Chapter 448 Spirit Body Dual Cultivation?

A Practitioner in the Royal City, if there is no great opportunity, it is impossible to have the strength as it is now.

At the time of the performance test, Xing Yi was less than twenty years old, and the Grand Great Master, who was less than twenty years old, was enough to crush many people here.

Although these people seem to be about the same age as Xing Yi, the life span of the Practitioner is as long as it is, and most of them are over a hundred years old.

The grandfathers of Xing Yi said they were young, even if Xing Yi might be a Practitioner, Spirit Power cultivation might stop for life, but physical strength can still be cultivated.

So Xing Yi probably did not want to stop there after using the formation order, and then learned the Blue Star’s method of refining the body.

But now this kind of strength is still a bit exaggerated, and I have to ask Xing Yi’s secret hidden. Such a strong body strength is definitely not something that Xing Yi can cultivate at this age.

Yun Xi even dared to say that even if Xing Yi were to cultivate from his mother’s womb, Xing Yi’s physical strength would definitely not have the current strength.

Despite this, Xing Yi has such a powerful body, and Yun Xi is still confident to handle Xing Yi. After all, there are hundreds of people here.

With the strength of hundreds of people, it is not too easy to pick up one Xing Yi. The easiest thing is the use of formation, that is, formation.

The formation of hundreds of people, put together, even the Martial King has the power to crush, let alone so many people here.

“Xing Wei, you dare to kill compatriots indiscriminately!” Han Wen said angrily: “I will kill you today to avenge my compatriots!”

The Korean text wanted to do something to Xing Yi. Originally, Yunxi yelled a word, and Han Wen was still worried that there was no reason to kill Xing Yi!

Right now, Xing Yi is a dead hand when he makes a move. Now he doesn’t need to find a reason for himself. Although there is a chance of life and death in the martial arts competition.

But that chance of dying on Demonic Beasts, dying on compatriots is absolutely not allowed, because every Grand Great Master is the mainstay of Cloud Imperial City.

Cloud Imperial City no longer allows life and death to live in the sky like Wangcheng. If you kill someone in private, no one sees it, but now, Xing Yi kills people in the face of so many people.

Then Xing Yi would die.

Yun Xi wanted to speak but stopped, and wanted to speak, but Xing Yi was indeed the one who killed in the crowd, so he couldn’t stop Hangeul himself.

Xing Yi killed people in public. It stands to reason that everyone already has the right to sanction Xing Yi. If one person cannot do it, then through formation, multiple people will work together.

In other words, Yun Xi not only could not save Xing Yi, but also killed Xing Yi to serve the public.

But Xing Yi still had a secret hidden in him, and Yun Xi was caught in a dilemma for a while.

“Go away!” Xing Yi came to Han Wen’s side in an instant, with a strong hand, huge spatial pressure, and then immediately followed.

However, the Korean text is not empty, he is the top Practitioner among the seventh ranks, and his strength is not raised by the formation, but obtained by his own practical cultivation.

What’s the use of a person’s physical fitness? It’s a joke in front of Spirit Power.

Han Wen immediately retreated with strength, and at the same time two vines rushed out from under his feet, tightly wrapping Xing Yi, one by two, wrapped around Xing Yi, making him immobile.

The number increased rapidly, and within a short while, even Xing Yi’s figure was invisible.

No matter how strong the body is, what’s the use?

As expected of Hangeul, Xing Wei was taken down after just a face-to-face meeting. The others were shocked by Hangeul’s strength. When did Hangeul possess the wood attribute talent?

I’ve never heard that Hangeul has wood attribute talent!

Han Wenming hadn’t come before, could it be that Han Wen met a Blue Star person with attributes here.

Hangeul met Elemental Spirit.

Although it was possible to use the wooden Martial Skill in Korean before, it was absolutely impossible for him to master it to such a degree, and it was absolutely impossible for him to cast spells casually like this.

This level is too strong, as if the vines that entangle Xing Yi are part of his body.

And looking at the physical strength of that kind of vine, it is definitely not ordinary, and the strength of the vine must have the strength of the eighth order.

Let alone Xing Yi, Yun Xi now suspects that even if he is himself, he will not necessarily get out of trouble. When he reads Korean, his eyes are different.

The talented Grand Great Master is definitely not at the same level as the ordinary Grand Great Master.

Looking at the current strength of Hangeul, I know that there are too many Ascension of a wooden attribute.

Almost touching the threshold of the eighth rank.

Okay, this didn’t require a battle order, and Han Wen cleaned up Xing Yi alone.

The others were also stunned. Xing Yi, who was still aggressive just now, ended up being punished by a Korean Martial Skill to stand Xing Yi.

Such a powerful Martial Skill, the people standing next to it, can’t even raise the confidence to resist, it is too strong.

Just when everyone thought Xing Yi could not come out.

The yellow vines slowly began to appear red, and the huge flame Spirit Power spewed out instantly.

Xing Yi broke open, Spirit Power and Qi and blood showed up at the same time, Xing Yi had no reservations anymore.

The flame-colored Spirit Power, coupled with the bright red blood, use both abilities at the same time, which is unheard of.

People in Yunhuangcheng had heard of the cultivation method of Blue Star’s Qi and Blood cultivation, and not only that, almost everyone of them had learned about it.

After all, it is a brand-new cultivation method. Everyone will understand it. After all, it will enhance their own strength, but after knowing that Qi and blood will devour Spirit Power.

Everyone decisively gave up the cultivation method of body refining, because qi and blood will continue to swallow Spirit Power, and the more Spirit Power, the faster it swallows.

Moreover, he has no control at all, and no time to control. No one can do dual purposes. Once he is not careful, his blood will madly devour Spirit Power.

The Spirit Power that he had cultivated for many years was swallowed by qi and blood, and no one could bear it.

Of course, there are some people who did not give up and tried it. After all, there are lessons for them to set an example.

The white emperor of the White Imperial City is a complete Practitioner, with such powerful strength, even their Yun emperor is not necessarily an opponent.

But after studying, those people almost cried, the pain value of the unspeakable Body Tempering, and the cultivation speed of the turtle speed.

It is enough to make those Practitioners who do not believe in evil to train their bodies, the intestines of regret are about to come out.

They desperately went to the elders in their own family to help them deal with the qi and blood in their bodies, and never exercise again.

Seeing Xing Yi’s blood and Spirit Power, everyone was dumbfounded.

The more they understand, the more shocking they are, because they understand the difficulty, and it is absolutely impossible for Qi and Blood and Spirit Power to coexist.

But Xing Yi really did it, and his energy value was not low.

This is definitely energy that you can control.

Suddenly Yun Xi thought of a possibility, could it be that Xing Yi didn’t use the formation command at all, the strength of the seventh-order Grand Great Master itself was his own strength.

And he started refining the body again, the qi and blood would swallow the Spirit Power, and there is not much Spirit Power left, but now Xing Yi uses the Spirit Power which is owned by the formation order.

It is equivalent to Xing Yi having a huge cyclone outside his body for his use.

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