Chapter 427: No, He Wants to Kill

A Grand Great Master died before entering the border of Mo Yun.

At this time, the eyes of other people looking at Wang Kai had completely changed. To put it simply, no one would provoke Wang Kai anymore.

There are many ways to avoid the Void Slash, the simple one is to set up a shield around you that the opponent can’t explore anyway.

The moment that person died just now, it was actually just that he just set up a spiritual shield around him, and didn’t think about Mental Energy at all.

When it was discovered that Wang Kai Mental Energy had invaded, Mental Energy was not Wang Kai’s opponent at all. Wang Kai did not give him the time of shielding at all, so Wang Kai was able to kill a Grand Great Master so easily.

In fact, the main reason was that the man had never expected that Wang Kai would suddenly violently kill.

Although Yunhuangcheng didn’t have orders and regulations, it had already formed a hidden rule within them, that is, being a human being and staying a line.

But Wang Kai obviously didn’t belong to the people in their circle, and they didn’t bother to associate with the Grand Great Master from Wangcheng.

What I didn’t expect was that there would be someone in the royal city who had such a fierce shot, who came up as a killer move.

The Grand Great Master of the Imperial City is no longer like that of the Imperial City. Learning Cultivation Technique Martial Skill is very difficult. There is a formal academy in the Imperial City for them to learn.

Moreover, Martial Skill, only they can take out the corresponding resources, can also learn from their masters, like Shenzhou, but more expensive than Shenzhou.

But fortunately, there are also channels for learning Martial Skills, and it is not a Martial Skill that is diligent in a family, but a full range of Martial Skills can be learned.

Of course, they have also learned the commonly used Martial Skill of the space system like Void Slash.

But there are not many people who learn. After all, the Martial Skill of the Space Department is too demanding to be used, and it is impossible for ordinary people to learn it.

The Martial Skill of the Space System is also the Martial Skill Xing Yi lacks the most now. If it weren’t for his current body, he would not be able to withstand the tearing of the space cracks.

Xing Yi now wants to go to Wang Kai to do a battle and study hard.

But now it is definitely not possible. The gap between himself and Wang Kai is really a bit big, so big that he has no room to fight back.

After breaking through the sixth-order Practitioner, then the strength of own body will definitely undergo a qualitative change.

Xing Yi already had this feeling faintly now. It was obvious that his own bone marrow had been tempered three times, but he had never made a breakthrough to the sixth-order Practitioner.

And this distance is not small.

Under the power of this special space, Xing Yi now feels that his whole body is being tempered, and his blood is growing rapidly.

Because of being too concentrated, Xing Yi took a few attacks from others, but fortunately Xing Yi recovered fast enough and his body was strong enough.

It didn’t matter much at all. At this time, other people were no longer distracted to attack others, and everyone was in a stable state.

The cracks in the space above the head are getting bigger and bigger, the suction and the power of the space are getting stronger and stronger, and most people are already unstable.

But Xing Yi is different. He can resist. If it weren’t for the public, Xing Yi would even want to withdraw the spirit shield, so he would fight it with his body alone.

Only in this way can the speed of own cultivation be accelerated.

In the time of three hours, the tempering of the power of space has reached the point where it is visible to the naked eye, and it is like a black rain.

The brief silence ended with Xing Yi’s breakthrough.

Xing Yi finally broke through the sixth-order Practitioner, and when he arrived at the Great Master Realm, the most obvious thing was his own body, which was more than several times stronger than before.

Although he can’t handle the space cracks, he can already make it difficult for the power of the space to form in his body.

In other words, Xing Yi now, even if he stood and let Wang Kai use the Void Slash to deal with himself, Wang Kai didn’t withdraw himself.

Because Void Slash was originally an unexpected move, forming spatial cracks in others’ bodies, and instantly slashing the enemy directly.

But if the opponent’s physical body is too strong, you can’t form a Void Slash in his body.

Of course, Void Slash can’t do it. Void Blade will do. Just like an energy blade, the space cracks are not fixed but move quickly.

But this kind of attack can be avoided.

It’s not like the Void Blade formed directly in the body, it’s too deadly.

For so long, all that can be left are the best among the Grand Great Masters. Although they are all Qi Practitioners, they also want a strong body.

The longer you persist, the better it will be for them.

But just now, they were going to drag themselves into the water, and now they were forced to endure because of the powerful spatial force, and they couldn’t move.

Xing Yi is different, he moves freely, and hasn’t done any kind of tempering. To put in one’s eyes.

Even Wang Kai is ashamed of this. Although Wang Kai is also a Practitioner, Wang Kai is not as perverted as Xing Yi.

I feel that there is no pain at all.

This is also the point that Wang Kai has always admired Xing Yi most. The cultivation method of Practitioner is specially created for people like Xing Yi.

With the increasing power of space, even if Wang Kai is a Practitioner, he is no different from others.

They all set up their spirit shields, forced themselves to stay here, and endured the pain of tempering the whole body.

At this time, Xing Yi shot.

It can be said that to experiment with the strength of the newly promoted sixth-order Practitioner, a little Spirit Power is useless, and he walks directly to a person.

With a punch on his spirit shield, the man looked at Xing Yi like a fool.

Attacking the spirit shield of the Grand Great Master with the flesh, I am afraid it is not a problem with the brain.

But as Xing Yi’s shot got heavier and heavier, the man had begun to panic.

“Brother, brother, if you have something to say…”

Before he finished his words, Xing Yi had already blessed the Spirit Power in his hand, and punched his simple spirit shield with a punch, and his whole person was instantly swallowed by the space crack above his head.

Looking at the rest of the field, there are only twenty people left.

Go to the next person again.

At this time, everyone on the court is not calm. The longer the space magnetic field created by Li Xingxiang, the greater the benefits, and the smaller the number of people is the same.

That’s why someone dragged people into the water at the beginning.

Those Martial Kings outside the court watched Xing Yi step by step towards their descendants, although they didn’t know how he could endure the pain of tempering.

But this did not affect their desire to fill Xing Yi to death.

The space magnetic field is only once a year, and if it stays until the end, the gain is not even smaller than that of the eighth-order array.

And what Xing Yi was doing, he was dragging people into the water one by one.

Then they are all the elites of Cloud Imperial City!

If you lose this opportunity for the space magnetic field, you will never have the opportunity to enjoy the space magnetic field again, because a person can only strengthen once in his life.

No, he still wants to kill!

Seeing that Xing Yi had already taken out the weapon and the formation order at the same time.

The mighty Spirit Power gathers together, the wood strangulation, the clone, the golden spirit blade, and the fire cloud palm.

One set is down, and it’s flowing smoothly.

“Xing Yi! I’m fucking your uncle!!!”

Wang Kai didn’t expect that Xing Yi would drag people into the water, and he would kill him directly when he came to himself.

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