Chapter 466 City Lord?

“Just so, Xing Yi, did you come to the wrong place!” Li Danyang also reminded.

The front is the forces of Tuwangcheng, although the Tuwangcheng in Li Danyang and Bai Shunong’s memory is already a year ago.

But the Tuwangcheng city a year ago was not something they could provoke. They had seen the power of that formation. At first, several Practitioners from Blue Star went together, and they were just hanged and beaten after receiving it.

If it weren’t for the white emperor’s avatar to save people, it might really be explained in it.

Looking at Xing Yi’s battle, Xing Yi really wants to go to Tuwangcheng, even if the three of them now have the strength of Martial King.

But it was nothing in front of the formation order. If Xing Yi wanted to attack the people in Tuwangcheng outside the city, it would be okay to attack them one by one.

If you put your face directly on Tuwangcheng, you wouldn’t know how to die even if you didn’t die.

“I know.” Xing Yi opened a small space tunnel just to communicate with two people.

“You know, you dare to go, you are crazy!”

Bai Shunong vomited: “Don’t say that we have just made breakthrough to Martial King, Mental Energy is not so high, even if the real Martial King is placed in front of others, it is not enough!”

“You forgot about my hidden Cultivation Technique!” Xing Yi believed in himself.

“I know you are strong and can simulate perfectly, but now is not the time to go to Tuwangcheng. It would be too dangerous if found!”

“Yes, let’s go back to the White Imperial City first, and send the resources you gave back.” Li Danyang is holding so many resources now, even after breaking through to Martial King, she is not very relieved.

Because there are so many, she has never seen so many resources in her life, countless, if converted into cash, how many.

What’s more, in the current situation of the White Emperor City, the resources are priceless!

“Don’t worry, you can do it in the space. I know in my heart that I will send you back when I have a chance.”

In this way, Xing Yi ignored the opposition of Bai Shunong and the others, and walked into Tuwangcheng with such a big swing.

Seeing the breath and appearance of Xing Yi’s body, completely changed, no matter how hard Bai Shunong and the others tried, they couldn’t see the slightest flaw.

Two people are also very envious. If they want to have this kind of ability, maybe they can also enter the royal city and even the royal city of another world.

Rather than hiding in the space and watching Xing Yi change his identity, he walked in so swaggeringly.

The key is that Xing Yi’s strength is extraordinary. No one dares to step forward to stop him. Of course, the more important thing is Xing Yi’s identity. To be precise, Xing Yi’s changed identity is Xing Wei.

This is the existence under the Tuwangcheng, Xing Wei can be regarded as the strongest person in the Tuwangcheng except Ye Guoliang, at least the people in the Tuwangcheng are like this.

The two people saw the scenery in the Tuwangcheng, and they were also infinite. They thought that the Tuwangcheng would be like an ancient city.

Despite its style, it wouldn’t be as good as they thought, but the facts were exactly the opposite of what they had imagined. Tuwangcheng was too modern.

The high-rise buildings and the Spirit Power equipment made the two people dazzled, excited and excited. It turned out that another world looked like this.

But when the two of them glanced at the strength of these Practitioners, they were also lost in thought. The people walking on this street were all Tier 3 Practitioners at least, which was much stronger than the Blue Star.

When Xing Yi took them to the second floor, the facial expressions of the two people became even more strange, just like Grandma Liu entering the compound, seeing everything is novel.

When they see the very center of Tuwangcheng, two people don’t have to think about where it is, the right of Tuwangcheng is the most central.

What was Xing Yi doing, he was actually looking over there.

Damn it! What kind of look is this, it is possible that he still wants to go in.

“Xing Yi, don’t you have any special ideas, we can’t be opponents.” Bai Shunong felt his voice tremble.

And Li Danyang next to him did not speak, no one stopped Xing Yi all the way, and no one came forward to talk to him. This was too weird.

More importantly, Li Danyang saw their respect for Xing Yi in the eyes of those who passed by. What’s the situation?

It is impossible for Xing Yi to have reached a considerable position in Tuwangcheng within a year.

This is unlikely, after all, Xing Yi is a Blue Star person, not another world person!

As everyone knows, both of them have forgotten that in another world, it is a place where strength is king. As long as there is strength and a little opportunity, that person can take off instantly.

It’s just that Xing Yi did something more terrifying. Not only did he look good in Tuwangcheng, he even had control of the forces in Tuwangcheng.

As long as Xing Yi does not rebel, Xing Yi’s control over Tuwangcheng is absolutely powerful, even if Yunhuangcheng continues to send people over later, Xing Yi has the confidence to control Tuwangcheng again.

But at this time, there should be no one in Cloud Imperial City who could send someone over.

“Xing Yi, hurry up!” Bai Shunong was really anxious, because he had already seen someone inside was quickly attacking Xing Yi.

The speed is at least the level of a Grand Great Master. If Xing Yi wants to hide, he must at least expose his strength, and the formation may appear instantaneously.

This is the right center!

“City Lord! You are back.” The visitor was really Liang Sen. When he received the news of Xing Yi’s return, he immediately flew towards Xing Yi.

He was rescued by Xing Yi, and his current identity was also given by Xing Yi. He is extremely grateful for Xing Yi.

“City Lord?” Now Bai Shunong’s mind is full of question marks.

Fuck, what is this buddy talking about, his name is City Lord Xing Yi! ?

Is Xing Yi the lord of Tuwangcheng?

Not only Bai Shunong, but Li Danyang was also a bit incoherent. The news was too shocking. The Blue Star forces had always been the greatest enemy, but in the end, the opponent’s city lord was his own. Is there anything more absurd than this?

Xing Yi was also a little surprised.

“Isn’t Yunhuangcheng sending anyone over again?” After thinking about it, Xing Yi knew the probable reason.

“I didn’t say that we should choose one of us to integrate the eighth-order formation order, but Yunhuangcheng set a condition, which is one week later.” Liang Sen said that he handed the eighth-order formation order to Xing Yi’s hand. superior.

The eighth-order array order does not need the high-rank Practitioner to help with the integration, unless it is a kind of Practitioner from scratch, such as an ordinary person fusing the eighth-order array order, then the eighth-order Practitioner must be needed to help.

The seventh-order Practitioner can be used at any time, but this eighth-order array has a little Restrictions on it, which can only be used after a week.

Cloud Imperial City was also worried about an accident in the beast tide, no accident at all, so it gave a formation order with Restrictions, and it took time to unlock it.

Xing Yi smiled after receiving the formation order, grabbing the formation order with one hand, and his strength was immediately revealed. A strength far surpassing the Martial King burst out, and the Restrictions on the formation order disappeared.

“Very well, I will use the array for a while and give it to you in two days. This thing is not very useful to me.”

While awakening Liang Sen, he was also showing Liang Sen his own strength, the strength of the clone.

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