, Ye Bufan had already taken back the silver needle.

"Feel it now."

Max gasped hard for a few times, and then shouted with excitement: "My nose is ventilated, and my rhinitis is really cured!

My God, Dr. Ye, can you tell me how you did it? "

“You Western medicine doctors have always treated the head when it hurts and the feet when it hurts. We treat whatever goes wrong. Our Chinese medicine doctors are different from you.

Let’s first look at people as a whole. Although there is something wrong with your nose, the root cause is not in the nose. "

Ye Bufan talked eloquently and explained the theories of traditional Chinese medicine.

Unlike Bi Haiping before, this time not only did not arouse the resentment of these foreigners, but on the contrary aroused their curiosity.

"Dr. Ye, can you tell me that if you don't treat the nose problem, can you treat other places?"

Buckley's face was full of curiosity, like a curious baby. Ye Bufan's words just now completely subverted his previous knowledge.

"In Chinese medicine, there is a saying that seven orifices connect the five internal organs. The Huangdi Nei Jing points out that the heart opens to the tongue, the lungs open to the nose, the spleen opens to the mouth, the liver opens to the eyes, and the kidneys open to the ears.

In other words, the symptoms of the five sense organs are related to the essence of the five internal organs. If there is a problem with the five internal organs, the five sense organs will show corresponding symptoms.

For example, Max's rhinitis just now is actually a manifestation of insufficient lung qi.

I just pricked his Feishu point to improve his lung qi, and now there are no symptoms in his nose. "

"Oh my God, it's amazing! It's amazing!"

These foreigners all exclaimed in exclamation. If Ye Bufan had not just cured Max, they would not have accepted this theory anyway. This completely subverted their previous cognition.

"Dr. Ye, what does my hair have to do with it?"

Another member of the World Medical Association stood up. His name was Krina, and he looked to be in his thirties or forties.

But the whole head was bald without a single hair, and it shone brightly under the lights of the venue.

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