Chapter 460

At this time, not to mention hiding power, Li Xingxiang would do his best to protect himself. As for those Grand Great Masters, standing in the center of the explosion, each one can survive.

Almost instantly, the space seemed to be torn apart a little bit. The Grand Great Master closest to Ye Guoliang didn’t even have time to resist, and the whole person suddenly turned into fragments and then into nothingness.

No one thought that Ye Guoliang would expose himself, and it would blew himself together with Mental Energy, and Ye Guoliang also hidden strength, a hard power.

At the time of self-destruction, no matter what Spirit Power is in control, because self-destruction itself is a great control over Spirit Power.

This is also one of the strongest “Martial Skills” that a person can easily master.

Feeling Ye Guoliang’s self-destructive aura, Li Xingxiang’s first reaction was that it was over, it was over!

In just an instant, hundreds of miles in a radius were covered by this terrifying Martial Emperor’s self-detonation, and the scope of it was still expanding.

And Xing Yi and the three of them were also observing this unparalleled self-destruction scene in the space. This power was too terrifying.

Is this the strength comparable to the Martial Emperor!

The three of them swallowed unconsciously, even Xing Yi did. Xing Yi just thought about the self-destruction of the clone. The power must be extraordinary, but he didn’t expect it to be so terrifying.

This is only a billion-level pseudo “Martial Emperor”. If it is a real Martial Emperor, then the strength should be as powerful as that.

I thought that with this kind of energy explosion, even if there was Martial King immortal below, it would still be half-dead.

But what Xing Yi didn’t expect was that at the moment when the explosion touched Yunxi, Yunxi burst into a burst of energy that was not weaker than the clone’s self-destruction.

The appearance of the afterimage, within the coverage area, the violent energy can’t shake it, obviously there is no Spirit Power on his body.

But with a wave of his hand, the heavens and the earth were discolored, and the surrounding Spirit Power seemed to be just like his own, and it was effortless to use it.

A shield was drawn around Yunxi, and the afterimage also directly lifted into the air, checked the surroundings, and frowned.

With a wave of his palm, the energy emitted by Ye Guoliang’s self-detonation stopped immediately, and a crack appeared with a stroke of his hand, and the energy was also poured in.

Spirit Power, which has stretched for thousands of kilometers, seemed to be a joke in his hand, he could reach it.

“Emperor Yun, you have crossed the boundary!” With a roar, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and Emperor Yun’s clone appeared insignificant in front of him.

It’s not physical insignificance, but momentum.

The two are not a level at all.

“Emperor Ming, this was an accident. Cloud Imperial City absolutely didn’t mean to offend Mo Yun’s frontier!” Emperor Yun explained, but he also knew that this explanation was very weak.

“Accident! An accident hundreds of kilometers of Mo Yun’s borders turned into nothingness, and thousands of kilometers were affected. Tell me it was an accident!” Emperor Ming slowly came to Emperor Yun, and when he grabbed his hand, Li Xingxiang appeared in front of him. .

However, he is no longer the invincible Li Xingxiang, the first person under the Emperor Yun, and his terrifying strength, it seems to be a joke between the two.

“Then tell me, what’s the situation with these people!” Emperor Ming applied a little force on his hand, and the surrounding Spirit Power instantly turned into thin thorns and passed through Li Xingxiang’s body.

The strongest Martial King’s body was instantly riddled with holes, and Mental Energy was also injured.

“No, Emperor Ming, I was wrong, I was wrong!” Li Xingxiang immediately begged for mercy: “Emperor Yun, save me, save me, I’m here for Yunxi, for Yunxi’s…”

Before he finished speaking, Li Xingxiang died. He was not killed by Emperor Ming, but the hand of Emperor Yun avatar. Not only did Emperor Yun wave his hand again, those Martial Kings who had not died were held by Emperor Yun.

“You are the Martial Kings of Cloud Imperial City, but you arbitrarily broke into the border of Moyun and provoked the relationship between Cloud Imperial City and Moyun’s border. You should die!”

The Spirit Power between heaven and earth seemed to be able to hear the call of the Emperor Yun, automatically gathering Martial Skills one by one, and directly attacked these Martial Kings.

“Emperor Ming, you are satisfied!” As soon as he shot, he killed more than a dozen of his Martial Kings, and then asked if the other party was satisfied, showing the strength of Emperor Ming.

Both are Martial Emperors. Although the Yunhuang present is only a clone, the strength of the Martial Emperor will only take a moment to reach the scene.

But Emperor Yun’s body did not come, because he knew that he was not an opponent of Emperor Ming, and there was only one reason for his appearance, and that was Yun Xi.

As long as Yunxi is okay, even if everyone else is dead, you have no effect on him.

“What a Yun Sovereign, he is so cruel to his own people!” Ming Sovereign clapped his hands and said.

“Imperial Yuncheng gave up ten imperial cities to Mo Yun’s frontier!” Ming Huangyu was not negotiating, as if it was an order.

Demon King! Even Demonic Beasts, who just broke through to the Demon Emperor, are far stronger than the average human Martial Emperor.

Because Demonic Beasts themselves are more talented than humans, and after reaching the eighth level, the talents possessed by humans are also possessed by Demonic Beasts transformed into human forms.

What’s more, Emperor Ming is not an ordinary Demonic Beasts. Strictly speaking, he is considered to be a power of the Magical Beasts, because the Magical Beasts once inhabited the borders of Moyun.

Emperor Ming is also a member of Huantian Sect, and he is also the only Huantian Sect member who has no cultivation skills, because he is Demonic Beasts.

The reason why he joined the Huantian Sect was because of an accident at that time. He was saved by the people of the Huantian Sect. By chance, he also helped the Ming Emperor break through the Demon Emperor.

After that, Emperor Ming joined Huantian Sect, but Emperor Ming’s joining Huantian Sect did not so much enhance the foundation of Huantian Sect, it was better to say that Mo Yun Frontier wanted to find Huantian Sect as a protective umbrella.

Because of the strength of Huantianjiao, even the empire did not dare to move easily. This was also the reason why Mo Yun’s frontier was so powerful but not eradicated by the empire.

Otherwise, even if the Emperor Yun is not a team player, the Empire will send other Martial Emperors to join hands against Emperor Ming. After all, this is their specialty.

“You have to think clearly, there is still a force at the junction of Mo Yun’s frontier and Yunhuang City.” Yunhuang thought for a while and said.

“Dragon Emperor’s hometown!” Yunhuang added.

“Repair Mo Yun’s borders and pay a little more resources, and you can leave.” Emperor Ming said decisively.

That’s the Dragon King, a Demonic Beasts nemesis, the body strength is even better than Demonic Beasts. Demonic Beasts, a talented person with countless strange talents, and his strength is even more terrifying.

Although I don’t know why there is a Blue Star power here, Emperor Ming obviously doesn’t want to have any contact with the Dragon Emperor.

“Okay, I promise you!” After speaking, Emperor Yun disappeared with Yun Xi directly.

But the Emperor Yun appeared again in the next second, but this time it was not a clone, but the real Emperor Yun’s body, and the green breath of life suddenly bloomed from the Emperor Yun’s body.

Withered trees in spring, the ashes resurrected, the breath of life sprinkled on the place that was bombed by Xing Yi’s clone just now, and the surrounding Spirit Power was also gathered by the Emperor Yun.

To be precise, the Spirit Power in the cloud imperial city’s sphere of influence was captured by the imperial leader and filled it in the frontier of Mo Yun.

Then there is an Interspatial Ring.

The Yunhuang body stayed in the border of Moyun for a whole day before leaving.

The dirt also suddenly appeared.

The beast wave continues!

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