Unparalleled in the world

Volume 2: Using force to become a witch, Chapter 120: Violent confrontation

Chapter 120 Violent Confrontation

Xiong Yan followed Ye Xu and walked down the mountain, his little eyes darting around, thinking: "I have to beat this kid down in front of everyone, so that everyone knows that I, Xiong Ba Genius, is The master of Yunmen Mountain!”

Thinking of this, the black bear immediately shouted loudly and announced the duel between him and Ye Xu, which was heard all over the mountain.

Xiao Yue and others hurriedly stopped practicing and went down the mountain one after another. Even Shi Changqing, who was practicing hard in seclusion, walked out of the cave he opened. Only Gong Yangji was managing the mine and did not come over.

"Uncle Master wants to fight this bear? The last time Uncle Master tricked this black bear, it was a fluke. If he really does it, how many rounds can Uncle Master last?" Shi Changqing and others looked at each other in surprise and doubt. .

"Perhaps my uncle has refined some amazing wizard weapons..."

"This black bear is so powerful that any wizard soldier will be smashed by his punch! Unless he uses the wizard treasure, but with my uncle's cultivation, even if he has the wizard treasure in hand, he will not be able to exert the strength of the wizard treasure!"

Shi Changqing looked solemn and said: "This black bear does not know witchcraft, and does not have a witch weapon or witch treasure. However, his body is refined by demon essence and elixirs and herbs to make it stronger than ordinary witch treasures! Even with the witch treasures, I'm afraid he can't do anything about it easily, unless it's a soul-attacking witchcraft, such as the Soul Bell and the Hundred Ghost Banner..."

Xiao Yue and others couldn't help but be shocked, knowing that what Shi Changqing said was true. A spiritual beast like Xiong Zhen knows medicine, can identify herbs, has planted several acres of spiritual fields, and eats medicinal herbs as food. His body must be extremely strong. If not for this, they would not have been captured by this black bear in the first place, and even Shi Changqing, a master of witchcraft who had reached the True Yuan stage of the Three Realms Realm, would have been disgraced.

This bear is invulnerable to all poisons. He has also refined the True Fire of Demonic Essence to specifically suppress Gu insects. He is simply the nemesis of the Five Poison Sect. Even the Five Poison Sect’s famous witch treasure Hundred Poison Flags, he does not use it at all. fear!

At the foot of Zizhu Peak, Shi Changqing and others stood on the cliff, nervously looking at Ye Xu and the black bear.

Xiong Zhen shouted: "Let's make an agreement first. You are not allowed to use the Jade Tower, and you are not allowed to let the dragon help!"

Ye Xu smiled and said, "It's up to you."

Xiong Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a ferocious smile: "Without Yulou and that dragon, I can crush you with one hand..." Before he finished speaking, a blue shadow suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and Ye Xu rushed to him, The five fingers spread apart, the vitality vibrated, the air beeped and exploded, and a palm was printed on his lower abdomen!

Xiong Zhen suddenly felt as if he had been hit by a fierce dragon. He flew up involuntarily and flew hundreds of meters away. He hit the cliff with a bang, gravel flew, and his body fell into the cliff, leaving behind A large font mark!

Ye Xu succeeded in the attack, and then he tapped his toes, and a rock weighing several thousand kilograms flew up with a roar. He stamped his palm on the back of the rock and smashed it towards the cliff with a roar!

The vitality all over his body rushed out of his body, and his soul silently clung to the rocks.


This boulder weighing several thousand kilograms was lifted up by him with his vitality, and with the help of his palm, the speed became faster and faster, shooting away like a meteor, and hit the cliff with a click, shocking Shi Changqing and others Unsteady footing!

Everyone looked down and saw that the huge boulder had not broken into pieces, but was evenly embedded in the stone wall. The black bear was smashed until only one of its paws was exposed, and it did not know whether it was alive or dead!

Shi Changqing and others couldn't help but be horrified. When Ye Xu was quiet, he was a frail young man. When talking to others, he had a pleasant appearance and no anger at all. But he didn't expect that he would start to attack like a rabbit and a falcon. He struck so quickly and cruelly that it was overwhelming!

"Uncle Master is so powerful. Xiong Zhen didn't even react, and he beat him until he didn't know whether he was alive or dead!"

"Was that bear killed by Uncle Master?"

"Even the witch treasure may not be able to hurt the black bear. It is probably still alive at this moment..."

