More than two hundred stars of the Eudemons are playing up, and the natural sound is much louder. When I played well, I couldn’t help but get bigger. So I blew it up and the soil flew.


But when I heard something screaming, the island began to shake up and became more and more powerful. The trees on the island were competing and broken, as if an earthquake occurred.

The beasts face each other.

Lu Yi saw the island sinking very quickly, calmly calling everyone on board, and recalling the beasts by the way.

When the five people boarded the ship, the island sank. Then, an oversized behemoth emerged from the water.

Can't describe how big the behemoth is, it takes up the horizon!

Seeing it, Lu Yiqian understood that the so-called small island turned out to be only its back. Maybe it is sleeping, maybe it is contemplative, in short, it floats quietly on the water for more than 50 years, until the back grows lush vegetation, supporting a bird paradise. If it wasn't for the beasts who woke up, it might still sleep again.

Lu Yiqian looked at it with respect and respect. Anyone who saw such a giant fish should be respectful.

The huge fish with a radius of five meters looked at Lu Qianqian's cruise ship. It seemed to be very interesting. He was disturbed and woke up, and it did not rashly launch an attack.

Lu Yiqian was a little embarrassed, and then he said that he was bothering this giant fish.

She started the cruise ship and was ready to walk away quietly.

Who wants, when the boat is opened, the giant fish is also gracefully swimming and following up.

Lu Yan said that this giant fish did not mean to attack, but also went with it.

The direction of the demon red and Xiaojinlong is the same, but the guidance of the demon red is more accurate. Lu Yiqian set the route along the guideline, no accident, it should be able to arrive very quickly. However, this sea is sinister and unpredictable, and what will happen is no matter what.

Lu Yiqian went to the deck and saw the big fish swimming on the right side of the cruise ship. Seeing Lu Yan’s coming out, huge eyes came over.

To be honest, the huge eyes with a radius of five meters, suddenly seeing, is still amazed.

Fortunately, Lu Hao is indifferent to life, see this big guy gentle, calmly what to do.

Big eyes looked at Lu Yiqian, Lu Yiqian also looked at this big guy, but it was too big, and now it is the big eyes. There is a layer of film on the eyes, looking at the thin ground, but the knife and gun are not in!

Very surprised to look at!

Lu Hao was stunned and flew to the brain door of the big fish hill.

The big fish seems to be very happy, and the speed is increased, as if it is rushing out of the string, it is very fast. The big fish swims happily, but they are all swimming around the cruise, like a little urchin.

Wei Mo looked at Lu Yuqian on the fish, and he was fortunate enough to be able to love such a woman!

I looked at the big fish and continued to practice the sword without moving.

The **** of death looked at the fish on the fish, and couldn't help but fly to the big fish, standing with the same person.

After playing enough, I sent back Lu Yiqian, and the big fish swims on the side of the boat.

Xu is the big fish, and there are no sharks and whales that don’t have long eyes. They even come to trouble, even the sea storm has not met.

According to the guidelines, a full month of sailing on the sea will arrive at the place where the guidelines are located.

Lu Yiqian parked the boat on the water, looked at the vast sea, and asked again to the demon red: "Are you sure here?"

There was a faint blush on the red face, but he definitely asked: "Yes, it is here." He paused: "There should be three circular islands here."

The tarpon, there is no pleat in the sea, will this be the place?

Lu Yiqian also took out the map and looked at it. The map also marked the presence of three islands nearby.

The map is right, the place is right, but there is no island. What is going on?

"You... don't believe me?" The red voice was a little trembling, and suddenly she was afraid to hear the denial from her mouth.

"No, I am thinking, things may change." Lu Yiqian looked up and looked at the demon red: "I believe in you."

Sitting on the deck and watching the sea, a bold idea slammed into Lu’s mind.

Could it be, on the bottom of the sea? !

The water is calm and the waters look no different from other places.

But Lu Yiqian has already begun to prepare, she drums for a while, making a submarine!

The fire of creation, this magical flame, as long as you want it, there is almost nothing you can't do.

More than 20 meters long, more than ten meters wide, six meters high submarine floated on the surface of the sea, outside the light.

The beasts looked at this strange guy, and they all had question marks.

Lu Haoqian laughed and went on first.

The **** of death keeps up with it, and walks in coldly, even if it is Hell, the ink will follow, and the demon red finally walks in.

Headed by Xiao Junzun, the beasts also sneaked in.

Take back the cruise ship, close the door and sink to the bottom.

The giant fish also followed the sinking water.

Seen from the water, this giant fish is bigger, tens of meters long, and the width of the kilometer is long. This fish is comparable to Everest.

Red patted the small chest, and quickly turned to look at the scenery of the sea in the glass of the submarine.

A variety of fish, crabs, seaweeds, soft bodies... colorful, dazzling, more beautiful than land. In particular, a group of sea fish catch the plankton like clouds.

The kinds of creatures in the imaginary sea are more diverse and numerous!

The beasts were amazed, and they shouted again and again!

With the owner, it’s really a big eye!

After a while, the beasts saw a variety of jellyfish, shimmering, like a strange dancer, dancing a dance that no one could understand.

Continue to dive, in front of everyone is a variety of large and small corals, all kinds of exotic sea anemones, as well as a variety of sea plants, the sea of ​​Warcraft, constitute a very beautiful, resource-rich, extremely magical sea forest world.

Submarines and big fish swim in it, it feels like flying in the sky above a huge forest, or in another world, the visual impact is huge, and the mental shock is huge.

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