An hour passed in the process of this beating. At this time, Ella is happily tasting delicious cakes and cookies and other snacks. But Kamu looked at the pile of “broken copper and rotten iron” on the workbench, and there were 7 or 8 steel Pula destroyed by Ella in the battle of Gangpla just now. The steel pula that Kamu made last night has already been destroyed, and some of it is still training steel pula on the locker.

While Ella was tasting the snack, Kamu also started his own work, and if the battle was still like this, it was estimated that the training steel pula in the room would not be enough. So Kamu began to repair it, while also simply machining the steel pula for training.

But the battle after that was different from just now. Ella did not directly solve the other party as before, but instead raised Kamu’s shortcomings while fighting. Kamu also forcibly dismantled Gang Pura for training reasons, so that each Gang Pula battle can only use the same weapon, while learning how Ella uses this weapon to fight. The way to end the battle is no longer to try to destroy the opponent Gangpura, but Kamu voluntarily admits defeat.

Training + refreshment is the flow of Ella and Kamu during the day. In the evening, Camu makes steel pula and performs special processing on his own time. Design your own steel pula when you have time. When the ingredients for making run out, I took Ella out for a stroll and tried the food in the annex by the way (the main purpose).

…… Time skips 3 days….

“BATTLEEND” appeared on the screen at the same time as the electronic sound, but with a small line of “Timesover” at the back.

In the past few days, almost all the weapons that appeared in Gundam such as close-range gunfights, long-range sniping, white-bladed combat, hand-to-hand combat, floating cannon duels, etc. have been played by Ella and Kamu. At the beginning, almost all of them were fought by Ella hanging Kamuilai, but later if Steel Pula was used, the conditions were the same, and it basically became a protracted war until the end of time. Of course, only if Ella didn’t use her cheating abilities.

“Oh~” Ella had a displeased expression after the Pallavsky particles dissipated. It turned out that she had made a bet with Kamu that if she won, she would let Kami take her to “hi” at night. As a result, the game persisted until the end of time.

In the past few days, Ella found that Kami already knew the secret that she could see the flow of Pallavsky particles, because several times Kami had asked Ella to help her when studying the characteristics of Gangpla. Because there is no device in this villa like Flana and PPSE that can detect Pallavsky particles, only Ella can help. And Ella thought that Nair Barto told Kamu about this, so she didn’t care about anything.

“Haha, it seems that tonight’s show will not change.” Seeing Ella’s expression, Kamu was a little proud.

“That’s not counting us doing it again! You didn’t win either! ”

Just as Ella was trying to play tricks, Nairn Barto came in with two suitcases. Because the door of the room was not closed, and at this time, a maid came in with a snack, and Nair Barto also looked anxious. After entering the door, after seeing Ella’s appearance, he didn’t have time to say hello to Kamui, so he said directly to Ella with a straight face

“Ella! What happened! ”

Seeing Nair Barto suddenly appear at the door of the room, Ella was also stunned for a moment, but immediately changed back to her previous tone and said, “No, nothing happened.” ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, she just suffered a little bit of a loss in the Gangpla battle so she’s just a little unconvinced. By the way, are you looking for me? Is Steel Pula done? ”

“Yes, Master Kamuyi, we have finished the steel pura you requested. You see how. ”

Nair Barto opened one of the suitcases he had brought with him and placed it in front of Kamui. The suitcase is surrounded by mostly sponge-like soft objects, and on the left there is a humanoid recess in which an almost all-gray steel pula is placed; To the right are a pair of “wings” connected by a thruster, and under the wings are two almost identical beam rifles, both of which are also gray.

After Kamu’s suitcase, he put it on the workbench where steel pula was made. Just as he wanted to take it out and take a closer look, he seemed to think of something, so he turned around and asked Ella to eat a snack on her own. If you don’t say so, it is estimated that Ella will not take the initiative to eat in front of Nairn Barto. After hearing Kamyi’s words, Nairn Barto did not stop Ella from eating snacks at another table, but followed behind Kamyi.

Kamu picked up the steel pura body in the box and compared it with the real thing in front of him. Overall, the finish of this steel pula is quite high, except for the lack of coloring, the various plates are well processed, which can be called a very good product.

“Well done, I’m satisfied.” Kamu praised without hesitation

“Thank you for the compliment, may I ask if Young Master Kam needs us to continue to complete the rest of the work?” Our Steel Pula master at Flana has already proposed modifications to the design drawings you provided. I don’t know…”

Nair Bartow also learned from the makers who made this steel pula that there seemed to be something crucial (special ability) missing from the design of this freshly paved machine. They were very interested in such a high-completion steel pula, so they provided some improvements to Nair Barto.

“Ah~ you said this, I know, if I really can’t do it, I’ll refer to it.” Camuy casually fooled Nair Bartow, because through the experiments of the past few days, he had decided how to transform this steel pula.

Seeing that Kamu didn’t want to continue talking about the topic, Nair Barto took out another suitcase.

“This is the steel pula that our Flana organ prepared for Ella. Butterfly Shadow Kabini”

After that, Nair Barto briefly introduced the performance and characteristics of this steel pula, but did not disclose that the core technology of this steel pula is a fitting realization system. And he told Kamu that he could provide the corresponding technical support on his steel pula.

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