The fully equipped Unicorn Gundam “gently kicks” on the Raider Shield. Although the fully equipped Unicorn Gundam seems to be very light in action, after its weight and speed, the Star Genesis Strike Gundam is like being slammed into the air by a heavy object.

Star Genesis Strike Gundam was not so much kicked off as it was trampled down. Because of the angle, the direction in which the Star Genesis Gundam was hit was the direction of the atmosphere.

As soon as it entered the microgravity area, the Star Genesis attack Gundam instantly generated a gravitational force. Ryōji sensed gravity and immediately increased the thrusters. Just as Star Genesis Strike Gundam was about to leave the gravity zone, another reminder sounded.

“Danger! Quickly dodge Makoto and Ryōji! ”

The fully equipped Unicorn Gundam shoots all the remaining small missiles on his body at once, and the target is, of course, the kicked Star Tron Strike Gundam.

On the other side, the Gundam X Demon King has also recovered at this time, and while reminding his teammates, he raised his beam rifle to snipe at small missiles.

However, because there were too many missiles launched, after shooting down two or three missiles, the remaining missiles had already come to the Star Strike Gundam.

The explosion generated after several small missiles hit the Star Tron Gundam detonated nearby missiles, and almost ten small missiles exploded at almost the same time, and the huge impact once again pushed the Star Strike Gundam into the abyss.

“Big husband, Gang Pula is fine, only slightly damaged, the explosion just now did not hit completely, but the impact was too great. It’s just that the energy robbery system has…”

Immediately after the explosion, Makoto Iori tested the Star Genesis Gundam and briefly explained the condition of the body. The body is basically not seriously damaged, but now the special device part on the left hand energy robbery shield has been completely scrapped, originally it has been cut by the beam halberd, and now several small missiles have been hit, so the energy robbery system is directly paralyzed.

“What’s going on? Honest! “Lingji

When the Star Strike Gundam finally stabilized, Reiji tried to leave here and return to the battle area just now, but he found that now the thrusters of the Star Strike Gundam had unknowingly turned on to the maximum, and could no longer provide more power except for the use of the energy release system, and the Star Strike Gundam was still slowly declining.

“It’s not good Lingsi, we have already entered the range of the atmosphere.” Makoto Iori

“What?” Lingji-san said that I don’t know what the atmosphere is, can I eat it?

The prince of the other world obviously does not know much about this scientific knowledge, so he does not know much about the atmosphere, gravity, and so on.

“So what now?” Ridge Division

“With the current thrust of the Star Strike Gundam, there is no way to leave here except for using the energy release system. Let’s land directly on Earth! I inform Mashei, Lingji, you are ready to fall. “Makoto Iori

The Star Genesis Strike Gundam, who decided to land, immediately turned around and used his shield to block the direction of his descent. Although the energy robbery shield’s energy robbery system is no longer usable, its essence is still a composite shield, so it can be used as a buffer when landing. Makoto Iori had originally planned to inform Masao Yasaka of their decision, but communication between the two of them had been interrupted due to distance issues. And…….

And now Gundam X Demon King is facing the fully loaded Unicorn Gundam. After launching all the remaining small missiles on his body, the fully equipped Unicorn Gundam directly abandoned the Star Genesis Attack Gundam and went to pursue the Gundam X Demon who was still nearby. Kamui knew after launching the small missile that Star Strike Gundam landed on Earth, because now Star Strike Gundam’s energy robbery system has been dismantled and can no longer absorb beams. If you use the release system now, the game behind it will be very dangerous, so it is safer to land on Earth, and the limit of the fully equipped unicorn Gundam is the cosmic area, so Iori Makoto estimates that the fully equipped unicorn will not chase it.

The fully equipped Unicorn Gundam saw that the Star Genesis Attack Gundam intended to land directly on Earth and turn its target to the Gundam X Devil, while unloading the small missile mounts that had been launched on his body to reduce its own weight.

“Makoto! Lingji! “Masao Yasaka

Communication between the two sides was interrupted after the Star Strike Gundam entered the atmosphere, and Masao Yasaka was no longer able to go to Makoto Iori and Reiji in a row, but in the end, he still saw the Star Strike Gundam make a descending posture after entering the atmosphere. Masao Yasaka immediately thought of the Star Strike Gundam planning to enter Earth alone, and quickly recorded the destination of their descent.

It’s not that the Gundam X Demon doesn’t go to the Star Genesis Attack Gundam right away, because at this point the Gundam X Demon must face the fully equipped Unicorn Gundam.

Although Masao Yasaka believes that Kamu is very powerful, this does not mean that Masao Yasaka does not dare to go head-to-head with the fully equipped Unicorn Gundam. Now that it is discovered that the Unicorn Gundam intends to have a duel, Masao Yasaka is not afraid to fight Kamu head-on.

Knowing that the beam is ineffective against the Unicorn Gundam, the Gundam X Demon simply gave up using the beam rifle and turned it into a shield state. Then a special beam saber with a gauntlet is taken out from the end of the supersatellite cannon. This beam saber, which is usually stored at the end of the supersatellite cannon, is different from ordinary beam sabers in that the light blade appears flat rather than cylindrical.

“I didn’t want to use this so quickly, but now I can’t help it.” Masao Yasaka had begun to get serious at this time, and he usually squinted, but now he also opened his eyes.

(New ability of the Brain Hole series)

The armor of the Gundam X Demon King lit up slightly, but the brightness of the light was not as bright as the Super Satellite Cannon just now, but faintly fluorescent. At the same time, the satellite system behind it also opens up again, making it seem that the Gundam X Demon intends to use the Super Satellite Cannon again.

However, unlike when the Super Satellite Cannon was used just now, at this time, the direction of the energy plate of the wings of the satellite system behind the Gundam X Demon King is not directly in front but towards the back, and when viewed from the side, the upper and lower energy plates are not 180, but slightly back together, showing a “〈” shape.

The X-shaped (frontal) energy plate has now become two pairs of wings. And what emanates from the energy plate doesn’t seem to be just used up. Along with the light, there is also a stream of air, a stream of thrust.

This new feature, based on the satellite system, was developed by Masao Yasaka after returning from the First World War at the Onsen Hotel. The inspiration was the scene where Camui used Stardust’s free wings of light to blow away special gases. After returning home, Masao Yasaka integrated the system of Lightwings of the SEED series into his Gundam X Demon King’s satellite system. Finally, a new function of the current satellite system was developed (too lazy to name it again, so another function of the original satellite system).

This new feature works to enhance the maneuverability of the Gundam X Demon by consuming the energy of the satellite’s microwaves, although the same applies to solar systems. Now Gundam X Devil uses the energy of the solar system, and the super satellite cannon that has just been launched is the energy of the moon satellite system.

When this feature is used, the phenomena that occur on the energy board are similar to those produced by the wings of light.

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