Chapter 364: Trapped Under the Ice

“How are you thinking about it? The Interspatial Ring belongs to me, and the poisonous coins in it belong to you.” Yao Liqiang said to Ma Xincheng.

And the person Yao Liqiang came to was Ma Xincheng, Xing Yi and both had cooperation, and the strength Xing Yi showed, I am afraid it is really difficult for one person to deal with.

If we can cooperate, it is still possible to keep Xing Yi behind.

Even if Xing Yi showed great strength, the resources he possessed still moved Yao Liqiang. Although he and Ma Xincheng are competitors, they are all imaginary in the face of interests.

“I have worked with him for a long time.” Ma Xincheng said.

“I will give you another ten million Lingcoins.”

“By the way, I have to exchange all my poisonous spirit coins into spirit coins at the price of Arctic City. I have to concentrate on cultivation in the future.” Cooperation is fine, but additional money is required.

“Yes, I can promise you.”

“However, the two of us alone may not be able to win Xing Wei steadily.” Ma Xincheng worried: “I have seen Xing Wei’s strength. If I can’t take him down, it will be irregular. Hidden danger.”

“I know, I have seen his strength.” Yao Liqiang responded: “Ten clones, looking at the fluctuation of Spirit Power, should all have the strength of Tier 5 Practitioner.”

“But those are all clones, and we don’t have to fight him head-on. After all, this is in our turf.”

“You mean, use spiritual poison in the formation!”

Ma Xincheng and Yao Liqiang did not cooperate once. They used to defeat a few people in order to cope with their competitors.

At that time, formation and spiritual poison were used, and only the geographical environment was able to firmly control the market in Lake Ice Town.

“Yes, then you arrange the formation in advance. I will go to him, and I said that there are poison spirit coins to exchange for him.” Ma Xincheng said: “From his appearance, he seems to be very concerned about poison spirit coins.”

“Okay, it’s settled, it’s the old place, the old way.” Yao Liqiang handed something to Ma Xincheng.

Ma Xincheng immediately went to prepare after receiving the hand.

“Brother, I forgot to tell you that I still have one or two warehouses with ten to twenty million poisonous coins in it.” Ma Xincheng found Xing Yi who was picking up the mess and said, “How can I say, it’s still the old price.”

“Okay, pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.” Xing Yi didn’t think so much, and he didn’t think Ma Xincheng could threaten him.

Not to mention the control of his talent now, I am afraid that it is his own physical strength. If Ma Xincheng is let go to fight, he may not be able to break the defense.

It is said to be a Tier 5 Practitioner, but the hard power of Ma Xincheng, a Tier 5 Practitioner, is really average, with a strength of 150,000 calories.

Even if he competes with Spirit Power, he can beat his Tier 5 Practitioner with the strength of Tier 4 Practitioner.

And Yao Liqiang’s product is even more delicious, and his strength is not as strong as Ma Xincheng, and he only has a Spirit Power value of 120,000 calories.

Following Ma Xincheng to a deserted place, Xing Yi was not surprised, and Ma Xincheng and Yao Liqiang’s warehouses were basically set up on the wrong side.

Moreover, most of them are still under the ice, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find them if they walk on it.

“It’s here when you get there.” Ma Xincheng walked onto a piece of white ice, and the ice layer below was opened like a partition with a little hands.

“Let’s go.”

Xing Yi followed Ma Xincheng in.

As soon as Xing Yi entered, the door was immediately sealed, the surrounding Spirit Power instantly became rich, and the ice under his feet began to melt quickly.

Realizing that something was wrong, Xing Yi hurriedly wanted to fly, but a layer of Spirit Power shield above his head blocked Xing Yi’s desire to fly.

But Ma Xincheng flew up easily, and Yao Liqiang also appeared suddenly.

Xing Yi immediately knew what was going on when he saw the two of them, but he had exposed too much, which caused a backlash.

Fortunately, it was just resources, and it seemed that the two of them wanted to monopolize them and they didn’t notify the others to work together to deal with them.

“It seems that you really think I’m a bully.” Shaking his head, Xing Yi instantly turned into a ball of flame, and instantly broke the surrounding ice.

The hot flames, even with a shield, Yao Liqiang and Ma Xincheng were scared for a while. Fortunately, they used this formation.

Of course, this formation was not created by the two, but it was discovered by the two. The formation machine is secretive, but it is exceptionally strong. Once you enter, you can only rely on special hands to enter and exit.

It is similar to the formation used by those cities, but it is obviously a pitfall.

I saw Xing Yi burst into Spirit Power, but the ice surface under Xing Yi’s feet sank deeper and deeper, and the surrounding ice surface still melted into water. And this water is not ordinary water, but water mixed with methamphetamine.

Methamphetamine with such a low content in the air is so corrosive, let alone ice that has been concentrated into water.

Even if it is supported by a spirit shield, the average person will not last long, and in this formation, the more Spirit Power used, the deeper the drop.

The concentration of methamphetamine is also thicker, to the bottom, even water composed entirely of methamphetamine.

With the outbreak of Xing Yi, Xing Yi was not in a hurry, but Yao Liqiang was in a hurry.

“Xing Wei, I advise you to stop, you just need to give us the Interspatial Ring you have now, and we can promise to let you go.”

Yao Liqiang can’t help it. With this formation, he can go down, as long as he doesn’t activate Spirit Power in it, there is no problem.

But Xing Yi couldn’t stand it all the time. If he sinks too deep, even if the ice freezes in the end, it is difficult for him to take out the Interspatial Ring.

“Xing Wei, I advise you to give up. The more you use Spirit Power, the deeper your sink will be.” Ma Xincheng had to remind him that he didn’t want Xing Yi to sink too deep, and it would be difficult for him to take it.

Xing Yi directly ignored the two of them. Xing Yi was sure that even if he handed over the Interspatial Ring to them now, they would never let them out.

But now it’s really hard to get out.

As I use Spirit Power more, especially in the initial outbreak, now ice water has reached my waist.

But it is impossible not to use Spirit Power, otherwise methamphetamine will sleep backlash himself, although he is not afraid, but Xing Yi is afraid that he will not be able to get out, let the above two people know his hole cards.

“What to do?” Ma Xincheng was also anxious.

“There is no way. I have to wait. When Xing Yi is dead, let’s buy one or two good weapons and dig out the Interspatial Ring as soon as possible.”

“This guy won’t have too many spirit coins in the Interspatial Ring, if he persists for too long, that will be a problem.”

“Then there is no way, I can only wait.” Yao Liqiang was also worried that Xing Yi would have too many spirit coins, but there was no way.

The two of them can naturally go down, but if they are entangled by Xing Yi, it will be a big trouble. Now it is a bit difficult to dig Xing Yi’s body, and it will not lose his life.

Xing Yi didn’t give up either, and kept attacking the surrounding formation with all his strength, and the formation level was not too high.

It is still possible to break the formation of the sixth order.

However, as Xing Yi broke out again and again, Xing Yi’s sinking became deeper and deeper.

Ten clones, Fire Cloud Palm erupted at the same time, the blasting of formation was close to the critical value, but Xing Yi also fell into the ice water more than ten meters deep.

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