Chapter 375 You Are Xing Yi?

Li Junyang was caught here, and his whole body was imprisoned. Of course he knew what his own destiny would be like next.

It is nothing more than killing myself, wanting to own Martial Spirit, but hating myself that I can’t use any Spirit Power, can’t directly originate from the explosion, and let Martial Spirit disappear with it.

Looking at the silly criticism in front of him, Li Junyang was naturally not polite, thinking of disgusting Xing Yi, but he could only think about it.

“Fuck you uncle, I have the ability to let go of daddy, one V and one, see if I won’t kill you!” Of course, Li Junyang knew that the other party could not let him go, but if he didn’t scold him, he would be gone.

“?” Li Junyang was full of question marks.

What does it mean that this person has really freed himself from the shackles?

Spirit Power can really be mobilized, Li Junyang doesn’t care about the three-seven-two-one, he just opened the iron cage and ran out.

“If you don’t want to die, you will come back.” Xing Yi warned.

Outside, they are all from another world. Li Junyang is a blue star, and the aura that radiates from his body. Even if he is outside, no one does anything to him in the city.

But as long as he leaves the city, Li Junyang will undoubtedly die.

Li Junyang can ignore Xing Yi’s words and just rush out, even if there is only a little Spirit Power that can be mobilized, at least he must run out of here first.

Xing Yi stretched out his hand and directly locked Li Junyang again.

“Go out to find death!” This time Xing Yi used the Chinese language.

Li Junyang was even more dumbfounded, because this voice was a bit familiar to him, it seemed to be Xing Yi’s voice that had been dead for more than a year.

I must have heard the hallucinations. How could Xing Yi be still alive? The cracks in the space that were so strong at the beginning were even far away from Xing Yi.

Xing Yi was sucked in by the crack, and the Xing Yi identity card in the White Imperial City was immediately extinguished, which meant that Xing Yi was gone.

But the voice of the person in front of him is too similar.

“Sit on the bed, don’t move, and recover honestly.” Xing Yi said again.

And Li Junyang stammered at Xing Yi: “How can you speak the Chinese language.”

The people of another world have always looked down on the blue star people, they only think that the blue star people are the resources they have raised in captivity, let alone learning the language of the blue star people, they even disdain to speak.

The most important thing is that the voice of the person in front of him is too similar to Xing Yi.

Xing Yi didn’t speak, just stretched out his hands, and the body of the Practitioner began to automatically recover from Li Junyang’s injuries.

Li Junyang is too familiar with this feeling, the special recovery of the White Imperial City, but he is not in the White Imperial City now, why is he still recovering quickly.

After that, Xing Yi threw ten Ling Chu Pills directly into Li Junyang’s mouth.

Using Chu Ling Pill to restore Spirit Power instead of enhancing his strength, Xing Yi is also very rich.

Friendly value +100,000

“For you, hurry up and eat and sit on the bed to digest.”

What is this person doing? Li Junyang is completely confused. A person from another world learns the Chinese language without speaking, and has bought himself at a high price and helped him recover.

Is it because you are dreaming?

But this dream is too real.

With ten Chu Ling Pills under his stomach, and with Xing Yi’s support, Li Junyang’s injuries also recovered extremely quickly.

And Xing Yi was sitting in front of the window, observing the situation outside. After Yunxing’s fixed-point blasting, from the very beginning, the scramble of several people has developed to a large-scale burning, killing and looting.

I thought it would continue like this.

A breath came, all the troublemakers on the street knelt down, and the Martial King who was sitting in town shot.

Dare to make trouble on the second floor of the city, these people are also a powerful group.

Naturally, these people are also clones originally designed by Xing Yi. There is not much Spirit Power, but the better is the number of people, and the momentum will come up with more people.

It creates an illusion for people.

As soon as Martial King took the shot, the street itself was extremely silent, and the bodies of the few people who took the lead in the matter burst instantly.

And most of the other people had their legs broken instantly, and they also lost their ability to move.

Martial King has not been seen, but all the troublemakers have been subdued, and I have to sigh the power of Martial King.

Xing Yi was also glad that he was using his own clone to make trouble, and he was a clone of different auras. Xing Yi was also careful in doing things, and he was not afraid that anyone would doubt him.

Turning his head to look at Li Junyang again, the Spirit Power on his body quickly recovered. With the blessing of his own Practitioner’s body, the recovery from his injuries was also extremely fast.

And Xing Yi also slowly walked towards Li Junyang: “This year, Bai Yiling is okay in Chinese major?”

“Big Chinese? Bai Yiling?”

Xing Yi spoke, and let Li Junyang in cultivation listen to this familiar voice, as well as the questions he asked.

Xing Yi must be right. Xing Yi himself would transform art and simulate the Martial Skill, which he should have thought of long ago.

Xing Yi himself has a recovery method similar to that of the White Imperial City, and his generous shots are Xing Yi’s usual style.

“Are you Brother Yi?” Li Junyang asked cautiously.

Xing Yi nodded, and his face began to change quietly, turning into the incomparably beautiful face before.

“Fuck! Where have you been, Brother Yi this year?”

“You don’t know that Bai Yiling asked Lord Bai Huang to take action in order to find you. Only then did we know that Bai Yiling was the daughter of Lord Bai Huang.”

“Everyone thought you were dead.” Li Junyang said excitedly.

“No, my business is a long story. Tell me what happened during my absence for more than a year!” Xing Yi said.

“That’s too much. After you disappeared, the Martial Emperor personally went to find you, but didn’t find it. Everyone thought you were no longer there. Everyone wanted to see you off.” At this point, Li Junyang looked at Xing Yi cautiously. Afraid of him being angry.

After all, to send analysis reports to living people, too…

“Speaking of the main point…” Xing Yi was speechless, why is this kid so innocent? Don’t you know what question he asked at the beginning!

Li Junyang looked at Xing Yi’s eyes and he understood: “After more than a year, after you disappeared, Bai Yiling started crazy training, and his strength is far surpassed by a few of us.”

“The original Practitioner competition was also because of Bai Yiling, we only entered the top 100 of the Wuhan University competition.”

“And the formation you left, no one has broken it yet.”

“Talk about our situation in another world, why are you caught here again.” Xing Yi shook his head and asked.

“I…” Li Junyang was also silent when he was angry.

“I was accidentally caught. Since the last big shuffle of the territories, our Blue Star power has become weaker and weaker, even the Martial Emperor.”

“The Blue Star people have been squeezed in another world, especially the people of another world can now dip into the White Imperial City.”

“In order to consider the safety of the Blue Stars, people who are less than a Tier 6 Practitioner are no longer allowed to pass through the space tunnel to another world.”

“I sneaked in, but the location of the space tunnel was suddenly no longer in the White Imperial City, and I was directly taken away by another world person passing by.”

“The power of the Blue Star people has shrunk, and the living space has naturally become smaller, and the people of another world who see the Blue Star people outside the city will pounce on them as if they want to see food.”

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