Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to become a witch, Chapter 903: Humiliation makes you vomit blood (first updat

Chapter 903: The humiliation makes you vomit blood (first update, please subscribe with a monthly ticket~)

"The relationship between the Queen of Heaven and Emperor Cangtian is not as simple as husband and wife, I'm afraid they are still rivals."

Ye Xu narrowed his eyes and saw those officials from the Celestial Dynasty supporting Emperor Mu as he walked towards the Golden Palace. The emperor was riding a divine elephant. He was also a peak witch ancestor and was willing to be his mount. He was so majestic. Lin Lin, and the surrounding palace masters are all figures like the Wuluo Ancestor, their Taoism is as high as the sky, and their momentum is like a rainbow!

His eyes flashed, and he thought: "In his early years, Emperor Cangtian was worried about losing power and did not dare to give birth to an emperor's son, lest his achievements surpass his. In his old age, he was also worried about the empress usurping power, so he sown the world and gave birth to countless emperor's sons. The Queen of Heaven must be very worried about these emperors, especially when the Eternal Emperor throws out the emperor Mu, intending to seize her power and make her unable to kill her..."

Emperor Zimu's cultivation strength is very strong, and now he is the body of the witch ancestor. He practices the emperor-level mind method created by Cangtian Emperor, opens forty-nine Tao doors, and escapes to become the witch ancestor.

His strength is many times stronger than that of ordinary witch ancestors, and being cultivated by a giant like the Eternal Emperor, he should have the cultivation strength of the Barbarian Ancestor when Ye Xugang entered the eyes of the sea. He is also a master who cannot be underestimated!

His pomp was so grand that he was probably ordered by the Eternal Emperor to show up, attract the attention of the God-Kings of the Heavens, create a big noise, and signal the God-Kings of the Heavens to stir up public opinion and force the Queen of Heaven to marry him!

Many witch ancestor-level palace masters were walking towards this side. Ye Xu turned a blind eye and rode a camel in the middle of the road, walking forward slowly.

"The emperor is out on patrol, and everyone is waiting, get out of the way!" A palace master frowned and shouted when he caught a glimpse of Ye Xu riding a divine camel, blocking Emperor Zimu's way to the Golden Palace.


Someone recognized Ye Xu's back and hurriedly whispered: "That's Master Yuxu, Doctor Guangzheng. He is very cruel. He was once the most wanted monster on the list. He kills without blinking an eye. He is a popular man in front of the Queen of Heaven. , Very popular with the Queen of Heaven! If you offend him, he will sue you in front of the Queen of Heaven, and you won’t be able to bear it!”

"Ye Xu, Ye Shaobao? Is he the devil who specializes in killing the Son of God? I heard that he is the pretty boy kept by the Queen of Heaven..."

"The Empress of Heaven must be very lonely when she is alone in an empty room. She is hungry and refuses to eat. Even a devil like this..."

"What about the celebrity in front of the Queen of Heaven?"

Someone sneered: "Now that the emperor has returned and has the support of the Eternal Emperor, the Queen of Heaven will hand over the power this time and give up the throne to the emperor. How can a mere Ye Shaobao and Guangzheng Doctor dare to compete with the emperor? If he understands the situation and gets out of the way as soon as possible, if he doesn't, not only will he suffer a loss now, but in the future, when the Empress of Heaven loses her power and the emperor takes charge of the government, he may die miserably!"

Ye Xu seemed unaware and continued to walk forward slowly, leisurely, as if admiring the scenery on both sides.

Emperor Mu couldn't help but feel a little angry. The purpose of his patrol this time was to let the gods, kings and emperors of the heavens know that he had arrived here. Naturally, he had to show off his emperor's style and let the gods, kings and emperors of the gods openly return to his heart.

Now that he was blocked by someone, his momentum was suppressed invisibly. If he didn't react and followed Ye Xu slowly, he would be like Ye Xu's follower and would only make the gods and kings laugh. , will not support him at all.