Before they had time to discuss, they heard a thud. Ye Xu stepped on the air, compressing the air into substance, forming a blue lotus. This lotus held his body from falling downwards, and he stepped forward into the blue clouds, rushing towards the cliff. go!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every time Ye Xu landed his foot, he made an explosive sound in the air. The air under his feet naturally compressed into a lotus. Wherever he passed, he could see blue lotuses blooming, blooming and withering, disappearing into the air. Among!

He was extremely fast and rushed to the cliff almost in an instant!


Ye Xu slapped the stone wall with his palm, and blue palm prints flew out of his hand and were stamped hard on the rock!

The rock suddenly sank deeply into the stone wall, and a huge palm print suddenly appeared on the flat cliff. It was about more than one foot wide and nearly two feet deep. It can be seen how powerful his palm contained, even the rock. As soft as tofu!

"Master Bear is angry!"

The huge palm print suddenly split into pieces, and a bear paw the size of a cattail fan was revealed. It was filled with strong demonic energy and slapped Ye Xu away with one palm!

The bear's strength was so great that it immediately knocked Ye Xu out of the air and plowed a deep ditch into the forest, knocking down countless towering trees!

This black bear escaped from the cliff and landed on the ground with rubble flying in all directions, but it was unscathed!

Indeed, as Shi Changqing said, his body was made extremely strong by the demonic essence and various elixirs. Ye Xu's three consecutive heavy blows could not hurt him!

This black bear became really angry, and a thick demonic aura filled his body, soaring straight into the sky. The aura was so fierce that it made people tremble with fear!

He jumped up with a cry, and his huge body chased in the direction of Ye Xu's fall. When he fell, the demonic energy spread out, flying away the rocks and soil. Even the towering trees were blown down in all directions by the surging demonic energy. Come down!

Ye Xu had already stood up at this moment, patted the dust on his body, as if nothing was wrong, took a long breath, started the Xuan Gong, and his body suddenly became tall and thin, like a bamboo pole, nearly ten feet tall, only shorter than Xiong Yan. One head!

One man and one bear jumped like flying in the mountain forest, fighting frequently, like two giants fighting in the mountains, punching to the flesh. They did not use witchcraft, witch soldiers or witch treasures, but pure violent confrontation, pure brute force Fight!

Even so, the air waves generated by their fight were no less powerful than ordinary witchcraft. Trees fell in pieces, and large craters appeared in the forest. Some of them were filled with shocking cracks and devastation.

It's nothing like Xiong Zhen. After all, he is a great demon who has achieved great success in cultivation. He nourishes his body with elixirs and makes his body invulnerable to invulnerability and witchcraft. Ye Xu, however, is a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old boy. He has trained his body to such a terrifying degree that he can go head-to-head with Xiong Zhen without falling behind at all. This is really jaw-dropping!

When Shi Changqing and others saw this situation, they all showed disbelief. After a while, Shi Changqing slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and murmured: "Uncle Gu once said that Uncle Ye made a big fuss in Qingzhou and almost killed all the giants of Qingzhou's aristocratic families. I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it. Ye Uncle Master's body is so strong that he is like a great demon who has mastered the true essence. The violent ape pill at the bright moon stage of the Three True Realm cannot hurt his body..."

Xiao Yue said with a smile: "It's a pity that Master Ye's cultivation level is too low. It's okay to meet a big monster like Xiong Zan who doesn't understand witchcraft. If he meets someone who is proficient in witchcraft, Master Ye will still suffer a loss."

Everyone is convinced that physical strength alone does not make them invincible. With advanced cultivation, they can activate witchcraft, witch soldiers, and witch treasures, and can even suppress the opponent's vitality and spirit, leaving the opponent with no ability to display.

For example, a few of them are helpless against a big monster like Xiong Zhu, but if they are dealing with Ye Xu, they can sacrifice Gu insects, or directly use their cultivation to suppress Ye Xu's soul energy.

Low cultivation level is indeed one of Ye Xu's shortcomings.

However, Ye Xu's cultivation has been improving these days, and they all see it. Ye Xu's cultivation will surely catch up to him soon.

If that happens, a few people looked at each other, shook their heads slowly, and said to themselves: "Invincible at the same level, absolutely invincible at the same level! Sorcerers with the same level of cultivation, even those from the ancient Wuhuang family or giant sects It is impossible for my disciples to be stronger than Master Ye..."

Tian Jun said hurriedly: "Brother, we can't let them continue fighting, otherwise we, Yunmen Mountain, will be destroyed beyond recognition by them!"

Shi Changqing smiled bitterly and said, "Which of you dares to go down and stop me?"

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