Chapter 446

The appearance of soil dirt is not without any changes, the concentration of dirt poison in Mo Yun’s frontier changes visible to the naked eye.

This is not the growth rate of dirt poison itself, even if soil dirt does not control the growth of dirt poison, the breakthrough of dirt poison itself will have an impact on the surrounding environment.

After all, he himself is a spirit beast.

Spirit poison itself has a strong ability to interfere with Mental Energy. Almost in another world, everyone’s Mental Energy will be greatly weakened.

Otherwise, Xing Yi wouldn’t be so frustrated in Moyun’s frontier. It was so hard to find a few people, and Xing Yi hadn’t found a good meeting place until now.

You can only rely on the position in the formation order to find it slowly, but the positioning of the formation order has also been strongly interfered, and it is not accurate at all.

Xing Yi could only find it out of thin air.


Suddenly Xing Yi felt a breath, belonging to own.

Dharmakaya outside of own body, came to the border of Mo Yun.

Although Mental Energy is blocked, the control distance between himself and the clone has not changed. It is still the same strength as his own Mental Energy.

As for the Dharmakaya outside of the body, when Xing Yi’s control distance was reached, he instantly lost his own consciousness and became Xing Yi’s puppet again.

Xing Yi also immediately connected to the clone, wanting to see where the clone is and what it is doing.

“Ye Guoliang, if the beast tide is about to riot suddenly, I need you to stop it as much as possible, even if you take your life in, you still have to stop it. There is the daughter of Emperor Yun in it, and there is no room for mistakes.” Li Xing faced Ye Guoliang. Said that is Xing Yi’s clone.

Li Xingxiang’s meaning was not obvious, the beast tide was about to riot suddenly, and after Ye Guoliang was judged, they led people to escape.

To put it bluntly, I wanted to kill Ye Guoliang in the beast tide.

Once the beast wave truly riots, even if it is as strong as the Martial King, it is almost impossible to stop the beast wave, let alone the border of Moyun, the center of the beast wave.

Ordinary Martial Kings would not carry it, let alone in the eyes of Li Xingxiang, Ye Guoliang was just an eighth-order formation Practitioner.

The greatest strength to resist the beast tide is to use the army to fight the beast tide, gather several king cities, and then the imperial city dominates, generally speaking, it can barely resist the endless beast tide.

At most, there are buildings on the periphery, and some people who are too late to move think that they may be injured or killed. After all, the coverage of the animal tide is too large.

It covered all the surrounding royal cities at once, and there was no single royal city that could stop them. Perhaps Yun Emperor could make a move by himself, but Yun Emperor would definitely not be able to beat the Demon Emperor in the border of Mo Yun.

Otherwise, Yunhuangcheng couldn’t worry about facing the crisis of beast tide every day.

“Dozens of Martial Kings, you are sure to let me go by myself, I may not be able to resist for long.” Xing Yi directly pointed out: “I am just an eighth-order Practitioner, and I may not have one in the face of the beast tide. I am afraid that if I go there, I will die.”

“I don’t need you to resist completely, I just need you to delay the time, and I will arrange dozens of Martial Kings.” Li Xingxiang said angrily: “To let you come here is to obey the command, not for you to question.”

“If you don’t go, I can let you fall right now.” Li Xingxiang thought too much that Ye Guoliang would not go, so that he could directly kill him now.

The direct reason is not to obey the military order. This is too simple.

“Nothing, I still obey the military orders.” Xing Yi said indifferently with a shrug.

When there is a big outbreak of beasts, this clone will definitely not deal with Demonic Beasts, but the Martial Kings in front of him, especially this Li Xingxiang.

People of the Li family, what business the Li family is doing, Xing Yi is now clear enough about the Martial Spirit deal!

From this point, Li Xingxiang must die.

Since you are the pillar of the Li family, don’t blame yourself for killing you.

As for the dozens of Martial Kings behind him, this is also an unmatched force in Cloud Imperial City, almost all of them are Li Xingxiang’s forces.

The scattered people who didn’t belong to Li Xingxiang were also people who had sinned against him. The purpose of being called here is also obvious.

Take advantage of the crisis of the animal tide, clean up.

Li Xingxiang looked at the strong Demonic Beasts aura in the distance, and he didn’t dare to be careless. This time the Demon King breakthrough seemed to be stronger than the previous few times.

It means that this beast tide will be unprecedentedly strong, and the dozens of Martial Kings he brought over did not come here as cannon fodder.

The main task is to take those who competed back, and the main force to resist these animal tides can only be the army’s order.

Relying on the formation order to come to the beast tide, it can only be dealt with by the formation order. Any single Martial King will be eaten in the beast tide after the end of the game.

Xing Yi also took advantage of Ye Guoliang’s powerful Mental Energy to explore where Yunxi and the others gathered in the border of Mo Yun.

The avatar Mental Energy is too powerful, even if there is so much poison, it is easy to find the place where they gather.

A squad of hundreds of people has gathered together. Similarly, Xing Yi also saw the Blue Star people who were caught.

Most of them should not be Chinese, but they are all Blue Star people. They have all suffered extremely serious injuries.

While Xing Yi used Mental Energy, Li Xingxiang’s eyes immediately fell on Ye Guoliang, even if the Mental Energy on Ye Guoliang was much stronger than Li Xingxiang.

However, Ye Guoliang’s mental energy quality is not as high as that of Li Xingxiang, and Li Xingxiang cannot be avoided at all, but Xing Yi doesn’t know it.

Xing Yi thought that Li Xingxiang would not be able to find it, but he did not know that as soon as Xing Yi used it, Li Xingxiang immediately explored Ye Guoliang’s Mental Energy.

But just like that, in Li Xingxiang’s eyes, Ye Guoliang’s Mental Energy is slightly stronger, after all, Xing Yi also observed Yunxi and the others where they are now.

The quality of Mental Energy is here. Li Xingxiang doesn’t believe that Ye Guoliang’s Mental Energy can be higher than his own. That is just a joke. It’s a Practitioner.

After Xing Yi found Yunxi and the others, he also set off immediately. This time the speed was much faster, so that he wouldn’t be dizzy and spin around, and he would move in one direction for a while.

Like Xing Yi, Li Xingxiang and the others were also leaving, but they didn’t dare to reveal their strength when they didn’t see Yun Xi.

Once they were exposed, it would not be the beast tide of a Demon King that followed immediately. It was the riot of the collective Demon King. At that time, I am afraid that it would be impossible to take Yunxi out without incident.

After all, the Grand Great Master trapped here is not the only one Yunxi. He also wants to save the others. The Grand Great Master who can come here has no background behind it.

Even if his Li Xingxiang covered the sky with his hand in Yunhuangcheng, he would not dare to offend so many people at once.

But if there is something in case, Li Xingxiang will definitely give up everyone and run away with Yunxi. The daughter of Emperor Yun is also the only daughter, and Yunxi can’t die.

At this time, Yun Xi was also checking around to see if he had eliminated the figure of the person who had eliminated him, not worrying about his current situation at all.

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