"He is the popular person next to the Queen. He blocked my way this time. It must be the instruction of the bitch of the Queen. He deliberately let him come out to steal my limelight!"

Di Zimu's face darkened, and he quietly glanced at the person next to him.

The palace master understood, strode forward, came to the front of the divine camel, suddenly bumped into the divine camel, and immediately fell with an ouch, hugging his legs and screaming repeatedly.

Emperor Zimu's other followers and palace masters immediately swarmed up, surrounded Ye Xu, and shouted angrily: "Where did this young boy come from? He rode a divine camel and ran rampant in the imperial palace, injuring my companion, and intending to murder the imperial court. "Mingguan!"

"It's bad, it's really bad! The Imperial Palace is not outside. I can let you run wild! You bumped into the court official, and you still stayed leisurely on your mount. Are there such unreasonable people?"

"The Imperial Palace is not a place where you can run wild! Are you going to rebel after bumping into an imperial official? Why don't you get down and wait for the emperor's trial!"

"This kind of person has no law. Why talk nonsense to him? He should be thrown into a prison immediately and never be reincarnated!"

The crowd was furious, and they all criticized Ye Xu. Some people even reached out to grab the reins of the camel, intending to grab the camel and pull Ye Xu off.


The palace master's hand had just grasped the reins that tied the camel, and suddenly his palms exploded. The Taoism around him immediately disintegrated, and with a scream, he was shattered to pieces by the power contained in the reins!

This rein is not a mortal thing, but a charm that Ye Xu extracted from the jade tree in the building to suppress the demon ancestor Tuoluo. The palace master is just an ordinary witch ancestor. If he can withstand the power of the emperor's charm, he will naturally die. Burial place!

Others were startled and said in shock and anger: "You dare to kill even the imperial officials in the imperial palace. You are plotting rebellion!"

The seven palace masters stretched out their big hands, grabbed Ye Xu, and sneered: "Take him down first, and hand him over to the Eternal Emperor and his son for trial and condemn him!"

The camel under Ye Xu's seat suddenly raised its hoof and kicked seven times in a row. There were only a few bang bang bang bangs. The seven palace masters did not even hum. The Tao Yun all over the body was kicked to pieces, and the physical body was forcibly beaten. Demon Ancestor Tuoluo kicked and exploded, dying on the spot and turning into a ball of blood mist!

The others were shocked, and felt a chill in their hearts.

The palace master just touched Shen Yun and was shaken to pieces by Shen Yun. It cannot be said that Ye Xu deliberately killed someone. But this time Ye Xu's mount kicked seven witch ancestors to death, but it was definitely Ye Xu's instruction!

These seven witch ancestors are all fifth-level officials and court officials. In the Cangtian Imperial Palace, Ye Xu actually dared to kill people so unscrupulously. It was really cruel and beyond their expectations!

On the back of the god's hunchback, Ye Xu sneered, glanced at the witch ancestor who was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, and sneered: "You hit my mount, and you dare to blackmail me. Believe it or not, I will come down and touch you eight times immediately." ?”

The witch ancestor did not dare to continue pretending to be dead, so he stood up in a hurry and said angrily: "Ye Shaobao, we are also the officials of the Celestial Dynasty. If you kill someone in the imperial palace, it is a capital crime, and the Queen of Heaven cannot protect you!"

"Do you still need to choose a place to kill?"

Ye Xu looked down at everyone and said calmly: "Don't mess with me. If you mess with me, I will still dare to kill people even in the Golden Palace. Most of the gods' sons of the gods in the sky died in my hands, and yours How does your status compare to them? If you don’t want to die, get out of here!”

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts. This demon killed people without batting an eyelid, regardless of the occasion. He was domineering and unscrupulous. No wonder he dared to kill even the Son of God!

