Chapter 408

There are tens of millions of spirit coins, as well as various Medicine Pills, but the strongest thing is that there are still a variety of array orders.

The formation order of the Great Tuwangcheng defensive formation, and the eighth-order formation order of the army, with the eighth-order formation order, plus the nearly one million Practitioner troops in the Tuwangcheng city.

No wonder Ye Guoliang dared to say that one person and one city would destroy the Blue Star forces. With these troops, even without Ye Guoliang’s action, it was enough for the Blue Star forces to be uncomfortable.

The Blue Star forces without formation orders are definitely vulnerable to the rigorously trained army of Tuwangcheng.

What’s more, there is more than one empire in a city like Tuwangcheng, and Ye Guoliang is just a Practitioner, not a Practitioner who really depends on cultivation.

Even if the formation order is integrated, it is actually not as good as the real strength of the eighth-order Practitioner.

Just like Wang Kai, a Practitioner who hasn’t made a breakthrough in level seven, passed some special Martial Skills, and the whole person just ran away.

If it were a real Martial King, it would be impossible for Wang Kai to run away. The moment Wang Kai wanted to run, the space was locked, and the next second might be Wang Kai’s head landing.

But it’s not bad. There is also a distribution map of the spirit mines. These are the spirit mines controlled by the Tuwangcheng, and there are three spirit mines.

Two of the spirit mines were snatched from the original Blue Star forces.

And the output of a spirit mine, filtered into spirit coins, can reach nearly one million spirit coins every day.

As for the spirit coins produced, except for the fixed half to be handed over to the empire, the rest are used to maintain their own development.

As the city lord Ye Guoliang, most of the spirit coins were transferred into his pocket, but Ye Guoliang didn’t carry many spirit coins, and most of the spirit coins were exchanged for Ascension’s resources.

Just like Martial Spirit!

Even if the order of the eighth order has been integrated, Ye Guoliang still has a heart to advance. Although Martial Spirit can’t help him to advance, he can send it out. If you send more, you may get the legendary ninth order. make.

The ninth-order Martial Emperor with formations as the core.

The biggest difference between the royal city and the imperial city may be that the Practitioner is different. Ye Guoliang also wants to make Tuwangcheng a real imperial city.

The ambition is quite big.

But now there is no chance. Xing Yi controls the own clone, transforming into the appearance of Ye Guoliang, and the eighth-order formation is also held by the clone.

After all, you still need to be cloned when you go out to control. It is impossible for you to integrate the eighth rank order in order to play in person.

Having mastered a new identity, the rest may be the need to select the owners of two seventh-order formations.

No need to be too strong, just obedient.

And the owner of the sixth-order formation also needs to reshuffle the cards, and this Tuwangcheng must be completely in the hands of own.

Ten armies also need to be rapidly expanded. The Practitioner in Tuwangcheng now has about three million, and more than two million of them were only recently recruited.

Most people have not even learned the most basic formation and formation Martial Skills, and there is no way to expand into a formal army.

According to the amount of 200,000 people in an army, it can be rapidly expanded, which means that the Tuwangcheng can have 15 armies.

What is the concept of an army of 200,000? When Ye Guoliang attacked the city, he only brought an army of 200,000.

A single army can siege the city and kill the Martial King, but the greatest role of the army is in siege and team battles.

Fifteen armies, three legions, hundreds of people in each legion, the hard power can reach tens of billions of Spirit Power.

Ye Guoliang was not joking when he said that Tuwangcheng would destroy all Blue Star forces. After Ye Guoliang digested the internal army, no amount of black technology in China would be useful.

In the face of hard power, Martial Emperor would be invincible if he didn’t make a move.

However, before considering these, Ye Guoliang’s subordinates also need to change, although he is not afraid that others will doubt.

With the ability to pretend to be a Tier 8 Practitioner, I am afraid that a person would have destroyed a city alone long ago, that is, a clone like Xing Yi cannot do without his own body.

Otherwise, Xing Yi also wants to make own clone, become a deadpool, and explode everywhere.

Why bother to pretend to be Ye Guoliang.

Xing Yi came out with a avatar, and when he came out, there was one less Li Kai and no one said much.

One person died. The least valuable thing in another world is human life. Of course, the Blue Star people are still very valuable.

Of the three seventh-order formations, only one is selected now, and the sixth-order Practitioner is almost dead.

Xing Yi used his clone to directly send a message to everyone in the army by using the formation order, “Re-select two users of the seventh-order formation, and 15 users of the sixth-order formation. The formation order needs to be merged. ”

This is the power of the eighth rank order, and it can send notices to everyone in the army who has an order.

As a result, Xing Yi also promoted several of his subordinates in the Tenth Army, mainly because they were easier to use.

And Xing Yi also opened the qualifications to settle in Tuwangcheng, and outsiders can also settle in Tuwangcheng again.

If a royal city with a large defensive formation can settle down, I don’t know how many people will line up, thinking about when I was in the ice town of the lake.

In order to enter the royal city, people would spend almost a lifetime to accumulate spiritual coins, and Xing Yi’s qualification for opening is one hundred thousand spiritual coins.

In addition to one hundred thousand Lingcoins, there is another qualification to settle down, that is, joining the army and insisting on enlisting for five years.

And these coins will eventually fall into the own pocket.

Xing Yi didn’t plan to develop here. He just wanted to consume it quickly and accumulate his own funds quickly. When problems arise, they can be sustained by war.

Also use war to control the number of people in the city.

As for what the future Tuwangcheng will become, it has nothing to do with him.

In the eyes of the outside world, Xing Yi’s approach is not at all problematic. They all know that the battle with Shenzhou is about to start, and Tuwangcheng is the front line.

Originally thought that Ye Guoliang was not active, but now it seems that Ye Guoliang intends to accept his fate.

Crazy expansion.

But Xing Yi’s move also caused headaches to several senior officials in the White Imperial City. Shenzhou is different from Tuwangcheng.

As long as the Tuwangcheng army expands through the existence of the formation order, it can directly Ascension combat power, and there is no need to worry about casualties.

After all, in the big formation, if there are casualties, most Practitioners in the army will die.

Either live together or die together. This is an army composed of formation orders. The team members do not have the slightest chance to control their own destiny. They are all controlled by the high-rank formation commanders.

But Blue Star is not good. There is no army formed by the formation order. If there is no Spirit Power technology in the war, it will be useless.

Cannon fodder at best.

Therefore, Xing Yi’s army expansion also made the White Imperial City nervous.

Controlling the affairs of Tuwangcheng, Xing Yi did not communicate with the people in Baihuangcheng. The high-rank formation has the authority to receive news between the low-rank formations.

In the past, I was just a sixth-order formation order, and the communication was only a fourth-order formation order. There were thousands of communications every day, and it was impossible for the superiors to pay attention at any time.

But his current identity was different. Although he could create another low-level formation, Xing Yi was still afraid of being exposed.

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