Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1036 Why not a man?

However, facing the furious boss, Rooney only dared to think about it in his mind, but did not dare to say a word.

"Boss, what should we do?"

Cantona took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, thought for a while and said: "What else can we do? Raise funds immediately to fight back. We can't just watch our stocks be suppressed!"

Generally speaking, a small decline in stocks is still within the acceptable range.

Once the decline is too large and causes market panic and all capital and retail investors sell off, it will be a disaster.

Rooney said awkwardly: "But we really have no available funds."

"If you don't have money, just think of a way. You can't just sit back and wait for death."

Cantona said: "Immediately use all our connections in the bank to mortgage the equity of Angel Pharmaceuticals, get loans immediately, and inject blood into the stock market as quickly as possible."

"Boss, how much are we prepared to borrow?"

Cantona hesitated: "One hundred billion, maybe it's too little and it might not be enough."

Until now, he didn't realize how serious the problem was. He thought that even if he mortgaged the equity loan, he would be able to repay the loan soon after China won a big victory and the funds returned.

It doesn't cost a lot of interest, it's just a favor fee for those vampires in the bank.

"I know, boss, I'll do it right away."

After Rooney finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

It was already night here in China, and the entire Su Group Building was brightly lit.

Su Ruyue and others gathered in front of the computer, looking at the numbers flashing on the screen with happy smiles on their faces.

An Yimo said: "Xiaofan, your method is really good. We just invested 50 billion in capital and beat the six companies of Angel Pharmaceutical to pieces. We have no ability to resist at all."

Ye Bufan smiled slightly: "Although I don't know much about finance, I also know that money is the blood of a company's survival.

Now that Cantona has transferred all his funds to China, his back is empty, like a woman who has been stripped naked, naturally without any ability to resist. "

Dongfang Huizhong sat next to her with a red wine glass, curled her lips and said: "Vulgar, prejudiced, why is it a naked woman? Why not a naked man?"

"Uh... Okay, if you're ruthless, you win."

Ye Bufan was completely out of temper by this crazy woman.

At this time, Lu Banxia pointed at the screen and said: "Look, the stock price has begun to rise, and Angel Pharmaceutical has injected a lot of funds.

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Everyone looked at the screen together, and sure enough, the stock prices of the six companies under Angel Pharmaceutical began to rise slowly.

An Yimo said: "How much money can they invest?"

Lu Banxia's fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, quickly checking one set of data after another, and finally said: "Based on the current situation, the preliminary estimate should be around 100 billion Huaxia coins."

Wang Xuening said: "Funds were injected so quickly, where did this money come from?"

Su Ruyue said: "We were caught off guard by our 50 billion. It can be seen that they are empty behind and have no reserved working capital at all.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to raise such a large sum of money quickly by borrowing. It is impossible for any company to set aside such a large amount of working capital, and it is impossible to lend it to him at once.

Then there is only one way, which is to get a mortgage loan from a bank. "

"We've already started the mortgage loan, so let's add fuel to the fire."

A smile appeared on Ye Bufan's lips. Although he was not very good at financial warfare, he also knew that once a company mortgaged its equity, it would have forced itself into a desperate situation.

If you win, you can be brought back to life; if you lose, you will be doomed.

In this situation, Angel Pharmaceutical obviously has no chance of winning.

Su Ruyue smiled and said: "In this case, you can't be too harsh, let the other party see a little hope.

In this way, they will continue to mortgage and loan, otherwise the effect will not be good. "

After speaking, she directed her traders to perform quick operations, causing Angel Group's stock to rebound, from the previous drop of 5% to 3%.

Doing so gives the other party the illusion that their funds are valid, but they are still a little short of sufficient.

Sure enough, Cantona from Angel Company had already come to the control hall and stood side by side with Rooney.

Seeing that the stock price had rebounded, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the other party is not very strong either. If they try harder, they can bring our stock price back up and trap their funds.

If you dare to take advantage of our Angel Pharmaceuticals, you must pay a price. "

According to his idea, as long as the other party's funds stay with him for a day or two, when a large amount of funds from China return, he can eat up the other party in one bite.

At that time, not only will there be no losses, but on the contrary, you will be able to make another profit.

Rooney said with a grimace: "Boss, the 100 billion in funds we borrowed have been used up."

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"What? Running out so quickly?"

Cantona glanced at the big screen, hesitated and said: "Continue to contact the bank and borrow another 100 billion."

"Boss, those damn vampires just took away 100 million of our benefits."

"Rooney, you are the manager, you should take a long-term view, don't focus on the small money, hurry up and don't let these damn things get away."

Cantona said, "If you want a rebate, give it to them, and make sure the funds are available quickly."

"I know, boss."

Rooney's work efficiency was very fast. In just one noon, another 100 million in funds arrived.

"Boss, it's all done."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and seize all their funds. Don't let these hateful guys run away."

Cantona had a fierce look on his face. If he dared to sneak attack on him, he must teach the other party a lesson.

"Yes, boss."

Rooney agreed and immediately directed his 10 traders to start the operation.

On the Su Group's side, Lu Banxia has been monitoring the Angel Group's capital movements.

"Sister Ruyue, there is another injection of funds over there, about 100 million Chinese coins."

"The old way is to take all the money and raise the stock price to a 2% drop."

With a smile on her lips, Su Ruyue arranged her troops in an orderly manner.

Soon, Angel Pharmaceutical's stock price rose again, but it only increased a little, reaching a drop of 2%. It still looked green from a distance.

Cantona was sitting in the hall, holding a red wine glass in one hand, and shouted angrily: "Damn Rooney, why is your efficiency so low?

I want to see red, do you understand red? Quickly raise my stock price. "

Rooney spread his hands and said helplessly: "Boss, we have run out of money."

"What? Didn't you just get a loan of 100 billion?"

"Boss, this is the money I'm talking about. I suspect that the other party's funds are sufficient, even beyond our imagination.

They seem to be playing a cat and mouse game, waiting for us to invest our money and then eat them bite by bite. "

"As for the issue of currencies used in the West, it's not that Black Beer doesn't have common sense, but that many vocabulary words nowadays are sensitive and can easily be blocked. For the time being, I think they also use Huaxia coins. Just don't convert back and forth. Just look at it and it's cool."

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