Chapter 380 Someone Impersonating Himself

Finding a way to quickly enhance his own weapons, Xing Yi also went to buy Fire Spirit Stones non-stop.

Not only that, Xing Yi also tried to use Spirit Power with other attributes to help Ling advance.

This weapon can also swallow Spirit Power of other attributes, not only that, but this weapon gradually has other attributes.

If it can really develop, it’s no worse than that kind of multi-attribute weapon.

With advanced weapons, Xing Yi also found a place to sell communicators in a remote market, but it was not the Blue Star version but another world version.

Although the Spirit Power battery was used, after using Mental Energy to understand the structure, Xing Yi relied on his own understanding of Spirit Power.

A battery was forced to boot.

Turning on the phone and looking at the familiar phone page, Xing Yi felt excited. He hasn’t gone back for more than a year.

I went back this time, but there were too many resources in my hand. If I send it out, how much kindness I can gain.

You can create a Practitioner that is so powerful.

However, it hasn’t flickered twice, and the phone has a black screen and broken, which is really disappointing.

However, Xing Yi also has something to gain, that is Spirit Power power generation, from the group, it is the Martial Skill of the thunder attribute.

He doesn’t have the Martial Skill of the thunder attribute, nor does he have the talent of the thunder attribute.

Go back and study, maybe you can create one.

Before I went back, I saw that the front was full of people, as if I was watching some news.

“This Blue Star person actually dared to resist!”

“I’m afraid it’s not looking for death, I’m not afraid that our empire will destroy them directly!”

“It is said that one of their Martial Emperors has returned, and as soon as which Martial Emperor took action, it directly restricted the Martial Emperor of our empire.”

Martial Emperor!

Speaking of the Martial Emperor, they also fell silent. The strength of the Martial Emperor was not something they could discuss, and which of the Blue Star’s most famous Martial Emperor was originally in the Fire Territory.

I have beaten too many Martial Emperors with Five Elements,

“A Martial Emperor returns to his position, dare to have such courage to resist?”

“Generally speaking, the Martial Emperor does not take action. It is more of a deterrent, or it is because someone has taken action to help the Blue Star people.”

“Yes, those scattered and small forces, for some reason, have been thrown into the sphere of influence of the Blue Star people, and they have now condensed into a very strong force.”

“It’s going to fight again!”

Someone directly pointed out the key.

The Martial Emperor is generally only a deterrent, and will never attack people below the strength of the Martial Emperor, because generally speaking, each Martial Emperor has a certain power behind it.

If the Martial Emperor were to really make a move, he would be able to retreat with one enemy ten thousand, which would definitely be a fatal blow to the army.

But then don’t be afraid that other Martial Emperors will also take action. Except for those who hide, I am afraid that all Martial Emperors in the world will be mad.

Now suddenly recruiting troops to join the army, it must be going to fight, just like the empire swept a thousand troops after the fusion of the land.

As long as the Chinese forces headed by the Blue Stars are eliminated this time, the empire will be able to truly unify the territory.

At that time, you might be able to compete in other big domains.

“After serving as a soldier for one year, I will send advanced pills of all levels!”

This is the most obvious propaganda condition for recruiting soldiers. One year in the army, the corresponding advanced pill will be sent. For those who can’t break through all the year round, it is undoubtedly not a great temptation.

It only takes one year to be a soldier. One year can make you break through the Realm that you have been in for many years.

The reward is very generous and coupled with the last sweep of the empire, it instantly equalized 60% of the aura of the territories.

It is still very possible to come back alive.

And what is the biggest benefit of fighting with the Blue Stars is Martial Spirit.

In a war, how many Blue Stars will die on the battlefield, and then just pick up one or two, even if they are not paid, that will be a lot of money.

There was an endless stream of people who signed up, and Xing Yi thought about it and signed up directly to join the army.

In Cao Ying’s heart, I’m afraid I’m talking about myself.

Xing Yi didn’t believe it, he was about to fight, and there was a space tunnel that could directly lead to the White Imperial City in this Tuwangcheng.

Signing up is very simple, release your own strength and breath, make a note, and wait a year to receive your reward.

However, there are rewards for joining the army. For example, Xing Yi received a thousand Lingcoins just after successfully signing up.

This is only the salary for the next month, I have to say, it is very rich, even without the advanced pill, it is rich enough.

No wonder so many people want to join the army.

Moreover, what Xing Yi showed was a sixth-order Practitioner, with half a million Spirit Power. If the cultivation technique was a Huang-level or a mysterious-level Cultivation Technique, it would be a sixth-order Practitioner.

But Xing Yi didn’t even plan to receive this seventh-order advanced pill at all.

It just needs to find a way to send Li Junyang out, but the premise is that Li Junyang must master the concealment technique and simulation technique, or it would be useless to send it out.

“In the center of the land, the empire has been at war with Shenzhou, and Shenzhou also has many extremely powerful Practitioners.”

The enlistment of Tuwangcheng was already after the war began.

At this time, I can be regarded as an undercover, but own identity is indeed another world person.


Even if it arrives.

No way, I can send Li Junyang back, I can only think of another way, now even if I create a clone of Martial King by myself.

With the strength to break through the space, it is absolutely impossible for him to have the strength to open up a space tunnel.

In the final analysis, he is nothing more than a Tier 5 Practitioner with extraordinary talents.

Before going back, Xing Yi heard some conversations, and Xing Yi was dumbfounded after listening.

“When you go to the battlefield of the earth domain, you must be careful of one person. That person is Xing Yi, a Blue Star person!”

I was discovered?

No, the person who spoke didn’t even look at himself.

Then why do you say that you should be careful about yourself? What is the strength of own, so that everyone in the other world can know the identity of own.

“Is Xing Yi very strong?”

“It’s more than strong. There is no opponent in the same rank. It is said that many people in the empire have already died in his hands.”

“And that guy, he kills one person when he sees it, he doesn’t treat us as human at all!”

Xing Yi:? ? ?

When did I see one kill one, and when did I go to the battlefield in the soil? Isn’t that kidding!

“It’s better to be careful with that Wang Kai yesterday. It is said that he was not dead at all, and he was still a classmate with that Xing Yi, and I am afraid that he was also a ruthless guy who killed people without blinking.” Suddenly someone next to him added.

After listening to Xing Yi, he became even more silent.

That surviving Wang Kai is his own clone, yes yes, but where did that “Xing Yi” come from?

“There must be someone pretending to be themselves, but I haven’t heard Li Junyang mention it.”

If I didn’t understand it, I simply didn’t want Xing Yi to go back to Li Junyang to discuss the solution.

The big deal is that I will really gather a Martial Emperor to be my own bodyguard, the kind of one enemy ten thousand.

I hope that when the time comes, the people of Tuwangcheng will not call themselves traitors or something.

If I send all the resources of Tuwangcheng to the Chinese forces, is it feasible to fight?

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