Urban ancient fairy doctor

Chapter 1020 It’s all wrong

"Ten million is not enough to invite me to take action. I don't know about this matter. You invited them."

Alice is extremely enthusiastic about Ye Bufan, but she doesn't have such a good attitude towards others.

As the president of the World Medical Association, she originally had her own pride.

After saying that, she also noticed something was wrong, and turned around and said, "Teacher, aren't you two together?"

Ye Bufan shook his head: "We are all here to treat patients and have nothing to do with him."

"That's right."

As smart as Alice, she immediately saw the key. "Teacher, since you are here, Blanco and Longley have no need to take action anymore. How about I ask them to cancel this invitation?"

After hearing what she said, Gou Yuanhua immediately became anxious. If he canceled his invitation, there would be no hope for today.

"No, President Alice, even if you don't take action, the appointment cannot be canceled. I paid 10 million, and the World Medical Association cannot but respect its credibility."

Langley and the two frowned, and Blanco said: "Yes, President, what you did is against the regulations."

Alice ignored their attitude and just looked at Ye Bufan with burning eyes.

Her attitude is obvious. As long as Ye Bufan agrees, she will do it even if it does not comply with the regulations.

"No need. Since you have accepted the appointment, let them show it to the patient. It's useless anyway. You can't cure this disease at all."

Ye Bufan was telling the truth, but it was extremely harsh to the ears of Langley and Blanco.

"Mr. Ye, I think you don't understand the World Medical Association or our medical level. I'll show you what real medical skills are in a moment."

Langley didn't turn his back directly for Alice's sake, but he was rude when he spoke.

Ye Bufan just smiled slightly and did not explain too much.

Alice said dissatisfied: "You are too arrogant, you have never seen my teacher take action, you do not understand what real medical skills are.

Wait a minute and let my teacher teach you what real Chinese medicine is. "

"Okay, President Alice, we are looking forward to it."

Blanco said this, but his eyes were full of rebelliousness, and he was obviously not convinced.

Gou Yuanhua couldn't care less about this. What he wanted now was to fix Hua Chengye as soon as possible and get the Baicao Group. .

He said to Xue Liang impatiently: "Uncle Xue, the experts I invited have arrived. Now let's

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Let them begin. "

Seeing that the two people were truly experts from the World Medical Association, Xue Liang nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

"Two experts, these are the inspection results we just got."

In order to save time, Gou Yuanhua directly handed over the inspection results that Qi Dongqiang took out.

Blanco and the two took it and looked at it again, carefully checked the results of Hua Chengye's previous examination, and then checked Hua Chengye's physical condition.

Xue Liang asked: "How are you two?"

Blanco said confidently: "It's not a big problem, it's just a headache caused by a neurological disorder."

Xue Liang frowned slightly. This was the diagnosis Qi Dongqiang gave before, and it was obviously not symptomatic.

Langley continued: "For this disease, our country M has just produced a special medicine, which is very effective."

After speaking, he reached out and took out a small medicine bottle, and poured out small red pills, which were exactly the same as the ones Qi Dongqiang took out just now.

Blanco looked at Alice: "President, our Western medicine is the most scientific. You see, we found the disease so quickly and we have a treatment."

Langley looked at Ye Bufan with disdain: "Mr. Ye, you have been disappointed. We have found the disease and treatment."

The two people were very dissatisfied with Ye Bufan saying that they could not cure Hua Chengye. Now that they had found a treatment plan, they immediately began to fight back.

But as soon as they finished speaking, Xue Liang's face turned cold: "Both of you, your diagnosis results and treatment methods are wrong."

"Wrong? This is impossible! You can't question an expert's medical skills."

Blanco said dissatisfied.

Xue Liang reached out and took the bottle of medicine that Qi Dongqiang had just placed next to him, "Is this the medicine you prescribed?"

"Yes, that's it." Langley took the medicine bottle, checked it, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Since you already have the special medicine, you shouldn't invite us again. This is a complete waste of time."

Xue Liang slammed the medicine bottle in his hand to the ground: "That's bullshit special medicine. This medicine doesn't work at all. On the contrary, it worsens our old man's condition."

"This is impossible, this is really impossible."

The two people looked in disbelief.

Qi Dongqiang, who had been silent all the time, came over and said: "Teachers, it's really like this. Although I can't figure out the reason, the patient didn't get any relief after taking this special medicine. On the contrary, it worsened the condition."

"This is simply not

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Incredible. "

The two people looked in disbelief, but they still said honestly, "I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do about this disease."

Hearing this result, Gou Yuanhua looked disappointed.

I originally thought that inviting domestic and foreign experts would definitely cure Hua Chengye, but it turned out that the attempt was in vain.

He said with some reluctance: "You two experts, can't you think of other ways?"

Blanco shook his head: "Sorry, there's really nothing we can do."

Langley said: "Maybe our president can find a way."

Gou Yuanhua looked at Alice with a complicated expression on his face.

He knew that this woman had an unusual relationship with Ye Bufan. Even if he could cure Hua Chengye's illness, he probably couldn't take credit for it.

"You don't need to look at me. If you let me diagnose and treat you, the results will be the same as theirs."

Alice gave the answer directly, and then said, "If there is one person in the world who can cure this disease, it is my teacher."

After she said this, everyone's eyes fell on Ye Bufan's face again.

Xue Liang said with a sincere look: "Mr. Ye, please show it to me."

"I've seen it. In their eyes, this disease is incurable and they can't even find the cause, but it's nothing to me here."

Ye Bufan's voice was not loud, but his voice was irresistible.

A bad idea popped into Gou Yuanhua's mind. The reason why this young man allowed himself to take action one after another was because he was convinced that people like him would never succeed.

But then he shook his head again, driving away the thoughts in his mind.

Even if the other party's medical skills were good, how could he possibly know Hua Chengye's condition if he had never even checked his pulse?

Blanco said more directly: "Mr. Ye, it's hard for me to believe what you said. Unless you let me see it with my own eyes, you should apologize to me."

"Blanco, I have already told you that you are a frog in the well and have no idea how powerful my teacher's medical skills are."

Alice had witnessed with her own eyes the miraculous power of Ye Bufan's medical skills. He could even heal serious injuries like Lady Sword in an instant, not to mention a headache.

Xue Liang once again said with expectation: "Mr. Ye, please give me some treatment."

Ye Bufan nodded, "Bring me a pen."

Everyone is confused now. What does that mean? Don’t you want to cure a disease? What do you need a pen for?

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