Chapter 393

“Okay, needless to say so much, I know what Xing Yi is.” Zhang Zhaozhong stretched out his hand to interrupt Li Junyang.

“Well, you go out first. As for these spirit coins, just stay here. You can also take one of the Interspatial Ring as a reward.”

“Well, these Interspatial Rings are all Xing Yi…”

“Let you hold it. If it weren’t for you, Xing Yi wouldn’t be able to bring these spirit coins back, and we don’t know about Xing Yi’s news.”

After that, Zhang Zhaozhong left five million spirit coins as strategic materials of the Chinese University, which can be used at will by the Chinese University people during the war.

As for the remaining coins, Zhang Zhaozhong asked Li Junyang to take them as gifts.

“Don’t forget to report Xing Yi’s name when you send it. He doesn’t ask for anything in return, but at least let others know that Xing Yi gave them.” Zhang Zhaozhong exhorted him before leaving.

“Don’t worry, promise to complete the task!”

Immediately afterwards, he took Li Junyang’s formation and went to find the White Emperor.

This is the biggest harvest that Li Junyang brought back when he came back. Isn’t that what the old guy Zhang Xiang wants in the past two days is the formation order!

That dead ball thing always made suggestions that the Ministry of Education of the Chinese University should be shut down, saying that it was a waste of resources, and the reputation of the Chinese University was corrupted by myself.

Sell ​​sesame seeds!

He must be disgusting this time.

As for Li Junyang, Bai Yiling and the others quickly found Li Junyang. After all, they had participated in the Practitioner competition together, and they were all familiar with it.

The strengths are also very similar, and they can be regarded as the most famous students of the Chinese University.

“Where did your kid go? I heard that you brought back a lot of spirit coins!” Luo Guangbin hit Li Junyang when he went up.

A punch on Li Junyang is not light: “You have broken through the fifth-order Practitioner!”

Luo Guangbin felt it right away, and Bai Yiling had noticed it early, but she didn’t say it.

“What the hell, you are really Tier 5!?” Ding Ming asked incredulously.

He is only the pinnacle of Tier 4, and like Li Junyang, he cultivates the Cultivation Technique of the Profound Tier. He also has the fire attribute talent that Li Junyang does not possess, and he hasn’t made a breakthrough. How could he Li Junyang.

At the beginning, he was able to come to the Practitioner competition team thanks to Xing Yi’s help, and his talent was not very strong.

“Yeah!” Li Junyang nodded. This is also one of his luckiest things. Being caught by the people of Tuwangcheng by accident is not only safe, but after being rescued by Xing Yi, Xing Yi also taught him several Martial Skills.

The biggest gain is of course the strength of own. Xing Yi used the Medicine Pill to force him to the fifth-order Practitioner, and after digesting his strength, he became more refined.

“Fuck! Your kid is lucky!” Ding Ming couldn’t help but shouted, the strength of Xing Yi naturally for the five-person team at the time.

If he is still there, he must have broken through the fifth-order Practitioner, and after the exposure of Bai Yiling’s identity, his strength has now come directly to the sixth-order Practitioner, and he has become the top of the Wuda ranking.

And it’s still the kind of sling second place.

Luo Guangbin is naturally much worse than Bai Yiling, but he has also broken through to the fifth-order Practitioner, and he is also the fifth-order Practitioner of the low-level Cultivation Technique.

Now even Li Junyang has broken through, how he wants to live.

“Damn, don’t stop me, I’m going to make spirit coins now!” I didn’t spend a long time with Li Junyang, turned his head and left, Ding Ming was really hit.

Even Li Junyang himself can’t compare, and if he doesn’t work hard, he will really die on the battlefield.

“Wait, there are ten thousand spirit coins here, take it!”

Ding Ming:? ? ?

Ding Ming suspected that he had heard it wrong, turned his head and looked at Li Junyang again, then looked at the box under Li Junyang’s feet, it was really a spirit coin.

Ten thousand spirit coins, if the government forcibly controlled the price of spirit coins, I am afraid that it would have doubled long ago. This Li Junyang actually directly gave himself a box of ten thousand spirit coins!

It’s worth hundreds of millions!

Although coming to another world, Spirit Power is more abundant, and you can also use Spirit Gathering to make your own spirit coins.

It stands to reason that the price of spirit coins will definitely plummet, but the facts do so.

The government must also control prices, because the soil is too poisonous and the Blue Star has a very small sphere of influence.

There is not much Spirit Power supply in the White Imperial City. If you want to make spirit coins, you can only go out, but in the current situation, going out is too dangerous.

Only a few small passages in the city can be used to make spirit coins. The White Imperial City is better, and the other cities are a bit miserable.

After all, it is not safe, and it is difficult to deal with it in time because of the poison.

However, the exchange ratio of the other cities is very cheap, ten to one, while the White Royal City is two to one, a full five times the difference.

The purpose is to let more people go to the other cities in another world.

However, as time goes by, the price of Lingcoin will definitely become cheaper and cheaper until a certain interval.

But now the price of spirit coins is still beyond doubt, even if it is oneself, the strength of Tier 4 peak, the maximum output per day can’t exceed twenty.

One more exchange is less than ten.

This f*ck Li Junyang threw directly 10,000 coins to himself, fearing that he was not dreaming.

“Where did you get so many spirit coins!” Even Luo Guangbin was not calm. Although he was not short of money, it was too exaggerated to take out so many spirit coins at once.

The most important thing is to give it away!

“Xing Yi asked me to bring it back.” Li Junyang said.

“Where is Brother Yi!?” Even Bai Yiling was not calm now.

Xing Yi is not dead, Xing Yi is still alive, Li Junyang has seen him and brought back so many coins for Xing Yi.

“Not the Dragon Emperor clone on the battlefield?” After calming down, Bai Yiling asked again.

It is impossible for Brother Yi to take out so many spirit coins at once. The only explanation is that the Dragon Emperor is cloned. There is no lack of disappointment in his eyes, but there is a glimmer of hope. I hope I can hear it from Li Junyang. The answer you want.

“What kind of ghost is the Dragon Emperor clone? It’s Xing Yi, and Nuo is for you.” Li Junyang took out two boxes of spirit coins in a row, both of which were divided.

Ten thousand is exactly one box.

“It’s really Brother Yi! Where is he?” Bai Yiling tried his best to calm the emotions in her heart and asked calmly.

“It’s okay, Brother Yi is okay, Bai Yiling, don’t get excited, he is fine, he should be still in Tuwangcheng now, he said she will find a chance to come back in a few days.” Seeing Bai Yiling so excited, Li Junyang A little uncomfortable.

In his eyes, Bai Yiling can be described as a proper high-cold goddess, the kind of coexisting strength.

“Why did Xing Yi be where? How did you know? And how did you meet Xing Yi?” Luo Guangbin came directly to a three-in-one question.

Then Li Junyang had to tell Bai Yiling and the others carefully how he met Xing Yi and how Xing Yi rescued him.

“You mean, Xing Yi is now rich!” Ding Ming grasped the key point, but Xing Yi successively took out nearly ten million coins!


The others looked at Ding Ming speechlessly.

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