Chapter 473

Although the two parties say that Xing Yi is still at a disadvantage, this is not what they thought.

Under the absolute strength of the crush, the formation order of the Tuwangcheng should definitely not be as calm as it is now, and the attack of the beast tide can not be so unbearable.

The flames in the sky are not much worse than the fire domain, although it is not the intensity of the fire spirit beast, it covers layers of burned poison.

But it’s not that the effect is so bad.

But those with sharp eyes have already noticed that those fragmented spaces are endlessly devouring everything around them, and their array orders are also flowing in continuously.

Logically speaking, even if the fragmented space would swallow the surrounding energy and matter, the degree of swallowing would never be so exaggerated, and it would still be interesting to swallow it, which is even more outrageous.

It was all the energy in the beast tide that was swallowed, but the earth king city formation made the energy of this side completely untouched, which is a bit false.

There are a lot of people who can do this, but if you can use the devoured energy for your own use, there is only devouring talent.

Although Devouring Heaven is the easiest substance to obtain, Devouring Talent is definitely not easy to obtain. Most of them are swallowing effects through spiritual absorption.

But the precise absorption in front of this is a bit perverted.

The main reason is that Xing Yi has integrated the talents in the Spirit Swallowing Stick into the formation. The Spirit Swallowing Stick is not only the swallowing effect, the strongest is the Spirit Transformation effect.

This effect, coupled with Xing Yi’s spiritual transformation, is simply not too cool.

Being able to master everything, this is definitely a weapon on the battlefield, that is, the addition of spiritual talent, Xing Yi now uses the formation to be more comfortable.

And the spirit swallowing stick itself has been strengthened through the fusion of the formation order, and the devouring effect is even more terrifying, although most of the energy is supplied to the formation order.

But only a small part is enough to keep the spirit swallowing stick evolving.

The stronger the spirit swallowing stick, the stronger the devouring talent, and it grows to the end, even not losing to the spirit swallowing body of Double Thousand Yi.

During the battle, Xing Yi and Tu Gu knew everything about the actions of both sides, and both of them now attach great importance to each other.

Xing Yi’s heart was about to collapse, “Is this the strength of Mo Yun’s new breakthrough Demon King!”

A demon king who just breaks through can lead the tide of beasts, and the demon king’s own strength is also terribly strong, Xing Yi has no doubt about it, if he and the other party are singled out one-on-one.

It is quite possible that he is not an opponent.

The dirt in his heart was even more shocked.

Is this so strong? If you remember correctly, Tuwangcheng should be the most fringe one.

Just like this, there are so many troops, and the Martial King who defends the city is too abnormal. The white emperor and the dragon emperor are a combination.

And why does this guy have the Spirit Swallowing Stick of the Huantian Sect, this thing is too terrifying, but the Spirit Swallowing Stick can control all the people who cultivate spiritual skills, in the Huantian Sect, this is a sacred tool.

Whoever got it also meant that he had control of Huantianjiao.

How strong is Huantian Sect, let’s put it this way, the empire now dares not to offend Huantian Sect on the face of it. This sect is too powerful.

And if Mo Yun’s frontier had to say anything, it could be regarded as a subsidiary force of Huantian Sect, after all, it was covered by Huantian Sect.

Xing Yi took the spirit swallowing stick out, and the dirt was already considering whether to withdraw first, or change the direction.

But the person in front of him didn’t seem to know what it meant to hold the spirit swallowing stick.

This is a spirit swallowing stick.

If you get it, then you have too much confidence in your own revenge. You can carry the empire positively. The biggest feature of Huantianjiao is swallowing, but another feature is that it absorbs spiritual cultivation to a certain Realm and spiritual poison. Can be devoured as a resource.

This is too advantageous on a battlefield like another world, and if you really control the Magical Heavenly Sect, you will not be afraid of affecting your own people if you use the Dirty Poison Body.

It was terrible, the dirt had already imagined that far, so for him, the Spirit Swallowing Stick must also be obtained.

Soil dirt also has the confidence to get it. It’s nothing more than an order from the royal city. Even if the number of people is added with a zero, he can deal with it completely, let alone not have it now.

Without consumption, the dirt can be confident of being able to sling the opponent.

Di Shi didn’t want to play with the other party anymore, watching Xing Yi using Spirit Power more and more smoothly attacking more and more frequently.

The dirt moved, and the tens of millions of Demonic Beasts exuded a powerful Spirit Power aura, and the dirt was ready to sum up the opponent.

With so many Spirit Power, it is no longer a simple Martial Skill that can be used. High rank formation must be used to perform it perfectly.

In this respect, Xing Yi suffers because he is an eighth-order formation, and the highest level of the formation he uses is placed there. I don’t want the beast tide to be able to ascending infinitely.

However, Xing Yi has already used his talent to show off.

Whether you win or lose, just look at it.

The powerful Spirit Power also gathered above the formation of the Tuwangcheng, and the great formation of the city and the formation were combined together.

Xing Yi also manipulates these Spirit Powers to transform into his own madness. Xing Yi is very greedy. If he can use the spirit turning, he must make good use of it.

Finally, I strengthen myself, which is not bad.

However, the Spirit Power after the transformation is also much stronger, that is, Cyclone Xing Yi cannot expand that much at once, otherwise Xing Yi’s strength may have broken through the Martial Emperor.

The two powerful energies collided instantly, and the powerful magnetic field instantly swept away.

Three Martial Emperors appeared at the same time. One side was protecting the territory of Yunhuang City, while the other side was the White Emperor, and the other was the Ming Emperor on the border of Moyun.

The three Martial Emperors were shocked by the impact of this powerful Spirit Power. No one thought that the two could burst out with such powerful energy.

Now that the two energies collided together, even if the array Lingfang’s energy was much weaker, it was because Xing Yi had too many attributes.

The most terrifying thing is the balance attribute, but no one has discovered this attribute.

That is to say, there are so many attributes, but there is a balance attribute inside, and the collision of two powerful energies forms a particularly powerful magnetic field.

Both parties were involved, and their strength was completely out of their own control. Xing Yi was dirt and dirt. Both Practitioner and Demonic Beasts were swallowed and shocked by this magnetic field.

The sins they made, they can now be considered as their own.

However, the consequences are too serious, and a lot of deaths have already occurred, but the magnetic field has not weakened, but has continued to increase.

It’s all because of the devouring attribute inside, that is, the spirit swallowing stick is at work, and now people above the Great Master still have the ability to move.

Ordinary Practitioners and Demonic Beasts have completely turned into robots. They can only watch them eagerly and can’t do anything. They allow the energy in their body and the formation to disappear, and they have to endure the pain caused by this magnetic field.

The continuous expansion of the magnetic field has attracted three Martial Emperors to shoot at the same time.

But because dirt was also involved, what kind of character is dirt beast, spirit beast dirt.

He couldn’t help himself now, and the poisonous body was also integrated into this magnetic field.

This magnetic field has also caused a qualitative change due to the addition of the poisonous body.

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