Chapter 453

The five attributes caught in the space cracks are already the limit that Xing Yi can do. The space cracks that suddenly exploded burst out from all directions.

The fragmented space cracks are so fast that people around them can’t do any rush to defend. Even if they are defended, they will be useless in the face of powerful space cracks.

Spatial cracks pass through the body, and the five attributes are like poisons. They stay in the human body and collapse everywhere, just like poison.

However, Xing Yi’s five attributes are more intuitive to destroy than dirt poisoning. The Practitioner’s body is decomposed and exploded visible to the naked eye.

The five attributes bombarded back and forth in the body, as if five elemental spirits were used in an instant. Elemental spirits are good, but if they are more, they will explode.

Not everyone is like Xing Yi, who has a balance body that can stabilize his talent in his body.

A stronger Practitioner may be able to react, and quickly use Mental Energy to clear the attributes in the body, and then quickly set up defenses.

Prevent another attribute from entering your body.

But those Practitioners with weak mental energy and insufficient control of their Spirit Power can only consider themselves unlucky.

The moment the attributes entered their bodies, they lost the ability to control the Spirit Power of their bodies, and they could only allow the attributes to explode wildly in their bodies.

Deaths and injuries in a flash, this is Xing Yi’s strongest group attack Martial Skill.

Looking at Xing Yi again, he didn’t look like he was completely consumed. He had to replace him with a normal Practitioner, let alone release such a powerful Martial Skill.

With so many attributes and Spirit Power, it stands to reason that the Spirit Power stored in the seventh-order array is simply not enough.

But how did Xing Yi release it?

Could it be said that Xing Yi’s Spirit Power does not rely on formation orders at all, but exists in his body, or Xing Yi has already opened up the storage space in his body.

When it comes to the Grand Great Master, it is reasonable to say that it is generally possible to break the space, but it is almost impossible to open up the own savings space.

The space itself is not easy to stabilize, let alone open up inside the body, Grand Great Master simply can’t do it.

Yun Xi now looked at Xing Yi with a question mark on her face. The shock Xing Yi gave her was too great. This person seemed to have infinite secrets in him, and he couldn’t explore it at all.

The more so, the more Yun Xi wanted to save Xing Yi and take him back to Yunhuang City, allowing his father to interrogate him himself.

But at this time, it was too late. Xing Yi had a Martial Skill Death Grand Great Master with as many as twenty, and more of them were injured.

Their original formation suddenly fell apart.

Hangeul and the other person seemed to have discussed in advance, and the two-person team instantly merged into one.

Although there are more people, but the strength may not be as strong as the previous team, because most of them are injured.

And Yun Xi could only watch silently, the person who died and injured just now, her side had the most dead, and the injuries were even more serious, and now they are not competing with Han Wen at all.

Not to mention that the two guys in Hangul were determined to kill Xing Yi, and they completely ignored the Yunhuangcheng princess himself.

In the face of absolute interests, strength is the fundamental.

When Li Kai saw the Martial Skill released by Xing Yi, he was full of emotion, because this Martial Skill is too similar to the Heaven-rank Martial Skill he used at the beginning.

The same was done with energy as the blast, plus the attribute “poison”, which he used to deal with Xing Yi in the first place, but he couldn’t completely kill Xing Yi.

The strong energy, coupled with the original Mental Energy was too weak, almost none, and I couldn’t find where Xing Yi went, and I don’t know how he ran away.

But now it seems that Xing Yi did not run far at the beginning, otherwise Xing Yi would not use such a Martial Skill.

Wang Kai was right. The Martial Skill of Xing Yi was indeed learned from the Martial Skill that Wang Kai released at the beginning, but the energy utilization rate is not higher than that of Wang Kai.

The rank is not as high as that of Wang Kai, and he has extremely high requirements for strength and talent. It can be said that except for himself, it is difficult for other people to exert such power.

Obviously this is not a successful Martial Skill, but for Xing Yi himself, it is very successful.

A Martial Skill can only be used by one person to its maximum effect, then the Martial Skill will be engraved with that person’s symbol, as long as it is famous enough.

Mention this Martial Skill, the world will immediately think of the people who use it.

Many Martial Emperors are “exclusive” to their own Martial Skill. It is not that others can’t use it, but only when he uses it, this Martial Skill can exert its maximum effect.

This is also a standard configuration of a powerful Practitioner.

Seeing the team gathered again, Xing Yi didn’t plan to run this time.

I no longer have the weakness of Mental Energy. As long as I can beat them before they kill me, I will be considered a winner.

Before the team was formed, Xing Yi’s Space Slash had been continuously released.

Ignoring the defensive space slash is enough to make these people scared, the larger the team, the harder it is to hide.

However, Xing Yi was silly in the next second.

Space Slash passed through them directly, but it had no effect.

They are all Grand Great Masters, and Korean is naturally not stupid. He was already guessing when he discovered that the constraints of Mental Energy were useless for Xing Yi.

Xing Yi should have used some special method to hide own Mental Energy. Hangeul simply used Spirit Power to make a ghost.

As a result, Xing Yi did not find out at all, which also confirmed Hangeul’s speculation. While Xing Yi was hiding Mental Energy, Mental Energy could not be used anymore.

In other words, the person in front of you is a “blind man.”

The next picture shows that Xing Yi is really like a blind man, unable to find their place in Korean.

In Xing Yi’s eyes, Han Wen and their real bodies have disappeared, and some are just phantoms.

There are also various invisible attacks that are hitting themselves again and again. If it weren’t for Mental Energy, it would be the enemy Mental Energy.

The harm to the body is not great, Xing Yi may be dead.

But such a powerful Mental Energy Xing Yi didn’t feel good, and Xing Yi fell into a desperate situation again.

Once Xing Yi wanted to use Mental Energy to detect their position in Korean, he would be restrained again by their Mental Energy in Korean, unable to move anymore, and faced with their powerful Spirit Power Martial Skill in Korean.

Once or twice, Xing Yi never dared to show his Mental Energy again.

No way Xing Yi was ready to escape.

Hidden into the original space once and for all, as for those Blue Star people, they are not selfless gods, and they cannot be saved if they can’t be saved.

It is already own impulse to be able to come. If you didn’t temporarily unlock a new system function, you might have already explained it here.

If you don’t have a self-healing body before coming, I am afraid that just relying on the body of the Practitioner will also have to explain here.

Don’t look at Xing Yi’s injury now, but the most serious thing is that the three tempering parts in Xing Yi’s body are already very few, and the self-healing body is too late to recover, so he is again critically hit by the Koreans.

To put it simply, Xing Yi’s current body is very weak, and the new flesh and blood are not much stronger than ordinary people. It is all on Xing Yi’s will to carry it down.

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