Unparalleled Crazy Young System

Chapter 1641: Young Master is here, Ten Thousand Demons City will never fall

Chapter 1641 Young Master Is Here, Ten Thousand Demons City Will Never Fall

A few seconds later, Captain Yu Ze touched his neck in astonishment in surprise.

"This... how is this possible..."

Unbelievable, the toxin that they thought was incurable and could only be suppressed barely over the past few years was restored in the blink of an eye in front of this man.

"I'll talk about these things later, your soldiers need you now. And there seems to be something wrong. The centipede monster has died just now, but these monsters still didn't stop, or meant chaos." Ye Hao looked outside the city wall. .

Captain Yu Ze got up and walked to the wall, his expression dignified.

"Impossible, the leader monsters have been killed. These monsters should not have such a strong intent to fight. In this case, most monsters will either lose their intent to fight and kill each other or retreat to the restricted area. In the mist."

"I think there is an answer." Bei Ming Wuji said, his expression turned gloomy, his eyes looked into the distance.

I saw a black figure once again appeared in the black fog.

When those monsters came out of the black mist, everyone finally saw their true colors.

It is not very large, only the size of a medium-sized dog. It looks like a beetle and crawls on the ground. The front body is covered with scale armor, and the back body is a sac similar to the tail of a mosquito, showing green.

And the number of these monsters is very large, and there are at least five or six hundred in the dark.

In addition to these, there are dozens of monsters that Ye Hao is familiar with, the death worm he encountered when he entered the restricted area for the first time.

And behind them is a giant beetle, yes! It couldn't be more vivid to describe it as a beetle, with black scales and two large jagged pliers in front.

To say how big it is, it is equivalent to a destroyer on land!

"Damn it!" Captain Yu Ze clenched his fist and shouted loudly: "The alarm is escalated. The green thousand-level beast tide!"

Thousand-character beast tide!

At this moment, even Bei Ming Wuji's expression was frozen.

An animal tide of this level can only be encountered once in more than a hundred years.

Captain Yu Ze looked at Beiming Wuji and Ye Hao fighting straight: "City Lord, Young Master. It seems that we need two help now. This time their beast killers are actually hundreds of poisonous explosive insects.

In history, six times the walled city was breached because of large-scale poisonous bombardment attacks. Although they were all blocked in the end, they all paid a heavy price because of the destruction of the wall. "

Ye Hao showed a suspicious expression. He looked at the monsters who walked out of the black mist and stayed still.

"But I think their strength seems to be very weak, not even Tier 4."

Bei Ming Wuji solemnly explained from the side: "These poisonous explosive insects are very weak, but they are most famous for suicide attacks, most of which are hundreds of poisonous explosive insects. They have venom bombs on their tails, not only It is very corrosive to the human body and also very corrosive to the steel city walls.

We must know that our tactical advantage lies in half of this huge wall, and there is also hard granite under the wall.

Generally, when these poisonous explosive insects appear, their tactics are to first let the poisonous explosive insects rush to the forefront, explode in front of the city wall, and corrode the city wall by the corrosiveness of the venom.

Once the wall disappears, those monsters can directly break through the wall and fight.

The monsters just now are just used to attract damage and consume our combat power. This is their real killer. "

Suicide attack! Ye Hao's expression also became solemn.

"They are brewing venom now, and it usually only takes a few seconds. Once we get close to them, we will lose the protection of the city wall and fall into a bitter battle." Captain Yu Ze hit the wall with a fist.

"Don't you have tanks? Use tank bombing." Ye Hao asked.

"The young master does not know that these poisonous explosive insects move very fast, and often after our tanks make a round of attacks, they have already rushed in front of us." Captain Yu Ze shook his head.

Ye Hao thought for a while: "I have a way. Captain Yu Ze, you tell all the tanks to prepare and aim at the land three kilometers away. Accompanied by my order, fire at that position at the same time!"

"But this way they will quickly spread out..."

"Don't worry about this, just do as I said." Ye Hao opened his blood wings and flew outside.

Captain Yu Ze looked at Bei Ming Wuji with concern: "City Lord..."

"Follow what he said." Bei Ming Wuji said.


Captain Yu Ze turned around and ordered all the tanks and artillery arrays behind him: "Target, three kilometers away from the city wall. All the artillery shells are loaded, and when I order them, they will fire them all at once!"

Flying in the air, Ye Hao passed the monsters that were attacking the city wall and landed on the ground three kilometers away, looking at the poisonous explosive insects that were brewing in the distance.

They shrunk their bodies, making themselves spherical, with the poison sac wrapped in their bodies in the center.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!" The giant beetle let out a harsh roar.

All the poisonous explosive insects rolled towards the city wall like a ball, very fast.

At a distance of one kilometer, it rolled over in less than ten seconds.

No wonder Captain Yu Ze would say that these poisonous explosive insects are the most troublesome thing.

The wings of blood behind Ye Hao disappeared, and three huge halos appeared behind him.

The Poisonous Blast was getting closer and closer to where Ye Hao was.

Ye Hao knelt on one knee and pressed both hands to the ground.

Captain Yu Ze on the city wall swallowed, and his nails fell into the flesh of his palms, and he completely forgot the pain.

In the end, the poisonous blast insects flooded Ye Hao's body, but to his surprise, the poisonous blast insects didn't seem to find Ye Hao at all, and the aura on Ye Hao's body made them avoid subconsciously.

"Sure enough, my breath makes the low-level monsters feel terrified." Ye Hao guessed in his heart, this is mostly related to his special heart.

The longer the heart is used, the breath of Ye Hao unknowingly has something more, not only has antibodies to toxins, but also has certain advantages against these monsters.

I don't know if this forbidden area has anything to do with the truth that Ye Hao is looking for.

Just when the poisonous **** was about to exceed three kilometers of this place.

The earth began to tremble suddenly.

An astonishing scene appeared. A stone pillar appeared around the poisonous explosive insects. The stone pillars formed a basin, enclosing all the poisonous explosive insects in the center.


A voice came from the basin.

"City Lord, Young Master is still..." Captain Yu Ze looked at Bei Ming Wuji worried.

"Fire!" Bei Ming Wuji said firmly.

Captain Yu Ze gritted his teeth, he raised his hand, exhausted all his strength and shouted, "Fire!"

All the firepower in the walled city fired in a volley, and all the tail flames fell in the stone pillar basin.

Boom boom boom

The earth was shaken by this explosion.

The smoke dissipated, and a pair of red wings appeared in the air, holding a sword in his hand.

On the ground, in the sloppy basin that was bombed, there were corpses of poisonous explosive insects and venom everywhere.

Captain Yu Ze took a breath, he knew for the first time that the original tricky Poisonous Blast could be solved like this.

In the past, they would have to abandon the city wall and fight hand-to-hand in the walled city. They would pay a certain amount of casualties to stop them.

"Yu Ze, what do you think if you let him inherit the position of my city lord?" Bei Ming Wuji's eyes were full of pride.

Captain Yu Ze said without hesitation: "The Young Master is here, Ten Thousand Demons City will never fall."

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