"Doctor Guangzheng, the master of Yuxu Palace, is indeed domineering and worthy of being the number one devil on the list."

Emperor Zimu came slowly on his divine elephant. He was a handsome young man with ice muscles and jade bones, and an extraordinary physique. He should have had magical powers like a holy emperor since he was born. He was worthy of being a direct bloodline of the Cangtian Emperor!

He has the bloodline of the Emperor of Heaven, and his aura is naturally noble, giving people the feeling of being a man above all others. No matter where he goes, he will naturally become the focus of everyone.

The emperor's son Mu restrained the idol, walked up to Ye Xu, looked down at Ye Xu, and said with a smile: "Ye Shaobao, you killed your colleagues in the imperial palace, and everyone saw it, what else do you have to argue with now? "

Ye Xu smiled, shook his head and said, "Although these people sought their own death and were kicked to death by my own mounts, they can all be considered as having died in my hands. The evidence is conclusive, and I naturally have nothing to deny."

"Then I will judge you. The right way is to kill someone to pay for your life. As the son of the Emperor of Heaven, I must uphold justice. I will not kill you. I will just capture you and hand you over to the Queen of Heaven for trial to ensure fairness and justice."

Emperor Zi Mu smiled slightly, stretched out his palm, and grabbed Ye Xu: "Don't try to resist, resist Gu, you will only suffer more."

Ye Xu sat on the camel's back, smiling and saying nothing, watching the big hand grab at him.

Behind him, numerous Dao rhymes rose up, evolving into all the heavens, earth, and worlds. With the help of reincarnation, the Dao of Heaven was like a canopy. A majestic aura that dominated the heaven and earth arose spontaneously, twisting thousands of voids to form time and space planes.

In the eyes of Emperor Zi Mu and many witch ancestors, his body became extremely tall, like a god who rules the world and the king of gods!

Di Zi Mu's big hand grabbed him, becoming smaller and smaller in the eyes of everyone, getting further and further away from Ye Xu. Even Di Zi Mu was getting smaller and smaller in front of Ye Xu, as big as a pea pod. Like ants.

In front of Ye Xu, they were like facing a god king. Not to mention attacking, even if they were close, there was no possibility of touching Ye Xu's clothes!

Ye Xu's cultivation strength can already be called a strong man of the level of the God King. Although his cultivation is not as good as that of the God King of the Heavens accumulated over tens of thousands of years, it is not comparable to the Witch Ancestor!

Before he entered the Tao through witchcraft and became a witch ancestor, the peak witch ancestor could not even move past Ye Xu. Now he escaped from the Taoist gate and entered the Tao through witchcraft. His cultivation underwent a qualitative change and he merged into the fifty-one incarnations of the Tao. , Devouring the Six Paths of Heaven, its strength is countless times more powerful than before!

Any witch ancestor who does not have the strength of a god king will feel extremely insignificant in front of him!

"Judge this mansion?"

Ye Xu looked down at Emperor Zimu and sneered: "Are you worthy? The reason why the Cangtian Emperor became the Celestial Emperor is because his strength was unparalleled in the world. No one could match it. He was recognized as the best in the world at that time. You are just the Cangtian Emperor. The son of Zun, a little person who is praised by others and has great abilities, is he qualified to judge this house? "

Emperor Zimu's face turned red, his body swayed, and he could hardly stand. In his eyes, Ye Xu was getting taller and taller, more majestic, like an invincible existence. Just this sight could defeat his will and soul. , making him feel invincible!

"Is this the emperor's son?"

Ye Xu laughed loudly: "The majestic son of the Emperor of Heaven can't even stand firmly in front of me. You still want to aspire to the throne with the support of others. It's ridiculous! Pathetic!"

Di Zimu's face turned redder and redder, and he finally couldn't help but spit out blood.

————The first update of the big break today, the second update at 7pm, the third update at 8pm, and the fourth update at 9pm! Strongly calling for monthly subscription and rewards!

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