Chapter 398 Seven-tier Array Order

As the captain of the Fifth Army, Li Tonghua was responsible for receiving Li Kai’s arrival.

Although Li Kai’s name only has the strength of a Tier 6 Practitioner, its reputation has quickly spread to all the spheres of influence on the border with the Blue Star.

For the first time, the strongest was actually one person and one team, and he just won a Tier 8 Practitioner, if you know it is a win.

Although one person and one army have the same Spirit Power as Martial King or even higher, it is impossible to win Martial King. Let alone Martial King’s Spirit Power is more flexible.

Just Martial King’s use of space can sling an army, unless the person in charge of the army is also a Martial King, otherwise it is difficult to truly defeat a high-rank opponent, and it is already very good to be able to get involved.

The greatest role of an army is siege and slaughter. A Practitioner with the highest level leads a powerful siege.

If they can break through, they will be transformed into various armies, led by the captain of each army to sweep the city.

However, the strength of Li Kai’s sixth-order Practitioner was very useful for the use of Spirit Power, and even Martial King commented that Li Kai was given an army. He was not an opponent.

This shows the strength of Li Kai.

When Li Kai only came to Tuwangcheng, Ye Guoliang directly sent a team captain to receive Li Kai, which shows that he attaches great importance to him.

The main reason is that the three seventh-order Practitioners of his legion were killed by the Martial King who suddenly appeared last time. Even if the last Martial King died, his three Grand Great Masters could not return.

Ye Guoliang still wanted to keep Li Kai in Tuwangcheng to take over the position of the previous three Grand Great Masters. With the strength of the sixth-order Practitioner, he would take the position of the seventh-order Practitioner.

Li Kai’s strength has been recognized by Ye Guoliang.

“Li Kai, I am Li Tonghua from the Fifth Army of the Tuwangcheng City. I came to pick you up this time, but I did not expect you to help solve a problem. Thank you very much.” Li Tonghua walked to Li Kai and immediately thanked him.

“It’s okay, with a little effort, besides, I will stay in Tuwangcheng this time.”

When Li Kai spoke, Li Tonghua’s expression became a little stiff.

The deaths of the three Grand Great Masters must vacate their positions. The sixth-order Practitioner may be easier to find, but the fifth-order Practitioner is a big deal to replace, or one or two troops can be disbanded directly.

But the seventh-order Grand Great Master is definitely not found.

Then you must find someone to replace it, and the only two people who are most qualified to replace the First and Second Army are themselves.

But Li Kai felt cold, not to mention himself, even those two men from the First and Second Army were also cold.

“What you mean is that you are going to stay in the army of Tuwangcheng!” Li Tonghua asked, “I don’t know if Brother Li wants to reorganize his own team or how?”

The re-organization means that Li Kai will create an Eleventh Corps alone, with a few from the first ten first teams, and then recruit more troops.

“It’s too much trouble to reorganize, maybe I don’t need it!” Li Kai smiled: “Let’s go, let’s go to the army! Let me experience the elegance of Tuwangcheng.”

Of course Li Kai understood what Li Tonghua meant, but he was not the kind of person who had no strength. There were so many people in contact with Blue Star for the first time. Why did he come to Tuwangcheng.

It’s not about where the seventh-order Practitioner of Tuwangcheng is.

The commander, that is, the highest military order level can control one million Practitioners, just under Ye Guoliang alone.

You must get that position so that you can get more resources when you fight with the Blue Star forces later.

With Li Tonghua coming to the legion, Xing Yi and their nine captains have been gathered by Ye Guoliang.

Of the ten legions, there were only four at the beginning. From Li Tonghua’s five armies to Xing Yi’s ten armies, they were all reopened.

And Xing Yi’s army is undoubtedly the least, and the one with the lowest strength. There is no way that Xing Yi’s identity is doomed to Xing Yi’s treatment. Even if Xing Yi is from another world, Ye Guoliang cannot let a casual person. Control the strongest army.

Although he has a higher-level formation order, he is not afraid of Xing Yi being an undercover agent or something. Only if he wants, he can abolish Xing Yi’s formation order at any time.

However, it is more troublesome to find a new captain to learn the formation order after it is abolished.

“Well, everyone is here, and you should all know that during the last war, our three Grand Great Masters were all killed, and their positions were freed up.” Ye Guoliang glanced at everyone and looked at them. Except for Xing Yi, the undisguised enthusiasm in their eyes.

Xing Yi’s goal is not the leader, and the eighth-order formation order in Ye Guoliang’s hands is about to destroy him and replace him.

The formation order is indestructible, but when the owner of the formation order is killed, the formation order will be destroyed at the same time.

But for Xing Yi, just right, his own breath simulation can also come in handy.

“Now the Tuwangcheng army has a total of 3 million Practitioners, so we now lack three 7th-order commanders.”

“And the controllers of these three seventh-order formations will also be selected from among the eleven of you.” Ye Guoliang directly counted Li Kai in.

There is no fear that Li Kai’s heart is not in line with Tuwangcheng, because the suppression of the formation order is so terrible.

For the three seventh-order formation orders, the following people are all listening to Ye Guoliang’s next speech, which is related to whether he can get the seventh-order formation order.

Compared with the seventh-order formation order, the sixth-order formation order seemed too inadequate, and no one wanted to send it to others.

Xing Yi didn’t want to, although he was thinking about the eighth-order formation in Ye Guoliang’s hands, but it was not bad that the seventh-order formation made him get one.

I just don’t know if own strength can compete with these real Tier 6 Practitioners, and I can’t compare ourselves to Tier 5 Practitioners.

Being regarded as a Tier 6 Great Master also relies on its own Cultivation Technique and system, allowing herself to have the privilege of Tier 6 Practitioner in advance.

“The three seventh-order formation orders are very simple. The first three of the strengths are the masters of the seventh-order formation orders.” Ye Guoliang said slowly.

Li Kai and the three members of the First and Second Army laughed, but Li Tonghua was a little uncomfortable. If Li Kai didn’t come, he might be the top three stable.

But now, Li Kai is here.

Li Kai’s strength is undoubtedly undoubted. There are no avatars under the reputation, even if there is no fight, but seeing Li Kai on the streets of Tuwangcheng, he has handled the strength of a Tier 6 Practitioner.

He definitely cannot be an opponent.

“The rules are also very simple. In the ring match, the last three people who can stay in the area I have drawn will win. The match will start in three days. Now you can go back and prepare.”

Ye Guoliang’s meaning was not obvious, whether it was a group fight or a heads-up, the three who could stay in the end would win.

It also gave three days of preparation time, and that was enough time for Li Tonghua and the others to discuss how to deal with it.

As Li Kai left directly, the Poison King of Tangtang naturally disdains the team, and Wang Kai is naturally not afraid of all conspiracies and tricks.

And Xing Yi also went back.

Li Tonghua and the others looked at Xing Yi’s departure, and they automatically thought that Xing Yi had already given up. After all, he had the lowest strength and the least number of people in the ten teams.

It is natural to give up.

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